Save ET

Hello crossfire.
Steam Greenlight has finally started. For those who do not know what it is: SteamGreenlight

To have the possibility to even have our game featured on this page we have to convince the developer, because they have to do the request on the steampage.

I wanted to do a post on their forums, but someone was faster, so I will use his post to do what I am going to ask you community.
Go to this link: and write a comment where you show your support to et and ask splashdamage to feature their game on steam.

I know we can do it, if they see how many people love this game they will do it immediately. Ofc it will be hard to get the game from this list full of wannabe steamgames to the steamshop, but we will think about that after/if splashdamage make a decision.

EDIT: I have written an email, where I wrote about this project and I linked to the discussion on their forum. I asked them if there is any chance of them being still interested in this game. Lets see if they answer.
Registration ? No thanks.
save et = crossfire 3.0 and butchji play again !!

so easy
agree with the crossfire 3.0 version -- and ofc good players would be helpfull too
It wont help, because noone knows about et :(
Good players = 5 years of random public mode. Then Etpro, and then you can hope that a random med guy will appear, ET isn't the easiest game for the newschoolers.
This is such a good opportunity to help this game but it's too late for the competitive part when you have to wait several years to see good players by assuming that the steam thing could work.
I started with etpro scene :D
Was pain at beginning tho
but you're assuming ET won't be around for years to come, which it will. even without Steam there would still be competitions in 2015. :D so yeah, the addition of Steam support would definitely give ET some longterm guarantee of new players.
thats the spirit :P
yeah lets hope so
I am not talking only about the competitive part, think about all the new public players who will eventually start playing etpro later
crossfire 3.0 wouldn't change a damn thing ;d
but crossfire 2.0 is a way worser than 1.0 was
you mean 4.0 is worse than 3.0 / 3.2? :d I don't think so personally, the problem is, CF3 hardly changed in 6 years (2006-2012?) and after 6 years, CF4 coming is such a huge change for users that everything just seems negative when it really isn't. look at GamesTV and how much more modern it is than CF3, nobody complains about it. :d
cf4 is on for atleast 1month and I dont like it at all:((

firstly, white color is kiling me, than everything else..
but be honest, CF isn't the only website you browse that has white all over it. :D look at youtube, facebook, gamestv etc. you're just not used to it and the CF developers are changing the white every now and then. 3 weeks ago there were no grey parts on the site and they've now added this =P things will change to suit users more especially when Tosspot is back from his travels.
yes you might be right there but i'm not special fan of facebook background either, just some of its features. youtube is site where I mostly watch videos and not read content so white doesnt bother me that much there. despite facebook (which is a stupid social network) and crossfire(gaming community) only other site I like to read and write on is... , main sc2 community page/forum and cro sc2 portal ... and they are both nonwhite and enjoyable
that sc2croatia site looks really nice tbh :3 I guess krosan/tosspot had a vision of how they wanted CF to look and for them it didn't really involve darkness. :P
Ye I like it pretty much! I always liked that gray/orange + black thingie on cf :/
it was changed and designed major newssites in mind, future and its changes will tell if it was a good call or not
i left et cause of this ugly cf version and imo alot 2
well thats stupid since CF4 doesn't stop you playing ET lol
oh it is same goes for whole mates so im not the only one and im sure there are many many others :<
it really makes no sense to me ;d
cf 3.0 yes but rest will not help
Really nice how community is united when there is an opportunity to save our beloved ET :P
Get all players that you know, to post something. Its about players of ET to convince splash damage to add it on steam. This is not about only keeping etpro alive...
just let it go
you play rtcw while it's 10 billion times more dead than ET. I don't think we're the ones who should be letting shit go =ddd
i know :D but it's such a shame to see ppl try and revive et with great attempts but no results :( It's sad to see that :(
ET isn't in such bad shape as it is though.. the last OC/EC had 108 clans and there's like almost 200 3on3 offis per month, earlier in 2012 we were seeing like 400 offis on the ladder in one month which was just insane. never saw it before on the ladder in like 5 years. I seriously can't see many 'attempts' to revive ET tbh. =P this is the first one in a long time.
a proper release on steam would be very cool
There are lots of mods which are good and cool, specially for free game which ET is. Pack thing is theirs, but they could add more packs like xreal and others...

@ hommie: There was a lot of work and knowledge and time needed to develop mods like they are currently standing. Some are still making them (pub mods). I think its worth a shot!
Something like FAF ( [urlnew][/url] ) is currently for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance would help a lot too.. it is extremely mod friendly, has a map vault ( works great, I even uploaded 2 shit maps of my own ) and has a great community.
Nice opportunity.
Spread the word and let's do this
yeah, good idea
gl with that
Wouldn't it be easier to write down some kind of petition and then send it to Splash Damage? :P
Most likely it's a stupid question, but what's the benefit of being 'accepted' by steam?
To get more players to this game. Or atleast try... we can't loose anything more then we did.
And how exactly will that happen? People who already have steam will suddenly see that it supports ET and start playing it? or? (my comment sounds kinda sarcastic but wasn't my intention)
Something like that.
They will see a FREE game and maybe some of them will try it, after all its FREE :D. Best way to promote our game so far
Well, we will never know if we will be thinking only that and not try. Besides ET is very good shooting game (for those free players). If they will try it they will see. There are so many shit** games and are still played.
generally people who have steam download a lot of games, and a good example of people downloading games just for being free is TF2. whn it went free it got like +60k playerbase in less than 5 days. :D ET wouldn't get such a boost but I'm sure thousands would try it, whatever percentage of that stays to play pubs all the time will have a certain amount who decide to try out etpro, join a clan, start playing leagues etcetc. it all works from the ground up, not the other way around. :P just think about how you and everyone else started ET. you didn't download the game on the same day that you signed up to CF & Clanbase right?
No, but perhaps that's exactly the problem? ET needs a lot of config attention, playtime, map insight, TZAC problems, downloads... before you actually get an a comfortable level. I don't know how many people will put in the effort. From your comment though it looks like it's definitely worth the try!
QuoteI don't know how many people will put in the effort

just as many who put in the effort to play ET since 2003. :D people will always have problems downloading games, but with Steam it'll be MUCH more simple as everything will be downloaded at once and probably all maps would be updated by steam when you download the game. it'd be like downloading an even more filled ET Pack than we already have. =P
could be awesome!
Exactly, there are bunch of f2p shooters and even though they are quite bad they are popular. People just want to try it out... "It's free, no harm if I'll install it and try it". And Steam has over 4 000 000 users. Even 1% of them would boost astronomically the activity within ET.
Getting a load more people playing jaymod, pointless imo
no jaymod players = no more new ETPro players.
More low skilled etpro players on pubs. Same thing
Tell me, were you borned high skill? If yes, i congratulate you, but most of the players were not.
We can do this, or we can cry and do nothing for ET.
well how many YEARS have u been playing. still not even med :}
read my comment above. I bet you started ET on 2.55 and finally found your way to ETpro, the same thing would happen for thousands of more players if ET got on steam.
would mean that ET would be reborn
true, i sometimes forget 90% of the people left here are nerds and will still be playing in 10 years, my bad.
Why do you reply to an obvious idiot. Just ignore the trolls.
No circling (new players coming, old leaving) = no more etpro players income = no more wars = cya Mistry at other game.
very good idea but first do ONE patch for ET no shit jaymod's etpub's etc etc.. and then steam :)
jaymod etc are mods, every game has different mods. :D CS, Quake (not QL I guess), CoDs, BF3, and so on. those are not a problem, people can play what mod they want. 2.55 / 2.60b separation is probably what you mean =P
2.55+ is out for some time now :) Besides normal pack with 2.60b, when someone joins some etpub or nq or etpro it downloads pack for him, so no need for extra mods pack and btw those packs exist some time now also.
but when you tr to connect to a 2.60b server while on the 2.55 version, it doesn't download it for you, it tells you that you're on the wrong version. :d
its just new server protocol which lets all players connect to the server
never heard of this o;
They're running it on some of the big pub clan servers (e.g., F|A's Jaymod/NQ/Silent stuff), it's pretty neat. Lets you connect from any ET.exe version and works pretty seamlessly.
good idea tbh
I have written an email, where I wrote about this project and I linked to the discussion on their forum. I asked them if there is any chance of them being still interested in this game. Lets see if they answer.
Fuck steam.
How would Valve profit by having ET on Steam? Imo it would just be competition to the other f2p titles which all have things you have to pay for. What would they gain by adding a game that is completly free, besides a few new Steam users who might or might not buy something else?

Also, I guess to make a game compatible with Steam it would need some work by SD/id. Why would they invest time and money on bringing ET to Steam? They cant sell a free game.

I really would like to have ET on Steam be more accessible and more popular than it is now, but I don't see what SD, id and Valve would gain from it.
"Valve is the creator of Steam, the pioneering game platform that distributes and manages over 1,800 games directly to a community of more than 40 million players around the world. "

Do you think spending some time on ET will affect them so much? Anyway, if they will adopte ET they will adopt its comunity => clicks on steam's page, potentialy new costumers for other Steam games. Idk, I think they know why they started the SteamGreenlight . As long as they accept ET, i don't really care how they will cover the costs
exactly what i was thinking but it is worth a try though
To the first point, Valve has often hosted free games (like Alien Swarm, etc.), I don't think it would be too big of an issue for them -- especially as ET isn't likely to be getting massive numbers of downloads.

The real issue is the second point, Splash Damage. At the very least they'd have to remove all the PunkBuster stuff from the game, since Even Balance dropped support. Likely they'd need to fix some bugs here and there, and I don't see that happening. Even if they did, releasing a new version of ET would probably break some mods (like ETPro, which checks ET.exe, and ETPro probably wouldn't get an update to work with the Steam version).

It would still be awesome, though.
most of this community is full of inbreds tbh
cs maybe because of valve? wow idk.
Also for cs you don't need brain. There are a lot of ppl who don't like to use their brain when playing PC games
Valve cares about CS (CS:S, CS:GO). They support and update it unlike SD. :<
why the fuck cant SD support ET?
no moniez earnings
well.. not entirely true. iD get money from QL but don't support it for shit, they are just trying to lose their roots it seems like. their only focus are the new failgames they create, like Wolfenstein 2009, ETQW, Brink, Rage (not all done together, but between iD and SD they didn't create any amazing games recently and it's like they don't want to admit their most successful games are the ones they're ignoring).
"iD get money from QL"

Are they? All the news I've read about QL (though not much, recently) says they're running it at a loss. The in-game advertising failed, and I guess the premium accounts aren't enough to make the game profitable (and from what I can tell searching around, it never was).

I agree with you all the recent games on the iD Tech engines haven't been great, though (arguably ETQW was alright, once they patched it). I guess we'll see how Doom 4 turns out.
ETQW wasn't so bad after the modding by hannes etc, but it took way too long and when it was finally playable for the majority, it was already too late because everyone had left the game. :P

the same thing happened to Brink. iD + SD are really slow following the release of a game, they sure put a hell of a lot into the development but after it's out they don't do any modifications to please their 'future' community -> all their games die in less than 6 months.
sticky this or put it on news please!
Yea, this post needs more attention. news or sticky would be cool :o
Posted,we can do it crossfire.
sticky this real hard baby oh yeah
1. I dont think it would change much, but get back to the crossfire old version site.
2. We need cups with .. money.
3. Ladder games need to be played again.
4. Lan parties are extremely necessary.

but being honest, people will be back playing this at september/november, it was summer, kinda normal.
1. depends, agree
2. myself i dont need cups with money, but would be better for this game to make it more attractive
3. agree but atm its summer, will be better when oc/ec will start hopefully
4. well we had like 3 lans this year, i guess its enough?!
We need ET on steam, and yeah summer + the olympics, most players were either on vacation or chylling, partying, watching sports, playing, etc.. Activity should come in the winter, but definetly Steam should gain us more players.
all in all u are right but if u can play et over steam it would change nothing. ok steam is the biggest plattform for games but it will not change the competition scene.
im proud of the fact a game this old is still being played in 2012
I'd never play ET I guess if we have to play it on steam
Any news from devs?
let et Rest in peace nothing will change the the competition scene to more activity
what makes you say that? because there's no sense in your comments. more new players = more players practicing = more players coming to etpro too = joining clans = more clans in competition. this is how all games in the world work so if you're saying it wouldn't work for ET, you're wrong. :P
more players coming = more players joining freaking gaymod/etpub Server.
new people are too lazy to use tzac as anti cheat Software for some etpro Server.
and you would know that how? :P it's not like you started ET yesterday, you have no idea how new players feel towards ET.

in fact, it was harder to play ET between 2003-2009 because of the PB problems and stuff. probably like 75% of people who ever tried to download ET and play uninstalled it after getting kicked by PB for random issues. there are no kicks nowadays and at least TZAC is easy to use. :) you only get kicked if you went 999.
to everyone that wants to "save et" this is probably your best opportunity
if u new in a game u use the Server Browser and connect to One of the First Servers u find. then u start playing if u enjoy that playing u won't change anything and u stay on These Servers or look for other Servers like that. then look how much active etpro Servers Do we have? theres only a handfull of Servers which are realy active
if u new in a game u use the Server Browser and connect to One of the First Servers u find. then u start playing if u enjoy that playing u won't change anything and u stay on These Servers or look for other Servers like that. then look how much active etpro Servers Do we have? theres only a handfull of Servers which are realy active
Any news?
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