New strategy game?

Hi, not many people know that my favourite game genre are strategies... i was thinking about starting to play some strategy... i dont wanna play any fps game or a racing game...

do u know about any big new strategy coming out soon or something that just came out? something that will be played on the biggest tournaments and at least half a million people will buy the game :)

i dont really wanna start playing starcraft, because i dont have a chance to be good enough there, i dont have time for that :P
You are too brainless for any strategy game
I think you should try playing something else than braundorf, guess there is enough challenge for you.
you hating people :(
dota2...coh2 but coh wont be that big
chess -- over 10.000.000 playing it -- but i think what Elly said
Age of Empires
is there any new command and conquer coming out?
cossacks :D old but gold :)

cant find any working version of the 1st cossacks game :(
i just bought it for 10 e :)
ripoff... cs:go is 12euros :D

10eu for a 20yr old game xD
such a sick game
you want a major, competitive title but you dont want to invest the time and effort?
you do realize that doesnt make any sense at all right?

get sc2, get out of bronze, feel like a boss
It does make sense, he should play LoL
i think he is looking for rts not a moba.
and no, it doesnt make sense. if you want a top competitve game with over half a million playing and it being featured at main events then you will have to put up with a pro community.
only sc2 can satisfy this rts wise and now isnt actually such a bad time to start playing it.
it has been mostly figured out (which is a good thing cause it means you can really learn it) but is gonna shift now that HOTS beta is out.
moba is a sub-genre of RTS
a very, very remote one.
it seems you have never played rts on high level and seeing that you propose lol i guess you have never played a real competitve moba either.
2 completely different cups of tea
i nevern understand why the fuck lol is played "competive" , i can hardly call it esports. Its just a random "fun"game.
please, you do not have, and will never have the mechanics or brain to be successful in LoL, even though you're right, LoL is quite easy to learn, but not that easy to master, unless you have played games like dota before on quite high level
sorry but dota is much more advanced then LoL. Lol is a simple 1 way objective, with some tricks and teamwork.

ow and where do you read i say i have that ability or want to reach it?
i am aware of the fact that dota is much harder to play and master, i have played dota 4 years competitively, i felt like LoL was like jaymod of dota, and can't be played competitively either, but i started liking it and i'm gonna be the #1 so gg here we come LoL
the point is that if i started to play some game that other people had played for 2 years, i would have to play two times more than them to become as good as they r in 6 months :)

thats wy i wanna play a new game
But you have played ET many years and you are still far from the top, that doesn't make any sense what you are saying then right?
not many people know much about you at all. attention-seeking random.
One of the best trollers / flamers in xfire."

even sereal is flaming better than that lmfao
I dont understand why acting like a retard is called trolling these days
I dont really contribute to this website anymore, its simply not worth my effort. you should check out my previous journals from some quality stuff! :)
I will for sure :)
Quotei dont have time for that

Spoon bending is quite stratigic.
I'm quite good at been a bender
The one and only Gunny?
/q United Kingdom Element
Quotebecause i dont have a chance to be good enough there

are you quitting ET because you sucks at it or wat???

you are too braindamaged to play anything else than counterstrike
braindamaged - counterstrike ... ?
actually counterstrike doesnt require much brain to be a top player..

when you know the basis, you can do everything well.

thats a bit like cod (atleast the "mw1", you are med skill after twoo days of active gaming)

even tho cs require like 4 days to become med skill
yeah pretty sure those high skilled players are just the lucky ones without brain..
sir please leave
why are you still on cf??? there is almost nothing else than ET and few randoms stuff that you can read somewhere else...
sc2 or dota
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