actually, I used to have this problem before with a friend of mine who lives down the street... We played crimson skies and got banned, they said we were using 2accounts to make points ( it was a point based ladder ), though it was just the danonic ip's ....
no wait.. i don't :<
Slim chance, but still possible. Take the ip (that has now been removed) that listed Rezon.
(@topher) !ipsearch
(bot) IPSearch v1.04 - Information for:
(bot) Hostname:
(bot) Last seen: 2006-12-12
(bot) Country:
(bot) UIDs (max 30 UIDS):
(bot) [ 44fa8a7916d3ad33880feccbc5d72d73 ]
(bot) Nicks (max 30 Nicks):
(bot) [prozac]
(bot) Done.
(url) []
= Sky who is on the list and a known cheat. Just unlucky for Rezon they use the same ISP!
so u arent busted even if u want to?
"i said i hax. but they say they have just 99.99999999% proof. so i dont hax ?!?!"