android lan??

yo did i miss something? just remember video where hste after 3 beers was drunk as fuck which i watched on hangover last time

anyways, dexter in few hours. do u expect sth good? :D

image: dexter
why would u watch a serie where a guy is mutilating people and sticks knives into them ?
do u need a daily dose of insanity to keep ur sanity ?
The concept was good at the beggining but 7 seasons is really to much even for a psichopat like me :D
most be unforgiven :D
all i see at TV spots is just pure psycho murder

i even change the channel when they come :D
I haven't watched much after S6(?) but it is a really fucking great series so. :D
Hey you really need to control the obscene stuff on this website.I mean I see naked ladies every day here and kids saying motherfucker
Do you also ask people who watch comedies if they watch it because they don't laugh enough the rest of the day? :/
well, i dont think it is that appropiate to see ways of murdering other people while they are tied or smth or ways of suiciding on a serie which is just all about-psychos (i might be wrong here)
never watched it ; as affedil said it might be a very great serie, but still cant stand that shit

do u watch it ? if yes , can you explain me what makes it so great ? and if the serie is as creepy as i think it is ?

e:comment got edited many times ,might have vocabulary issues :D
It is indeed about some psychic stuff, I assume that you're not gonna watch it anyway, but for others this might be a spoiler: Dexter was found as a kid all in blood, blood of his mom who got murdered, that's why he's like a serial killer now, but he only kills people who don't get sentenced by the law (some exceptions tho :P) and he works by a code that his dad taught him. (didnt go much into detail here)

What it makes so great for me to watch, honestly no idea anymore, just the whole story I guess. When it just got out, my cousin told me about it and I was like hmm.. mwah dunno.. but ever since I watched the pilot I kept following it until now and I already know that I won't like it when they stop it after the 8th season ^^

I watch a lot of series and there are some that I only keep following because I've been doing it since the pilot, I also saw everything of Prison Break eventhough the last 2 seasons sucked a bit :P
If I would be Dexter and do that stuff in real life, would you admire me as you admire the fictional Dexter?
Nope, but if you're gonna ask me why I still watch it then I could also ask why we all play videogames I guess.

hai unforgiven btw
No you can not ask me why we still playing video games and saying is same thing like I asked.Is so much difference like you can t possible imagine.And I guess now I finnally understood what some of you people here miss.
And the walking dead as well :DD looking forward into both of them
walking dead is gonna be legendary
Expected a bit more drastic start of this season but it's nice anyway.

Also waiting for Boardwalk Empire, The Walking Dead, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show and Once Upon a Time tonight l0L.
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