Ideas, prefer daddies :D
9 Oct 2012, 19:50
So my nephew is going to turn 1 year old tomorrow and i dont know what kind of place I should get him before his birthday party.
35.8 %
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64.2 %
(34 votes)
what tim said
no hate
Just saying.
and on crossfire you behave like em
you turned into a BOOM G SHIT PLAYER
A big dawg like you? You know I can t precissely determine which part is serious and which part is not serious in your reply. I wonder if it worth the effort to find out.
Shortly, many parents makes the common mistake of letting the children to "grow up" with the tv. You are busy doing certain other things , house cleaning, cooking , job , etc etc and you are actually running out of time to spend time with your kid because this life is more and more filled up with crap. Many of those affording , just hire a babysitter during the week and what you think the babysitter does? So I talked with doctors about this and they told me to avoid tv as much as possible because first of all the kid risks to be unsocial and get the tendency to isolate himself and also because a kid copy in the first years everything he sees around is very risky that he will copy bad things he watches on tv , I mean just watch cartoon network and you going to understand what I mean.
I still think if it's controlled and if children are watching occasionally some really good fairy tales it can be beneficial but maybe that's for kids a bit older then one year...
But I think we agree that we all should prefer reading to a child than sit him in front of a TV every day :P.