Obama Reddit AmA

Ever wanted to talk to Obama, ask him a simple or maybe a complicated question? This is your chance, he is live now on reddit answering your questions.

The link might be overloaded tho, 7k comments in 30 minutes.

shit's on when reddit ddoses itself
Why would we, European have any questions for him, except how is Michelle in be?
In bed that was, fucking stupid windows 8 Samsung android tablet.

An iPad would have known, hey seareal.
Herro to you too..

Chinaman chinad
barack obama is great...hes still only a muppet for the big companies,but hes by far still better than any replublican ever

i mean sure this is only a huge PR campaign,and im not really sure if its actually obama or only some representant...but still
oh and this is acutally why i kinda hate reddit...12000 comments...that is just too fucking much man
> why dont you write like this anymore?
> please answer
you mad about it?
you cant believe how mad i am, smashing keyboard, beating people up, raping women, vandalizing everything in sight, please start writing like a retard again so i can be chillax
wow look at that bloke...listen..i think the internet plays a too big part in your life.its not normal to get _that_ mad about stuff written on the internet...i have the constant feeling about you somewhat trying to get confrontation with me all the time...its like i hurt your feelings so bad it hunts you in your dreams until you finally get some kinda vengeance or something
polak writing an essay in english, thats new for me
says the guy from the 3rd world shitcave called estonia

dat irony
oh wow...now you are just one sad individual
sorry i dont understand your text without ">" marks
you are just embarrassing yourself
yes im so embarassed right now
just review this conversation:
everything you said i counterattack with a far far better standpoint...
so your replies are just getting stupider and weaker as the time passes on until the very point where you are getting so desperate that you are just repeating what you have said some time before

like i said,by now you just passed the point where you seem so desperate and sad that i feel a little sorry for you.take this post as a chance to already stop showing off your sadness all out in public
i honestly do not care what you say to me*
he's one of the most talented puppets they've had, so much charm and talent for speaking. Comparison to George Bush is huge even if he were deliberately playing a little dumb. Though they still talk to us like to a 12-year old, guess the speech writers and managers, among the concepts of public relations(mass psychology) haven't changed much.
like always i can just agree with you chap
i would ask him : why the american gouverment is always talking about Iran is planing a war, when they didnt start any war since over 500 years and the so called world police which pretend to defend our world from the bad boys is attacking alomost every country around - calling others doing ethnic killing - but what did the american done to the 70.000.000 native americans - i know my english isnt the best but i would like to know what he would anwser to this

gn all peace
Cuz theyre sandniggers and they need to be destroyed.

lol joke
in general one would think a war can only bring bad and cost money..and infact it does,but it only costs the tax payer money,and lets be honest,which politican gives one fuck about tax payers?
war is a huge huge industrie,really this thing is massive...guns, tanks,missiles is a major export business where a few big companies earn billions of money through killing other people,and of course those companies are influencing american politics
besides that iran has huge oil reserves so thats another big part of why they will invade the iran before they invaded for example north korea..

and why is america seen as world police eventho they started so much wars?
its because the media is brainwashing us to believe that the usa are good and all islamic countries are evil and that america must invade them to keep us all save.in american tv you see EVERYDAY on the news something about iran and how they stack up new weapons,test new weapons,build new atom reactors etc etc...you see that everyday and everytime this is not objective,but they are telling it in a way to cause panic
The answer would be a smile. Nothing more, nothing less. They will not speak of this. They are constantly applying double standards to aid their agenda. People are too enchanted by these charming politicians and their emotional propaganda to realize what is going on. However, these things go way back, There are Freemasons, Illuminati, Powerful bloodlines and their secret societies among many others (such as ancient mystery schools) that have been fighting for the control of this planet for many centuries, at least ever since Ancient Egypt.
It is no coincidence the bigger clash is about to take place in the crossroads of the world. Ever since WW2 middle-east has been close to a boiling point with the colony of Israel (Zionists) taking over land by force and using dirty tricks to get the Palestinian to leave their country while simultaneously threatening Iran and other muslim countries with a pre-emptive war supposedly because they have nuclear weapons that form a threat to israel.
The main ideology for the UN, USA, Israel, NATO eg. (The International Community) is Zionism, They were "god chosen". The same justification is used by the royals, they claim gods have appointed them to rule over the humanity.

"The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm, including (in the view of some, especially in Protestant countries) the Church. According to this doctrine, only God can judge an unjust king. The doctrine implies that any attempt to depose the king or to restrict his powers runs contrary to the will of God and may constitute a sacrilegious act."

If you question the monarchy, the kings and queens, you are directly questioning the god.
However, nowhere it is stated, which God is in question. Lots of conspiracy theorists like to call them Luciferian or something similar, for their actions tell they do not serve "the universal god" but an impersonator, "god in flesh".
I guess the point is, these things go deep and aren't really easy to follow or explain, just don't expect them to tell you anything :)
Thank you Mister Negationnist who calls himself philosopher (I read that once from you, made me laugh :))) )
These are just stories, parts of all that is. I don't think in terms of positive or negative, it's dualistic and quite the simple way of thinking.
If however you're so interested in the positive or negative aspect of the story, I may add that reality is highly connected to what you think and you can influence it yourself. You can choose to be ignorant about any negative aspects of life or you can make up stories that make them seem positive, you can create your own reality, own bubble to live in. You can twist the facts and take the ones that fit your understanding, your world view. Alternatively you could focus on understanding the reality and the self, find out what's going on and using your intuition and curiosity in a way that they serve you. Raising your awareness and understanding can be quite beneficial and not least because they profoundly affect they way you see and feel reality, but they help you focus on the big picture, no matter the issue.
So for the story's sake, lets add a little positive spice. We are reaching a point when their propaganda has a weakened effect, people have become more questioning and thinking, Fear is losing it's grip on humanity. For this reason they have to march out private police armies with the ratio of 10:1 in contrast to protesters to show their strength, they must make news of every fear mongering story as a last hope to have people behind their TV monitors and lousy paychecks, afraid of tomorrow. They are trying to make us passive and shrieking in apathy so we would only see difficulties, not opportunities.
They are afraid we start thinking for ourselves and slowly but steadily humanity has been lifting it's head, The giant awakens. When it does, there's no stopping it, or is there? Maybe it has happened before..

4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Who knows, make your own stories. By the way, when you call me negationist, does "positionist"(you) believe in everything precisely the way the government tells us? Nothing wrong with that, except you're not using your own brains. How can you know if government is "right or wrong", if you only believe them? History is written by winners, is it not?
The Not Bad comment fucking killed me:DDDDDDD

Haha indeed, what a hero!
That was fucking awesome.

Words cannot even describe...
image: 4kfj4n

image: 2s79jfa

image: xddnkk

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