seaba busted?

I dont know who is him, ( yes im noname too ) but :

He dont add tzac on clanbase and # 2012 member play on EuroCup? hm, i think he is old cheater .

link account :
link tzac :

" He dont have add guid on clanbase and play on eurocup? its prohibited "

August clown but maybe the truth I do not know who it is

15:34 rB'Seaba • 3v3 med+ hs

thanks admins clanbase banned me becouse im subakk , gj <3
He doesn't cheat or isn't an ex-cheater. Totally worthless post.
Try to pay more attention to your puberty instead.

plus... i guess he's a lot more known than you are, since i dont have a clue who the fuck are you.
Yes he is clean " now " but register on 2012 and play @ eurocup, search skilled oponents so WHAT THE ****
I've known this guy since i started ET, so dont talk about "now" or "2012".
Hes voice is max 16 years so pls man :D. so old nick? becouse he is register on 2012? its abnormal when you say " know this guy since i started et " you started et @ 2012?
lol your a total irreversible retard, i won't even reply with an argument to ur senseless oppinion.
this post gave me cancer
useless post, no proof, gtfo
Hoi, mr. mrea?

1st it's Saeba not seaba
and 2nd I have alrealy talked with clanbase admin about that situation, cauze my old account that have my recently tzac guid got some problems with gmail and I dont received the password requested. And admin just told me to create a new one and dont be worry about that

Instead of being the figures silly doings, go improve your skills :)

cheers delete topic

so give me link addres to your old account
lolol owned
yep, thanks admin " im subakk" yep ^^

Dont have proofs and banned? or.. please, bnk banned becouse admin know he is blk - belka :D

im not subakk so when im unbanned? :]
If they banned u, its because they have rly proofs and don't judge everyone for annoying reasons and cancer people like u

peace bro, weed \m/
true mate :)
this post gave me cancer.
hahaha I so saw that one coming
I don't owe you explanations
he dont add guid on clanbase (8
you fucking moron, ofc he didn't, he forgot his cb password, made a new account and had his tzac guid already registred
he sucks anyway
dat english
on last and new account dont add guid to cb
lolol he's just pro
you are noob! deal with it!
He plays EC you not !
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