Bye ET huehue. Ill answer honestly what i think of any questions u post here, reddit AMA(?) like thread.

Thats right, i really havent played any games after my last offi and after lan anyway, and i have no motivation to play more at all apart from bear games, im done with serious homo games, maybe coming at lan to play with some fun games or so but i doubt it faggots., gl all of u

ps. tosspot ive changed my homesite after this new update ( u know what im bout, and after aLL this is from a guy who has this site as main site since from 07 )

lol is the future ( cu @ season 3 me & aisatomi gonna be at the top of it )

Ask away!

image: lufHJ-30m1esx_180x240
this game is still alive?!?
its dead now that im gone
nah, the game wont die cuz a noname quit it...
i for one, shall miss you mind. dont go man......dont go.
hah! ill visit BIO now and then aslong u give me the priv pw ;)
ill be back in the UK in about a months time mate, youll always be welcome!!!!! :D <3
XD bb take care cu at lan
the day you stop nerding this game for 24 hours 7days a week will be the day mtv play musicvideos...
yeah its sad what is happening to this game - lets hope after the summer the activity will rise up again
lol, you'll be back.
nah not really, ive been active at this game since 2005 and i know pretty much when im done with it, its dead and done, thats all
My reaction to this :
image: 1392544817-70f8d20477
want to join my lan team? need rifle qry
no since i think u and your team sucks cocks ( and i have no idea what ur team is )

on top of that, i think any team with u couldnt stand a chance to be the best, first of all there is +5 guys who are better smg engis than you, and on top of that i think u suck as a person

pretty much thaT

thats just the way it goes

ask away ppl, i give my honest opiniopn about any player uve and ive met over these years
that's not very nice :(

i multiclasser anyways
it might not be very nice and shit , but i think its the truth, sure some disagree with me and some agree, but after all this is what i think of

after ur edit: and it doesnt matter if ur multiclasser or not, even clown could multiclass better than you, i like clown, dont get me wrong, but time has passed over him and he isnt the best around nomore, but u kamz, are nowhere close to him, ur like top.20 if even that, i oould bring a random finnish "multiclasser" and he would do the job same as u would
how can u say i bad when my team beats u always? it's not like i get carried in any of these neither xd

i won't flame your skill that much, you are decent enough rifle, maybe not the top 5 but still ok.. but we both know there is no contest here, i'm more objective oriented, have better aim, can spawnkill better, and can change the match within a minute whether it's engineer stuff, important call on comms, crucial frag, etc.

u don't really have any of these attributes tbh, flopjehz for example is much better

lol at clown comparison xDD
i can say it easily since know & acceot that my team was worse. it happens ( it would've happened couple years ago when more serious etc etc, i think u know what i mean, this is no disrespect for u or any sort of that )

we both know that ur nothing, nothing at all compared to any top engineers out there, or on top of that any topl-players out of there, ur kamz, ur nothing special, u talk alot and suck cocks alot, but thats about it.
mpg was a better team that had players who played together always whilst i was chillin at uni but yet u still lost

take a look at fin5 colt45 and just see how bad i make u look there, you are not a smart player and quite predictable, and fin5 almost lost their first match in years because of you there.

also rage beat sth when u paid ENSAM 30 euros to play just to beat me and still lost xd colt45 rolled finspastic in ec too i remember that was easy match and ye rolled mpg twice and once without our two most decorated players (sqzz and ross) and the other time u got all highskilled fin "owners" just to win and still lost..

this is no contest tbh, ding ding ding

i can see why there is so much hatred though, i would be pissed if all this happened to me too xd
its quite hilarious what ur saying here

first of all, f5 was nowhere close to lose their match because of me, or the matcdh overall. the match they were close to losee was totally different match. On the match i made one mistake that was letting u to sneak tank @ goldrush even though i knew u would try to and even told it on teamspeak to everyone.

I paid ensam 20 euros to play for us, that was after i made 4k$ from poker, it was more of a joke more or less since we missed one player and I didnt want any random to play for us, u would be suprised what kind fo names frozz & co told me that would be avaible to play. No flame for frozz & co since i actually like those guys, i had ghood year to play with them and i actually enjoyed to play with them ( doesnt happen often with euroclan )

Yeah, i've lost u some games to u and i have no problems accepting that at all, it happens.

Win some lose some.
actually i also got in bank, killed u and one other on full i believe and we had three minutes to move truck and couldn't do it cos fin4 too strong

paying anybody in et to play for you is quite pathetic, i have thousands lying in my bank account, it doesnt mean i use it for stupid reasons.
Im pretty sure that was other game that ur talking about that i wasnt playing, that u were winning but they hold u @ sd 5min after u gold at @sd. i could be wrong, i doesnt really matter, ive lost some games to u, it happens, like i said, win some lose some.

Pathetic or not, it was a joke.

There is no reason to keep on hating anyone, we both know that we never been best friends, but im here to say what i think of straight, to u or to anyone else

So if you really have any question to me instead of being ego and shit ask away.
I have no questions for you and you won't be missed if you quit. Discussion is now over. Have a nice day!!
*paying anyone but me to play ET is pathetic
true say mate :)
shine one last LAN/EC? If i was you I wouldn't quit soon before lan and fall.
i really cant see tha "lan faIl" since the lanteam that i had was totally not serious team anyway and the only reason i came was the sponsorship from thomm, sure i was a little dickhead to be too drunk to play properly and shit, but i thin k / hope my team didnt mind it too much, after all it was funteam for me and fun trip for me. And yes, i enjoyed it alot, all props to Thomm & co to make it happen.

been drunk, thought u said fail instead of fall, gg

anyway my answer stands. :D
seems to me like you have plenty of reason to go to another LAN, perhaps not to shine though :p
sure, last lan was one helluva fun and i enjoyed it alot, and also ppl i met it was nice etc etc, but i have no reason to go to lan just to prove my skill or any sort, i think ppl know it around, if i go there serious with serious team i sure as hell do my job and have no problems with it
It's true that you don't have anything to prove anymore, but you could aim for a pocal if you put together a nice team, which has to feel good? Second best thing is just make a fun team again and enjoy your stay, that's what i'll possibly do. My point is, there's still a reason to play ET with the upcoming lan and everything, you'll see for yourself where it brings you.
I'm still pissed over it, if you will come next LAN I will beat the shit out of you! :)
yeah right, i might come for fun, just to drink a bit and have fun trip round it, but u never know, drunk & gaming aint for me.
I got one question. Have you ever cheated in offi or prac :)

t. feral
afk aiming
quite many pracs and likely some offis in mASCULINE 3on3 days
yes i have, in a random games, never in official though, best is prolly where we both ( me and donka, ensam was 3rd and only one without the etb10t )cheated full aimbots with koto & co, it was one helluva game ( they cheated too )

there is many random fun storys like this, so ask away ppl
Name at LoL btw? U already in a team?
mindshotGG, im not really any good at LoL yet, at all. Im trying to get really good and i think i have some very good player to teach me to make it good.
A lot of experience and practice is necessary :) Just practice a lot and you will be good.
question: have you ever kissed a girl? :P
Many, ask ur mum for details.. ;)))
Goodbye, and thank you for carrying me to be an EC winner! Hope it wasnt too heavy?!
It wasnt, dont worry. u be proud to be one of very few that i take into my clans!!
how can a manly guy like you play a game like LoL?
It might be the fact that it is different for me after playing FPS games only or it could be just a good game, anyway i enjoy the game
Q: Aren't you even a bit ashamed to have had to call your mother twice during the lan to put more money in your bank-account?
I do that as well during most lans, what is shameful about that?
its a bit childlike, shows you cant survive on your own earnings etc

with u18s its different a bit, but if you organise to go on any trip you should budget it appropriately?
generalizing is never good

i put nearly all of my earnings on a bankaccount that my mother owns and she will give that amount to me when i move out, it's a way of saving, whenever I need a large amount of money to do something I just ask to wire it to my own bank account
you are kidding, right?
nope, not my fault i'm smart compared to other 20 year old who waste money
what the hell did i just read? :|

Why in hell would you put your money in your MOTHER account, instead of your own?

I manage my own account since i legally became an adult (18 yo, so 6 years ago..), and trust me i am not this kind of person who waste money. In fact inside my main account, i have 2 different divisions, one with my savings which i borrowed to my bank (although i am not getting much out of it tbh... fucking economy!), and a normal one with my money / some money parents give me to live my life.
i don't see any reason not to, different logics apply here but neither are wrong
I can only think of one. You are a adult already, probably in few years you are moving out, why not be as much independent as possible? It's not like you have to pay shit loads of money to have you own account!

Why would you somehow depend on your mother if you can do it by yourself (considering she might not be available all the time for example)?

I can honestly think about your scenario for a teenager (let's say under 16 yo...or smth).
god you should learn how to read really, i do have my own bank account and i do use it all the time i just put my savings on another bankaccount that my mother owns
Got the wrong idea then, i understood you use your mother account for whatever you need, thats why your money is there. Sorry.

Either way, you could do as i told you. I have my account split and i borrow my own money to my bank for short periods of 6 months, which means during 6 months i can't touch it, it's like if it doesn't exist. I not only save, i also get money because of my money xD
yeah I did something similar for a while but the profit was not high enough to actually be worth it
True :( it always depends on amount of money, for how long you borrow it etc. I got a good/decent deal last xmas with around 4.25% ... but since the economy is even more fuckedup now, i only managed to get 2% with a bigger amount of money few weeks ago xD
i don´t see how this is a smart move tbh, i guess it is normal in belgium to have mommy all over your finances when you are over 20 but not here !
own account+own money+own investments= better move
Not normal at all.
I of course have plenty of savings on differents accounts, locked until I turn 21. That money comes from my parents and my grandma.

On the other hand, I've had my checking account since my 14th birthday (pocket money, student job money etc). This is how most of belgian people deal with money..
god you should learn how to read really, i do have my own bank account and i do use it all the time i just put my savings on another bankaccount that my mother owns
i don´t have a problem reading, you edit kid , but oh well don´t get mad ! go tell your mom to give you some money to buy candies , bb
retarded moron :D the stupidity of crossfire users amazes me everyday, not surprising looking at what mongol country you're from

hey i agree with you in smth..:
"stupidity of crossfire users amazes me.."
"i put nearly all of my earnings on a bankaccount that my mother owns and she will give that amount to me when i move out"
still living at mom's and needing a bank accountant!? I thought you were +20 already :c
i won't even dignify myself with a serious response to someone who obviously has no idea what he is talking about
a little, but it happens :D
Oh and i dont think twice is enuff!

Q: what's your take on immigration?
fuck niggers if they dont work and shit yo
Solid Lan performance.
Who are you?
Not sure if serious or complete idiot
im miNd, used to play with mASCULINE_MANS , back in the 2009?, it was fun, after that ive played with many euro clans and shit

ive been with KRP.ET also since 2006
Q: Whos the best player out there atm?

easily, guys has it it all right
who is the worst player who you played with on a high placed level?
thats hard one, i dont rly know, some euroclan that ive played,, idk orly about nAMES
Q: how many times a day do you wash your hair
i take a shower once a day
Q: Do you like me?
u should ask sorcerer what i think of black ppl
Q: Do you like to swallow sperm ?
Q: what do you think about the idea of intervention in Syria? Yay or nay?
i really couldnt give a fuck what happens in syria
just answer the question dammit
not worth it - no
Q: wtf man what is this talk about quit, you don't quit :S you take break :S wtf man`??? SquAD.ee4life

gtfo pls
gotta edit this shit, & squad,ee games!

SquAD.ee4life idd
Quotelol is the future

Oh God ...
Q: How does one simply quit ET?
hack, post journal on cf that you did it cuz u want 2 stop, make new tzac acc
q: helo did u suck any cock

ps: cu on LoL to rape u
never, im known more or less for being a cunt no matter who i talk to, thats just the way i am
fuck you and your panzer : D
Q: Most overated player in your opinion?
thats hard to say. idk atm since im drunk and cant remember names

gotta go buy new beers in a few, ill try to answer after

aight, i would say someone like xperia, ( not really rated to top player on top level though ) but thats not the point, these new good players gotta understand the game little more, its not just about aim or how much u "own", its all about time after all.

nothing against xperia, was just first name to pop on my mind, i think though that the guy has good future on ET if he keeps owning
Q: how do you see America?
Hope you comeback mate. gl in lol and real life though.
stay safe
he's not quit to real life, he's quitting to play other games :P
lol true dat :P
vittu sinä oot laku tyhmä
haha :D nice onexd
lmao u owned me :D haha n1 xd
Q: did you and tomii have intercourse !?
image: fIbVx
Hard to say, could be. u never know
What is the point of this?

Nothing changes - same as 8 years ago . ATTENTION WHORE!
do u think u have big ego? if so, do u wish it was smaller?
hell yeah i have, huge. No, not really, i think having a ego is needed to make it big

QuoteI am too harsh a lot. When there is this much on the line though I think people need to wake up. Most of the pro players dont have true winners mentality. If I can play the game and someone asks hey who is the best player in the game, and I can't respond myself. Then something is wrong. I fall into same category recently so I will pick it back up. I am just as harsh on myself as I am others.

(c) saintvicious
True words! I think in any competition you need to atleast believe you have what it takes. Doesn't mean you have to act like it though ;)
Soon I am best rifle in Finland!

Q:If you had a chance to play with top tier finnish players in EC, would you take it?
mASCULINE_MAN lineup would be only one

u sure do, and we share something, the hate for quakenet, fuck the staff and fuck S
Q": How does it feel to be a complete nobody/noob in a new game knowing you will never achieve the same as in ET?

WHy is your online ego so huge compared to your reallife achievements?
its all the same, im having fun thanksto my finnish friends

#2, its two different worlds to me, so its all cool
Opinion on players like saKen who gets flamed all the time for getting carried?
i actually never played with saken / never specced him, so its kind of hard to talk about him. I guess he gets along, showing that he & the teaM won esl cup etc etc.. Sure a activity played big part on that

bottom line: sure does fine job as a player / captain but i dont think hes like TOP material
Didn't play with him long, but from what I remember he wasn't the best captain perse, or owning all the time, but in important games when it came down to it he was at the right place and time and did what he had to do to secure a win.
could be, i've rated him always as a med+ and any clan he has played the same, i remember back with fins when we played alot, it was so much fun to play versus saken & co, almost as much fun as playing cortana ( cause they both were really bad ), so i guess its about damm time saken wins finally something at this game (esl). :D
how can i get better with rifle????????????????
training, it aint really about ur rifle "skills" but a overall gaming skill, rifle itself isnt hard to use but its hard to use properly.
Q: Can you teach me to become such a great player and personality in a game that is close to dead?
i would but i think itxs impossible ti teach someone to be the BEST!

*edit* been drunk here obviously, anyway, i think noone can be made to be best, u gotta have something in urself aswell, something that i cant explain
Did you train rifle (trick)shots on an empty server 24/7 like ati?
never, find it hilarious that some ppl need to practise rifle like that
How do you like the cu@lan pic with your face on it? Do you feel like a CF celebrity because of this pic?
very nice to be on top "cu @ lan" pick search @ google!
Q: Why make a journal that you're quitting when you will still be playing bear games like most of the community nowadays??
very good idea when drunk

and i dont really count playing once every second week if even that as any "playing" at all
Well this is much better than the shite my mrs is watching on TV.

No idea who or why you leaving would significant but since you wanted a parade, byeeeee mind.

so you are not comparable with a 16y/o wohman or skater/goth guy?
Q: what do you think about stray ?
im not sure if he actually believes that hes one the best players in this game or is it just a stupid troll, but he def aint. Solid med+ player who cant make it anywhere more
=WF= Mindhunter haha
Thats right
You have been missing admin school rapidfire will be sad lol
Q: What u think about me?!
Gonna miss you mind, was fun playing against you :'(
always lots of fun and good drama!
Q: Have you ever played in a team with a cheater and didn't say anything about it?
sure back in the days, but after i was done with my clanbase ban im pretty sure i havent played knowingly with any player who has used cheat while playing with me, my clanbase ban goes long back though, think it was 2007 or something like.
there are unanswered questions here miNd:)

just replying here so that you get the popup:)
Hi mInd.

To bad your quitting the scene. Ive been enjoying watching you and your pro gamers on gamestv etc.

Since you gonna be honest, its always interesting to see what you think about a few points.
Ill go totaly ego, and ask about myself:)

1) do you know who I am?

If so, you can answer the follow-up.. guess there is no answer for it if you dont know me:)

2) how would you rate me as fop compared to the other fop-specialists in this game

Im putting myself in the position to be flamed badly, but thats ok:) honesty is something i appreciate any time!

good luck in the future! All the best!!

1} yea i do

2} cant really answer too well since i cant remember the games u played back in the days too well, but i would say not a top but a solid player

thats about it
thanx:) enjoy your retirement:)
What about me?
same 1.) and replace fop by medic at 2.)
There was a time when you were playing in euclan. It was one of the eurocups. You were backup, I was thinking about putting you in the lineup instead of Player. I didn't do that. After one of EC matches, you left and joined 2nd squad of RAAB . I'm curious whether you would stay if you were a lineup player or would you leave anyway to play with Fins.
Cant honestly remember that far. Most likely to play with fins anyway, but can never be sure
never talked to you nor played with you. nothing against you... just fuckin hated getting hit in the face with all those damn rnades
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