#kamz glined

glined by quakenet... dont really care about that but half the sFx BNC's were glined for 2 hours because of an association with Kamz

Given i cant stand the guy this is a message to our BNC users that idling in any of Kamz fanboi channels will result in BNC suspension because as per usual Kamz affects more than himself with his kiddie behaviour.
hahahahahaha retards
same here but the 2 hour gline doesnt work evo!!

my q auth is suspended, splodge's is too ;s

happy my auth H3llf1sh didnt got suspended, i wud be fucked then
if u dont care, dont reply tard
im bored 8===============D~~~~
* eC4`off|tyyrd has quit IRC (Killed (*.quakenet.org (2h Associated with Kamz (known takeover/flooding kiddy), don't associate with idiots. This is a warning (2 hour gline), associated with: Kamz -> #kamz.)))
* hentai_ has quit IRC (Killed (*.quakenet.org (2h Associated with Kamz (known takeover/flooding kiddy), don't associate with idiots. This is a warning (2 hour gline), associated with: Kamz -> #kamz.)))
* aphesiaOFF has quit IRC (Killed (*.quakenet.org (2h Associated with Kamz (known takeover/flooding kiddy), don't associate with idiots. This is a warning (2 hour gline), associated with: oppro -> #s0on -> Kamz -> #kamz.)))
* rat- has quit IRC (Killed (*.quakenet.org (2h Associated with Kamz (known takeover/flooding kiddy), don't associate with idiots. This is a warning (2 hour gline), associated with: oppro -> #s0on -> Kamz -> #kamz.)))
kamz is doing his thing ye !!!
i like kamz
wtf i only posted that so he doesnt do me anything :D
shame on u both :D
(12:54:33) —› raw 465: Associated with Kamz (known takeover/flooding kiddy), don't associate with idiots. This is a warning (2 hour gline), associated with: you ARE the kiddy..

I got g-lined j ust for beeing in that channel

wtf, what retards control the irc server?

I have never taken over a channel in my life ;s and that channel was a fun happy sing along channel
they arent retards, maybe kamz will learn for once that his scriptkiddie stuff isnt that impressive, and maybe you will learn that too?
People like him should be ostracized, t'is all they're doing.
It's in the quakenet rules, everyone knows kamz took some chans over and associating with him can cause u a gline!

thinking why they suspended my qauth tho..
Can anybody explain me what's going on and why he got g-lined and how quakenet notice a small boy like kamz and what happened to tosspot yesterday and he? what? what? he? he? what?
I think the answer is that qnet is run by retards, ktx ircnet 4tw!
answer: dude, its kamz
that being said i think some of our BNC's were glined for being in the overdose channel which also got glined.. lesson to all, dont let kamz in your clan irc channel
Ye all channels were kamz had +m or +n were glined
he was op'd in my channel glad we werent glined to
Fusen hacked into the IRC system!
All the anti-Kamz stuff is annoying. Let him live. He is a very nice Indialoving person.

im not in any channel where kamz has op and i still dc...
kamz > quakenet

Mon 08 Jan 2007 18:50:22 GMT Error received for sainted: Closing Link: frtn`off`sNtd by b0rk.uk.quakenet.org (Killed (*.quakenet.org (2h Associated with Kamz (known takeover/flooding kiddy), don't associate with idiots. This is a warning (2 hour gline), associated with: you ARE the kiddy.)))

for being in the channel of sublime ;(
fucking owned. Tosspot said that I can paste logs for one time, so here it is:

@ #sub
<PetriP-TNT`> heard this chan will be g-lined like #et.cless , is that true?
<PetriP-TNT`> silence usually means yes
<PetriP-TNT`> better part then, i dont want to get g-lined too

#overdose-gaming went down with kamz too ::::::D
why is ever month my bnc fucked up?
I feel sorry kamz, I truly do. On Saturday Kamz expressed a heart to heart with me and my bnc, my bnc couldnt take it and disconnected but I figured I'd share some(it was a thousand lines long) of it with you:

(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:00) ([email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx
(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:00) ([email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx
(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:00) (uQ|jaFo`[email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx
(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:01) ([email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx
(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:02) ([6s]QkR````[email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx
(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:02) ([ashbot][email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx
(Sun Jan 7 @ 14:54:02) (uQ|jaFo`[email protected]) unban from xfire, k thx

It was emotional :(
unban from xfire, k thx

can someone explain to me what does it mean 'glined' and why you mention kamz name? what happened to those channels?
its some technical language stuff, i have no PCE... :-/
GLINE = 'ban' from IRC network both for users and channels
kamz = owner / op in some channels and they have banned everyone inside them
Not the first time. He also tried to take my channel.

Furthers, he's completely a retard! Pls let him glined from Qnet ;[
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