Adroits Lan Groups

The Groups and Schedule are online....

Group A
Bomb Squad

Group B

Group C
One Pound Fish
Lost Soldiers

ET Schedule – Friday

09:00 – 13:00 Group A
13:00 – 17:00 Group B

ET Schedule – Saturday

09:00 – 13:00 Group C 17:00 – 19:00 Quarter Final 1 & 2
19:00 – 20:00 Semi Final 1 & Lower Bracket Round 1 A
20:00 – 22:00 Quarter Final 1 & 2
22:00 – 23:00 Semi Final 2 & Lower Bracket Round 1 B

ET Schedule – Sunday

09:00 – 11:00 Lower Bracket Round 2 A & B
11:00 – 12:00 Upper Bracket Final & Lower Bracket Round 3
12:00 – 13:00 Lower Bracket Final
13:00 – 14:00 Grand Final

I think the groups are a bit unfair.....
ya good chances to get into the semi final.....
wow group c is so hard... so unlucky for lost to reach playoffs
ihr dürft euch nicht beschweren, seid froh dass ihr nicht gegen uns spielen müsst
Groups don't look unfair imo. There is always going to be one hard group with 4 top seeds and 3 groups...
Not that hard to predict outcome of the groups already indeed
That is always the case at LAN. I do think its a shame that the bottom 4 teams will only get 3 games for 50euros.
Knowing LAN though, if they find a spare 2 hours I am sure they can have a consilation group between the bottom 4 teams. Seanza normally gets shit sorted so everyone gets a fair share of the cake! I don't think he is out to disapoint players attending tbh.
I know, thought of that as well seeing as there's plenty of time I guess
Something is wrong with the PCs that were meant to be for the QL players. So I think the spare time is for them playing. Don't quote me on this though!
Yeah I've seen that, so that could be a solution indeed, GOOD THINKING LAD
its just horrible, thats not paying entrance fee, it's just sponsoring Adroits
I paid more than every team who will only play 3 games. More like Adroits sponsoring ET.
yes, i understand your point and your completely right. but what about the teams paying 50 euros each just to play 3 games one day.
If you cast your mind back to SAGE, He told teams there wouldnt be a loser bracket or w/e its called. Because of fast setups and teams being on time and so forth, they got one sorted.

Try be a solution rather then a problem! (help others et up if they are retards in other words)
ye, just let the teams compete to each other on both friday and saturday. after saturday you can start eliminating teams. just register all the points teams will get after playing like 3 matches on friday then 3 on saturday. get a loserbracket going after all those points.

i just think playing 3 matches only for a team on like friday.. after all the travelling it's just expensive..

i know Sean you put a big effort in getting this LAN going and I really appreciate it, but it's kinda hard for the "lower skilled" teams attending LAN and getting kicked out after playing 4 hours..
I will have a word and see what I can come up with. For teams wanting to play a consolation tournament I suggest you sick around during the night and don't go back. They are when the games happen. DRUNK GAMES ARE BEST!
Could you check your e-mail kind sir :D
don't look unfair? compare the non-topteams with eachother in A and C. If i were myserious or LS I'd have been seriously pissed by now. because if you swap either of them with a team in A they'd have a realistic chance to become 2nd in group A.
Look at my post lower down. Swap decerto with effectus and all would be ok I think.
Decerto can't play in the morning. we can't either. I'm not worried about going to playoffs or anything but wow.. I'd honestly eat my friggin hat if I were the 'lower' seeding teams in group c :)
Can you rename XLIBRES to QPAD.MYSerious
lol wow :) talking about unfair groups haha.. group A is a joke, 3 med skilled teams and one top team. gg.
groups were made coz of late players.

lost - lango
QPAD.MYS - ekto
and decerto , one of you comes late im right?

If not , tell it Sean so we meight could change 1 from GA to GC like SGP / TBS with decerto
I don't agree with requests like that. Friday is the start of LAN, if you aint there on time unlucky! :D
Yeah man, can't please everybody. Teams who think the groups are unfair are generally the ones who make it unfair in the first place.
Not saying you are wrong to do that as it only messes with their games. I just think its ridiculus to pay for an event when you can't get there on time!
im sorry that i have dual studies, and its my duty to be there

still i want to see my buddies and enjoy the probably last lan of et, and friday eve around 20cet would have been enough for me, gonna be there around 6pm i guess!
I have a fulltime job, family and several other commitments. With a few months notice anything is possible!
well, next year same time, this wouldnt be a problem

but now im in the theoretical part, which is at the university, at the practical times i could just get free np

so with a paid job u cna get free :D
haha best group for me :DDD

but thx 4 getting me in the last group!

really appreciate it, looking forward to friday eve!
will face u hendrik <3
make it "hendrik" and its correct :D

gonna beat you NP! :DD
da hab ich was dagegen!
und das soll mich stören!

ich mach euch fertig! (zumindest im saufen ;D)
ok challenge accepted.
freitag saufen bis keiner mehr von uns steht, wer dann am samstag um 9 uhr am lancenter ist (körperlich reicht) hat gewonnen!

naja für mich bedeutet das in der gruppe keinen unterschied, für dich evtl schon ;D
tut es das?
bier oder zocken

die entscheidung ist nicht wirklich schwer
das ist wohl richtig :DDD
saken wont be here on friday morning due to school so your request fails
We will probably have the same problem anyway, it's a normal school day for all of us as well
So im right mate ;) Group C is the Late group , so all wishes are done and its nicly done by Sean :)
we can play on friday we just couldn't play in group A because we all come at friday. 9 would be too early.
Groups are ok, the only thing I would do is swap decerto with effuctus to balance groups A and C
I'd say, put us in a group with TBS, sagapo and erase. That way, we have a good chance of gettin to semi-finals!
Gives the other teams a lower chance then I guess lol, would be fun for us but still
Dont give a shit, Im an egoist :D
Doesn't help when teams can't make it to the event in time.
Okay guys, to make it clear to everybody:

The groups are having just a semi seeding, that means Sean or who ever (NOT ME!) tried to put the teams in their seeding and then into the groups! BUT there were some problems becuz of players who have to work at friday at thatswhy have to come later... means Sean was just fair and did put these teams together in one group...

I'm not saying that the groups are fair or so, but we all don't know what the reasons are and so ;)
that's a fact idd
groups are fair in my opinion.

Each group have 2 teams that will definitely go to playoffs. 1 team that might make it to playoffs, and there's this 1 team who won't make it. the average of skill is different in each group tho, but still groups are fair.
[19:54] <Mmmarcusb> Enjoy watching your back on adroits ati_ because if you don't you will have a knife sticking out of it

image: nothing-to-do-here-template.jpg.scaled500
Kudos to Seanza, hope it goes well
I thought Kamz decided to go in the end? What is the full LU of One pound for fish?
R0SS, sqzz, razz, xperia, chry & 6th ?
crumbs is 6th
crumbs I guess
lost motivation
Twice? Maybe 3rd time lucky.
well there's many reasons
looks good

i dont get the unfair comments - i mean there are 4 top teams and with just 3 groups there needs to be 1 group with 2 of the top teams...

so it doesnt matter if the 2 top teams are in group a, b or c...

i mean if you switch decerto with S'agapo for example then you have the two playoffteams for group a already and 3 teams fighting for a playoffspot in group c... currently the situation is just reversed - group c already sure which 2 teams will make it to the playoffs and 3 teams fighting in group a for the second playoffspot...

gl to all!
Maybe add the players?
anyone whining about groups being unfair or so must be pretty retarded. gl everyone going, might spec a game or two myself aswell since there seem to be couple decent clans playing aswell.

hope it goes smooth sean and dont let the kids drink too much!
"The remaining 2 playoff spots will be filled by 2 of the 3rd place finishers in the groups. These 2 teams will be determined by their score in the groups.."

cant you make it something like 1 of the 3 who has best score is in plus the other two have to fight each other ??
because for example in our case its harder to gain points /win a round against 2 top teams in our group :(
didnt had the plan to drop out so early :x
have to agree at this point, but still it's not seans fault that u come late :/ so hope!
u wont gain points against us either (QPAD.MYS) :D:D:D:D
That's what I wanted to do, but it's 2 extra hours into the schedule that I can't fit in anywhere.
too bad - not your fault - would have been great though
Line-ups would be lovely!

+ colt45 not going then?

What a twat that Kamzalad :(
check LAN-LU at threads....
Nice guy Kamz sponsoring lan? :)

Groups seem ok.. guess it's hard to fit in with people coming in later and stuff.. why are the games ending at 1700 on friday though? is that to cover delays or what?
Kamz got his money back!

Well I guess in the 1st point to cover delays and at the 2nd there is still quake live which has to be played at the pcs^^
What? Why? What happened to the NO REFUND policy? Was looking forward to bigger prizepool for R0ss!
I didn't pay the full fee and my situation is different since I was led to believe that I had a lineup of players that actually wanted to go to lan :-]
Are you a cunt in real life or just online?
I beg your pardon
Are you a cunt in real life or just online?
he begs your pardon
ah right forgot about other games, can't edit my comment apparantly.
There's QL TDM & Duel :)
nice so i don't need to come on friday :>
Faggot, u don't come on friday and u leave on saturday evening, i hate you so much!
he will leave for 1 or 2 hours ..come down br0!!
Thanks for another LAN event Seanza.
Cu guys there :-)
oi razzm8 I cant bring any this time, dont have time :( maybe I could ask some of the erAse lads for you
Héhéhéhé gonna be a quick event then! :)
we'll have to do some fast face smashing action then! Less time, faster smashing!
anyway ..

we accept the challenge !

image: obama-challenge-accepted-face-hqNBrD
langoooo, switch groups with us :$ nips cant come before friday evening :(
i cant be avi before 18.30 :((

how kind of you
izi for PDEG :DDD
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