i need u

hey crossies,

i take part in a picture competition and can win a coupon for 200€ (that's a lot of money for a student)...
You only need to like my wildlife-picture at fb.


Would be very nice if you can do it ;-)

Thanks in advance!!!

Chick for the Likes:
image: 48898e1a4c
fake boobs are fake

dont like your FB
die zal jij wel doen fritsie
whats your problem? tits are tits ;)
tits are tits ok
cant see the pic so wont vote

QuoteWhoops! The page could not be found
you are so leading atm :D

so , what can u buy with that coupon ?
he isnt leading :)
well I am not leading atm,, there i a little tard who has 1312677 fb friends and no one is over 15 years old and they like his pic.. This is a coupon for a hunting store ;-)
So you want to buy weapons with that coupon? Can I dislike too?
mit diesem wert kann ich nicht mal annähernd ne waffe kaufen.. und waffen habe ich genug, vom kugelgewehr bis zur schrotflinte ;)
War mehr oder weniger ein dummer Spaß :]
you gonna kill that deer with your rifle
Delete this one, make one of a bear banging or gtfo
only one guy is ahead of you and god his pic sucks hahaha , good luck
this is #1 atm, then comes u and 3rd has like 80 votes lolimage: 384135_435635709806666_1208697197_n
He killed Bambi :(
this pic is so bad yet this bambi killer is winning the contest ahahah
So basically the one who has the best friend network wins rather than the best picture. Cause the one leading has one of the three worst pics out of the whole panel :D
as with all these competitions
yes and this makes me angry!!!! so come on guys.. just like this pic and I can win.. the voting closes at 8oclock pm ;)
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