
After pwned by Qnet (what was very unfair thing and i m still trying to correct it)
Overdose-Gaming again need ur help!

#overdose.gaming idle for Q m8s plz!

Anyway i m not rly care what Kamz did or why he got glined and all channel where he was op/mas but i am sure it wasnt fair.
Quakenet killed a popular channel and we lost lot of idler and now need to start again all this shit gay things what need for Q.

Still unfair unfair unfair... this is the only word what i can say now.
But happened.

Ah and searching someone who is very good and creative in flash.
(banner correction and other modifications)

Contact me about it: [email protected]
Or ovs`Trev at #overdose.gaming :( :(
heh im happy i only gave him +ao in my chan and not +amo xDDDDDd
GAH!!! How the fuck can people care about the amount of idlers in a channel? Or what fucking letter that got op there???
#Crossfire going for L
L is overrated, you need [VP]Cheftoni!
What happened, kamz take over another channel then actually get punished?
why do you need Q?
big deal, you sound like you're about to cry
who gives a shit about idlers
"wasnt fair" wtf, its was fair and square, kamz deserved it
shit happens
more fool you for taking his squad into your organisation.
it was everything but unfair. that piece of shit retard deserves to be banned from everywhere.
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