
...without recent comments.

When can we expect it back?
It lags the site so hopefully never.
noone actually uses recent comments pfff
it must be worth it :<
who ever reads that stuff anyway? Its so low on the page. You never see it, and its not something you start looking for ...
Look, It's up, in the sky!
I used to use it alot actually :P

It will be back, but no timeframe is set for it. Lets just say with the volume of traffic the site has been getting in the past 2 days the site would have died with comments still there.
Have you allready fixed it?
You asking if TosspoT fixed it? rofl, that would be the day :)
Ik bedoelde iets anders badmuts ;-)
yes tosspot almost cried when he crashed the first pc of the weekend @ CPC =(
Great swedish cs player died somewhere between yesterday and today =´< R.I.P. Christian "divino" Sellergren
he suicide because of money that he lose on some online poker oO
cause he played alot of poker and lost about 22.000 euros, so he suicided
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