ET on Steam?!

Dunno if anyone wrote it here already or if I'm getting ninja'd right now but after massive spamming on SP forum here: badman told us that ZeniMax is the owner of W:ET and we should contact them. As far as I know Gabri22 was going to send them an e-mail and maybe some other guys there are going to as well. If you'd like to support this idea then leave a comment on SP forum or send ZeniMax an e-mail.
You cried about dying ET? Here's our chance to revive it so gogogo :)
It will take about 2 years until those newcomers get some competetive skills, until that most of us won't play anymore.
not true, some pros from other games have good aim, no matter if they only start to play it. After understanding et they will own us :)
How would this affect ET?
How would getting ET on steam effect the game? u fucking dumb or what lol
Rather be dumb then a paki
oops be careful, u might start crying again and making a journal about how sorry you are
Funny how u took that 1 serious, shut up now
waaaaaaaaaaaah baby gonna cry? :D
A playah learns to be quite when spoken to by a ledgend. As a member of the g5 players, I am telling you to shut up.

You dig dawg?
potty im disappointed in you, why youre defending a gay lord paki who is the worst and most failed troll on this website? he even lacks the skills to make his own moviemaking config and even lies about that :D how sad to defend such a sad person :)
Kamz is an ET icon. He brought entertainment to the masses. I am still above him though, being at g5 player status, but I can see what he has done for the community.
and what exactly did he do but failing with trolls?
Entertained millions of ET followers. Without Kamz ET would of died in 2006
i think he actually made more ppl leave then stay, ET wouldve still been in its prime without that turd
STOP REVIVING ET! I will never get to play EC if you always save ET and bring millions of new players to the scene.
Lets be honest now, the skill level of ET will never go THAT low..
I got it all planned. You and Olba shall come back to carry me.
someone else mentioned it yes, What should you write in the mail?
KEEP ET ALIVE!!!?:dd:d

Anyway i hope everyone helps on this one.
You cant say no to free servers..., stop searching ns if you dont want a msg...
I'm messing with you mate :P
k ^^, some people dont like it though cant understand why...
fucking nerds :X
Mentioned before, will boost jaymod community. Seems like valid idea of reviving competetive scene.
Yeah few different peeps have considered it over the years. It would require a lot of work and licensing etc.
Why is that, its free so licensing would not take much time.
Being free is not enough, there is more to it than that.
I would'n t say ET is dying as a game, but the competitive / ETPro scene is. There are so many jaymod / xx mod players out there that are completely oblivious to ETPro, like we all were at one stage. There is no real way of making them aware that there is a competitive scene, which is unfortunate. Jay mod and other mods are bustling with players. If 10% filtered through to ETPro on a regular basis this game would never die. I found ETPro and CF by mistake. Maybe CF should work on their google ad words :p

I fucking love ET
I find out because of my clan at 2.55 had 2 players with ETpro experience. We scrimt as clan and thats how i got involved with the scene.

So maybe we should all join etpub/noq/jaymod clans and learn them some etpro ;d
Wait, how can we learn ETPro from them if they don't play it?
read again plz, maybe 3 times if you dont get it
I was just messing with you since you made one of the most common typos. :P
Well as you mentioned etpro is dying and imho it needs many steps like for example make better connection between other communities to revive it but this is one of the first step to make it happen. Steam platform can provide a thousands of new players and they might eventually migrate to etpro scene if they will be well informed. But at first we need to get it on Steam Greenlight and hope it will get enough votes.
Amen brother
As you mentioned above, we need new players.
Those who have played this game for years have already heard about etpro, they have probably even given it a try, but they didn't like it. Why?
They need assistance at their first steps in the etpro scene. They are not used to long spawns (who the fuck is dumb enough to wait 30 sec to play? :/), they get insulted (retard revive omg fucking mongol useless jerk go back to jaymod), they get kicked because they don't know shit about how to play/revive/take decisions quickly, and they of course get owned all the time.

That's not a surprise that they quickly click on disconnect and immediatly search their favorite server on which they have buddies, nobody insults each other and they can rush like dicks and die because they know they'll respawn 10 seconds max later.

I'm sure none of the cf users decided to keep playing on etpro by himself. You need to meet the right people, you need motivation.
Yea, I think etpro needs some kind of advertising. To make etpro "cool" to play. I think just promoting big cups (Battle for Berlin, ET Allstars) or really good fragmovies in other communities will bring the necessary attention to etpro scene. Like me I started with ET because of Czech RepublicsmOke promoting ETpro cups and he provided really great coverage. On Steam almost every game has a community page and I think that is a great place to promote latest events and communicate/help with others.
Well i acted as a kind of mentor some time before and got some people into the etpro scene, but you know most of the people aren't interested in being good.

For most of the pub players its enough to play on pub and improve their aim and movement only.

Sometimes some Jaymod Guys try to get to etpro like LG Etpro Cup or TWC Etpro Cup but fail due to organisation.
That's exactly my point, you don't seem to get it :p
Current jaymod/nq/nitmod/whatever players do not care at all about ETPro (cf my post above).
We need new players, we need people with envy, determined to succeed, willing to compete with our high ego 3000+ energy drinkers.

I've known so many "fun" players that we -my etpro teammates and I a couple of years back- that we "forced" to play with us on ETPro. They were low, wanted to play covie to blow up the cp at any price, were used to get full and see us getting rolled at 3 vs 6, etc. After a few wasted evenings, they no longer showed up on ts (mumble back in the days). What a terrible mistake!

Leave this type of players alone and bring some fresh meat :)
is it really necessary to register there to write a sentence like "yes plz put it on steam"?! i dont really care that much about it anymore, but still, if theres a less 'complicated' chance to express my approval to this idea - like a serious, reliable poll or list (which contains nick and email - literally sharing the same data as when registering there), should lead to a VERY higher quota. After like 2 weeks time? the list will be submitted to zenimax/steam and whoever else,who is important in bringing this issue to an, hopefully good, end.
I had pretty much same idea which I posted in previous journal but nobody cared :<
oh. browsing cf randomly these days... totally missed that one. sad to hear that nobody cared about the most simple way to express an opinion :/
Hello idea from 2007.
Greenlight brings the idea to "possible" status now.
ET wasn't dead yet in 2007 right?
People claimed it was back then.
honestly man, no point rlly, even if they put it on steam , those few ppl who will give the game a try will probably end up playing jaymod, barely geting 20 to 30 kills in a few months and probably get bored of jaymod hackers and leave (since there is no anticheat anymore). I don´t see how those few players will say , hey lets now try competitive gaming and go etpro, download tzac , get on irc , go to a etpro pub , search a war in irc ,...etc.
Most of the jaymod players interested in etpro did the jump to this mod years ago, including myself xd, and there is only rlly a few players out there that would still come to etpro,. and they would be low low+ or med- max, so perhaps you would increase the number of teams in the 6th and 7th league , but for what you call and hope to "revive competitive gaming" there is nothing to be done, except waiting until the game finally dies..
I remember when aoe died... and i think this game is not near that yet.
gl tho!
Well as I mentioned before etpro scene needs many steps to its revival and this is one of it. Of course getting ET on Steam isn't enough. What etpro needs is promoting and better connection between other ET communities and I think Steam is great platform for it. Every steam game has a community page or so called "Game Hub". Check out for example Return to Castle Wolfenstein page and you can see it's kinda active there. If someone could contribute there and make updates of latest event we can easily spread words about competition scene and help newbies in discussion section (config tutorial, aiming tutorial, how to install ET properly etc.). New players will be well informed and even though they won't play etpro straight away they will be well aware of us. There will be a huge amount of low skilled player but that's not a problem for now and I'm going too ahead. First thing is to get ET on Steam Greenlight and eventually on Steam. The chance is slim but why not try it atleast?
OK OK I know what I have to do. One more journey. I destroy the One Ring.

No, but I could start promoting competitive scene on minor sites, like splatterladder and public clan sites. But I bet someone has done it before, someone like artstar(love that guy!)

Just give some sites and I do my best, got some freetime anyways. I googled some sites already.
my avatar looks fucking gay
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