Random idea

Hello dear computer users,
this morning I was drinking my coffee while reading crossfire and an idea suddenly popped into my head. I must say I kinda hesitated before posting but whatever I'm used to "CF flame" nowadays eheheheh. Before reading, this is a random idea I'm not saying it's the best idea I ever had that's why I'd like to read your opinion.

As you know, a lot of ET players don't approve ESL/CB decisions. Even if I can't remember having any problem I understand it may be irritating. So, when there's a conflict between two teams why don't we ask some trustful players their opinion about the case. I mean if one of the teams disagree with CB/ESL decisions they could have the right to appeal that decision and ask these players. You may say it won't be neutral and you're right but here comes the second part. A CB/ESL admin would make a report replacing the real team names by "Team 1 / Team 2" and players by "ETplayer1/ETplayer2", for example. Then, 5 (or any other odd number) "trustful ETplayers" randomly chosen would submit their opinion to admins.

Well for once, I'm being kinda serious so I'd like decent feedback but we all know this is CF...

Feel free to discuss and flame. image: lmum7

Time to eat baguettes.
MarseilleLeFrancis - An e-thinker
hey bro, im an ethinker too and i didnt read any of this
ET-council you say?

No, admins should just disguss amongh themselves and be ready to admit that they have been wrong / made bad decisions.
I think marking teams like that won't work because there isn't much drama that everyone doesn't know about around here. So the "council" would actually still know which clans and players are involved.
What if "the council" acts before the e-drama OR you can appeal the decision only if its still "kinda secret"?
Impossible. It takes too much time to consult them.
omG la pire idée de l'internet
Retourne dans ta cave jouer à LoL!!!
Sinon à part critiquer à peu près tout ce qui est posté sur ce site 24/7 tu fais quoi de ta vie gros tas de merde ?
Vas dehors ya un monde.
j aime bien le peace a la fin

wé ntm fdp de belge, va faire des frites loleolle
Sans rancune mec
Le gros tas de merde c'était bien trouvé aussi, je trouve :)
u j3lly parce que nos frites sont mangeables.
Not bad idea, but wrong game.
Bad admin decisions are part of the game. Admins are human and they make mistakes.
=> drama caused by team 2 accused by team 1 to have friends in the council

+ "omg omg racism"
+ "omg omg omg who's that asshole taking decisions!?"
+ admins mad cause no more respect for them (either they were respected before or not) + being definitely useless since every disagreements would be fixed by that shit council

+ who the fuck gives a shit? That's actually kind of a good show to watch nerds getting insane because of a dead game
only if some $ are involved
kill yourself
in b4 every single match being discussed on Crossfire so when those respected players give their opinion they are already biased because they read about the match on CF. unless you get random people from like tek9 or so or people who dont read crossfire at all
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