
I feel that i have too step down, swallow my pride(WHAT PRIDE??) and say that i am sorry, yes sorry for everytime i called people "nigger, paki, shitface, assface" etc.
With the reason journal of Kamz and JohNny both got alot of comments which was 40%racism 50%flame and 10% complete bullshit. I am myself to blame abit for this flame.

Is this how we want this community to be? Is this why this community only got around 300people?
I see fanatic doing such good work for this community, makes 1 decision and alot of people starts hate him. I dont know about you guys but in my opinion we should appreciate his work and ofcourse everyone else who puts in alot of work.
Im not sure what im trying to say here but i think Crossfire and gamestv would be alot more fun to browse if this
unnecessary flame wasnt here.
People hate people for such cheesy things, like people hating on seareal because he posts alot of journals, but from what ive seen it, hes a nice guy and helps people who got gamingrelated problems.

I dont know if this flame is just on internet or if it continues on LAN?
And why doesnt the admin deletes racismposts or threats etc? This would for sure solve alot of unnecessary flame and it would actually be alot more fun to browse cf and gtv.
Yet again there is no point of this journal but i just felt too write this and too all the people i've been a dick against, im sorry, most sorry too potty koop Kamz artstar.
Im not blaming ANYONE in this journal.
Im out peace xo

TL;DRAdmin delete unnecessary flame/racism shitposts etc.
QuoteIm not sure what im trying to say here
I am serious
you never offended me with anything u wrote since a lot of people say that stuff online and it's easily ignorable for me, but if u feel a sense of guilt then i can tell you that i accept your apology.
Well you never know how people take it, some people gets very offended by these things
"nigger, paki, shitface, assface" means nothing to say it online imo
Too some people it does.
You are a legend,you can call whoever whatever you want
sorry Kamz if I have offended you in any way
heee, youre supposed to say i never offended you.

cu lan for some intimate time xoxo
your words have hurt me deeply
cu at lan (:
same for me
PERSONALLY i dont give a fuck who iv offended, who iv took the piss out DEAL WITH IT, ur ovb just a complete cock if i dont like u.

now fuck off u dopey cunt
say that to my face at LAN and see what happens.... been training hard.
image: 1345662740828
<Goku> lol i would destroy this guy at lan
hey chicken legs :D
ur doing it wrong
dude why going to gym to make these plank thing xd
what s wrong with your left feet ;)
good troll 10/10
not sure if drunk or trolling, everyone you don't like is a "complete cock"?
Not trying to instigate or anything, just pure curiosity. Have you actually offended or taken the piss out of someone with intention? If so, why?
i agree that kamz is a cunt
i gonna bang ya!
Well, i would recommend you to slap yourself across the face chavin :DDD
Well done wes <3
hummmm ? wtf !
Exactly :D

When I see all the shit posted today I feel so grown up..
I'm not sorry, and I will never be sorry for calling IceQ my little yellow friend.
kudos to that
>tells people to stop flaming

>defends seareal
I don't know why you mentioned me there as I don't recall you being a dick to ME. :P
Last time I've been here, I see Weslann get flamed for being 17.
Well Weslannmate, that's a more adult attitude than most I've seen here. Respect!
Stay safe bro
I don't know about you, but the flame is one of the few things that make this site worthwhile, reading one brainfart after the other.
woah he actually has his own opinion????? wtf is this?????????
Strict rules!
Im not really bothered by the "flame" posts/comments i see. I just ignore it.
Dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway :
I kinda love to watch the flame :D certainly if it's justified like with Speedy Bozars or Pakis
Here is a picture of KAMZ and K00P

image: forgiveness
you are right dude, but it's the internets :<
didnt read because you're a nerd
Crossfire wouldn't be worth it without the flame/racist posts

Allah akbar
what'd there be left if there wasnt flame between less than the 10 people that still bother posting to this piece of shit page? imo even the quality of the flame has gone to 0 since the autumn.

also if seareal wasnt so retarded he'd surely get some respect for his work but since he's being a fucking boob for the 99 % of the time he'll always be a complete fucktard to me.
fuck yes.

though I saw a ray of hope with the journal Nationality by johnny.

I would stop reading this site if it weren't for the retarded hateposts.
with lan coming up the people who attend will start to act normal anyway
exceptions do exist:D
you got a lot of points there, nice journal, maybe the best out of crossfire since ages!
i love the flame of this site. so much faggots and mofos here just lovely
i love the flame of this site. so much faggots and mofos here just lovely
come play some 3on3 :]
So you think people hate Seareal becouse he posts alot of journals?
Its the internet, everyone flames! Just listen to unforgiven guys! You get CANCER if you flame online and you should DIE because of it (go to unforgivens youtube chan for the story)

One more thing, don't say sorry! Call me a cunt because thats how I roll.
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