Crossfire Public BRAINSTORMING?

does a public server already exist?

what about the idea?


(sry if this discussion is old, don't want to search for)
It's been suggested a few times, the general consensus is as the current established popular servers (telenet / swertcw / bio) aren't always full at the same time - there's no real need for one.
so it have never been tried before?
it would be the most popular one. well but at the moment it would be filled by naughty haxors :/
a registration system could be introduced to avoid most problem-players, only registred ones can join the server and stuff...
You would code such a thing?
they can:

read 2nd post

this could lead to a central database logged by the you have to enter the GUID into your CrossfireProfile. so this could be used for league matches too.
the guids get checkt automaticaly by joining a warserver with league settings. guids could be changed every 1/4 year.
also a tracking tool like Yawn software should be activated while having a clanwar. so this could be no more fun for most cheaters imo
i got much more ideas about tracking software. officials of ET plz contact me if you are interested ;)
p.s.: dont complain about my english skillz - same like my ET skill so...
SK is also using such system that at their Insider servers
Actually bio is allways full even now 5am and bio is full, efterlyst is not allways full usaly at night time it gets empty...

but still another good server could be really good, because bio config sux and efter is not allways full :P

if you wont try you will never know...
Bio is always full but the others aren't.
Not in the night but @ the main times.
yeah good idea, it will be full with 14 years old faking arrogant retards @cfg @ mp3 @lag.And we will be able to play peacefully on the other pubs
/cg_draw2d "0"

u forgot @ 5fps
sarcasm@5fps FOR LIKE AGES :D hi 2 u rumba
<3 hi2u2 hows life?
pretty good actually :) thanks yours?
im fine aswell thx =)
just block those nicks :-)
I agree!

Ill be ref to kick all those damn hackers np's.
I like this idea

If crossfire admins have rcon, and there is a cheater, they can match ip adress @ et server with ip adress @ xfire database :)
well, as our server is already mentioned, I think it's time to explain, how it works in our case:

we've protected our headshot server so far, by combining registration at our forum and comparing the stored Punkbuster GUID, with the actual, the player is using on the server. No match, no play. That means, if a cheater or anbody else connects, he gets kicked, because he needs to registrate. If a cheater takes the efford to registrate, and acts "strange" on our server, we bann the forum account, Punkbuster GUID included. He gets kicked automatically, cannot edit his profile to change his account data anymore... is the server, that's the thread, where we inform new players, what to do:

It's just an idea, but it certainly keeps most of the random server hopping cheaters away.
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