Ideas, prefer daddies :D

So my nephew is going to turn 1 year old tomorrow and i dont know what kind of place I should get him before his birthday party.

the zoo will always do
when i grow up i wanna be a monkey :d?
1 year ?

what tim said
coffeeshop in NL amsterdam
science museum
zoo indeed
Zoo or some playground place.
If he hasn't got it already. Toy story on DVD! Best thing for babies that age!
l2 read
no hate
What more would a 1 year old want to do? They are not interested in presents and have a short attention span. Whack toy story on and boom g5 player job done!
true, but he asked for a place to go to :(
What can 1 year old kid understand from toy story? You don t understand it and u r 24 .
You don't understand life. You want to get a players attention because I am better than you. Boy better know.
Putting a kid to watch tv specially that age is one of the biggest parent mistakes.
You are a result of a parent mistake.
You are a cyber bullier . I had become one too thanks to people like u but no more. Our talk here is done. I hope in real life u r a better person . I know I am. Off topic ended.
You are the one who has acted like a complete mong online. If you are a decent person in real life stop telling others to act different on the internet. Such a hypocritical thing to do. I am a dick in real life, even worse to morons who have done nothing but cause me aggro since I met them.

Just saying.
on the pics you look like regular retarded crossfire user :pPPPpPpP
and on crossfire you behave like em
I have no idea who the fuck you are. Move on you weak minded fool and go have relations with your family.
do I have to be someone you know to judge your retarded behaviour? I don't think so
I don't think you got it the first time around. So let me simplify it for you...

I provoked a BOOM g5 PLAYER

you turned into a BOOM G SHIT PLAYER
I have been acted like a complete mong online, true. You had not/ have not? I m a decent person in real life and I have tried to be here as well.In those times I haven t seen you acting decent either. So in both situations you are what you are. Also I think that any decent person should fight against things that are bad.Even more then me , the admins and the owners should do it.I had barely seen that here.And I can t stop thinking how serious this comunity is seen by the amount of many guests watching what is written here every day.If you think this is hypocrit than you must learn the meaning of this word.
I started acting like a dick towards you when you turned against me for applying for a clan who you didn't like. I was always decent to you since we met but because of that one thing you acted like a dick... True? Ofc, when people act like dicks towards me I tell them how it is, see the guy who replied before you, typical retard trying to get a name for himself by insulting a big dawg like me.
So this is about et? I thaught is about people and the things they say.

A big dawg like you? You know I can t precissely determine which part is serious and which part is not serious in your reply. I wonder if it worth the effort to find out.
Keep up this attitude! :)
I don't understand why it is the biggest parent mistake...?
One of the biggest. Why? When you will become one ,or close to become one , you will search yourself to document yourself and you will find out why.
althought I share your point, I think it would be fair if you explained it to him, atleast sumarized. just to back up your opinion so you dont look like "I am just gonna repeat what I heard over there.." if you know what I mean
I doubt he really cares mate ,I mean do you actually think he gives a damn ? I see more like trolling around , that s all i ever saw from this guy...
Ok let s follow GreenClon advice ,however I don t know how old are you nor if you asked the question for serious reasons or just to troll around.That s main reason I did n t want to tell you.

Shortly, many parents makes the common mistake of letting the children to "grow up" with the tv. You are busy doing certain other things , house cleaning, cooking , job , etc etc and you are actually running out of time to spend time with your kid because this life is more and more filled up with crap. Many of those affording , just hire a babysitter during the week and what you think the babysitter does? So I talked with doctors about this and they told me to avoid tv as much as possible because first of all the kid risks to be unsocial and get the tendency to isolate himself and also because a kid copy in the first years everything he sees around is very risky that he will copy bad things he watches on tv , I mean just watch cartoon network and you going to understand what I mean.
Ok, thank you... now I see your point :).
I still think if it's controlled and if children are watching occasionally some really good fairy tales it can be beneficial but maybe that's for kids a bit older then one year...
You read to him the fairy tales. I know it sounds like a clichee but reading to him is better than him/her watching it on tv, Is the age of internet anyway and is bad enough for kids who get computers when they are 10 or smart phones. Just like here , many parents really have no ideea what their kids say or do online.
Well of course book>>>>>TV but I myself remember pretty well what I was watching when I was 2-3 years old and even though I didn't really understand it back then now I realize so many things because of it (clichee things like moral, good x evil etc. :D). Book will grow the fantasy in children's mind and teach them morals but sometime it's good to visualize occasionally those things as well.
But I think we agree that we all should prefer reading to a child than sit him in front of a TV every day :P.
Just watch The cable guy with Jim Carrey and you will understand.
I would also like to add, that tv doesnt really develop anything in children mind. Its so sight oriented, that it doesnt affect children vocabulary at all. Whilst fairy tails you mentioned are so much better on so many levels. Fantasy. Vocabulary. Strenghten kid-parent relationship. TV is just bad and people should realize that. Btw thanks for following my advice, you seem like kinda nice person :)
Thank you man. I hope you know who I am so the words you said means something to me.
@cklub show him some boobs, who cares he wont say his dad and he wont remember few years after
best is to organise a party either in family or perhaps at mc donalds if they got special place for children.
doesnt even matter, he wont remember,
big party at home with balloons and stuff and a BBQ in the backyard where all the man can eat meat and drink beer while the children are playing in the jump castle and eating cake at the picknick table, and all the woman will gather in the living room where they can talk about sex and the city and the newly installed furniture.
Made me laugh :D And sounds like a decent idea. I want a bbq :S
to a whorehouse
a whore to (his) house..
he's 1 year ffs, might aswell take him to a poker game and he won't remember shit
give him nothing he won't understand since hes only 1 :SSSSSSSS
hi arnar! :)
what are you doing here this journal is only for dads :S
I am your father
take him for a walk, zoo is nonsense since he won't remember shit...
You are all dumb fucks. I remember everything from the age of 0.
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