Sup chelsea?

Uefa Super cup

Half time:

Chelsea 0-3 Atletico Madrid
3x Falcao

Torres low? Discuss!
Courtois too good!
fuck atletico....
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4-0 ...dude..
Chelsea was never strong, and their CL win was a huge luck fest

drogba was a tank you coulnt stop... speed, strenght, technique... now chelsea is shit
Atletico played good, but tmost of the defense and midfield players of chelsea were either really slow, really bad or both :o
Chelsea is just bad. The only won champions league because of their defence + drogba.

But Atletico played really well, Falcao is just a beast.
chelsea only won because of their defence and offence? OK

they were deserved winners and the supercup is a bunch of nonsense anyway, dont think anyone really cares about it.
I didn't say offence, I said Drogba. That guy was a one man army, while the rest of your offence sucked. And the fact that you deserved the win can be discussed, since all you did was defending almost every single match. But you were tactical better than most of the teams though.
Falcao rolling again.
where's Stuart and Manj? :D
Manj spending his Brink moneyyyyyy
chelsea spent smth like 80M
atletico spent smth like 800k

typical chelsea
0:18 is just awesome xD
I like more 0:29 :DDD
it was a bad game in meaningless cup. Ivanonic was shit and the midfield was extremely lazy, lack of cutting edge. Hats off to falcao, guys the best striker in the world ATM...finishes everything in the 18 yard box
also OP is an idiot, Torres had no service all game
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