
[18:10] <haxinfo> " it is sad because I had a chance to start a private cheat business, but I decided to code TZAC, spent 2 years for nothing and I could have earned more with 100 cheat customers than I did with nearly 100,000 users "
[18:10] <haxinfo> from chapljas email
[18:11] <h3ll> i could also just steal shit and sell it because it's easier
[18:14] <khaplja> those are my words, yeah, i really do think tzac is a failure for me as a developer
[18:14] <khaplja> that's why it'll get closed

[23:29] khaplja is [email protected] * khaplja
[23:29] khaplja on #crossfire #tzac
[23:29] khaplja using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[23:29] khaplja is authed as chaplja
[23:29] khaplja End of /WHOIS list.

I bet he never stoped selling cheats.


You can find the log here:

if slac/tzac never got released, what's the point of selling private cheats if we played without pb or any anticheat before that
Are you joking? Khaplja has done much more for this community than anyone in the last 2 years. He has dedicated far too much time for an undeserving bratty community and I guess you are no exception.

It is not perfect - no, it is unfortunate it has come down to having to sell TZAC or close it completely but everyone has to eat and it is not fair to expect him to continue to develop an anti-cheat, especially when 2 years later nerds are still running around claiming he actively codes cheats.

just copyed and pasted what ive seen on irc.
Im not saying he didnt do anything, im just saying dont trust this guy on the ETLive thing.
Quote I bet he never stoped selling cheats.

That has nothing to do with what you saw on IRC. It is just a wild accusation with absolutely nothing to back it up.

I hope somehow Khaplja does find away to continue to develop TZAC and you enjoy your ban.
shit happens, but look at the bright side: I will no longer be banned after 1st of December :) . And yes thats my personal opinion and I stand by it.
Do you have an opinion on why people are still able to create accounts after they get banned?
QuoteIt is not perfect

But league admins do a good job of banning returning cheaters... sometimes.

Besides, nothing is final yet, you might be riding you ban out longer than you think.
Is he busted :O?
no im not, and wont be(at least for cheating purposes), he just reminded me that khaplja dose not like ppl who make this kind of journals i just did
where can i buy ?
#Vj approves
just wanted to say that can't be arsed with explaining.
nice argument bro
You start being offensive with some nerds. I like it.
I feel better now, I thought you were the only "good" guy in our computer army.
seems legit
Of course he never stopped selling cheats, why would he? I find it funny how people forgave the cheat selling when he made slac, and now he's back to being the dick cheat maker in people's eyes again. He never made slac to help get rid of cheaters, but to get rid of the competition in cheat sales "business". Get rid of the competition and you can charge as much of your cheats as you like to.
Yes, you are quite right. That explains a lot.
But...hmm...who are you? I have the feeling that you are one of those that you called "competition".
I can say I haven't sold any cheat, nor made one. Used plenty though. It doesn't matter who I am anyway as I'm not the one this topic is about. Just stating what is obvious :)
Be glad he didnt release a tzac proof cheat :P
you can call khaplja many things, but you can't call him a lier, he is an honest person and will speak his mind, I see nothing wrong with what he said, he's looking at it from a developers point of view, if he didn't give 2 shits about this fucked up community he could have coded cheats and made a business out of it, instead of creating an anti-cheat for a bunch of spoiled brats who wouldn't pay a penny for a free game.

I'd rather trust chaplja than a random romanian esl admin who has a 1 year old Crossfire account.


1st: I don't need you to trust me
2nd: read the 16th comment. I posted the pay for the ac comment the first time he decided to drop tzac
3rd: I think that the Crossfire account only tells you for how long I play ETPro(and not accuratley)
4th: You can't sell cheats for a game with no anti-cheat
5th: I agree with you on the: "spoiled brats..." part.
6th: Do you know what he did before slac?
Quote coded cheats and made a business out of it
PB is coded by ex-cheatmakers, ESL Aquiatas (forgot the correct spelling) was coded the same, UAC as well, most of the anti-cheats require a person with cheat making knowledge, it's a huge bonus, you just need to have a lot of faith in the person to be loyal, and afaik chaplja has made no profit from it for 2 years, and never betrayed the community, he was always honest with the community eventhough he wes treated like shit by some of them, we owe him nothing except for our respect for doing what he did for so long for free.
yes, but they work for companies, they sign agreements and stuff.

He probably kept this game alive for awhile. But my opinion is: Don't trust him for the ETLive anticheat system.
what Garym8 said.

Why exactly cant we trust on chaplja? I havent heard a bad word about him in these years tzac been out there and i think hes done great job even though he havent gotten shit out from it

And what wrong do u see on those logs?
i respect your opinion :)
Given chaplja's past I understand why you think he might be selling cheats on the side.

Consider this though:
If chaplja would be making lots of money for selling the only TZAC proof cheats, for lets say, COD4 ( since its still rather active ), why for the love of god would he stop with the anticheat so his private cheats become useless and no one gives him money anymore?
being honest, and being right, sure it would have been better money wise to code cheats.

i kind of get chaplja here with the tzac and stuff since im friends with the coder of EAC and he alredy tells me how hard it is these days with anticheats and getting money from the work u put into it, if its hard for a EAC thats been there ages and has good customer base i can only imagine how hard it is for tzac, and obviously been very since it has to be closed down

I think chaplja should gone for a pay to use from serverhostes since the very start, to have server host to pay for the anticheat on their servers and so on, idk if it would've worked for a game like ET & cod4 though.
not sure if serious or just thinly veiled ESL Wire advertisement
this is my personal opinion and the irc logs are real, ask the people in the conversation if you want
I'm in #tzac and saw the chat myself, but thanks anyway.

You are a bit of an idiot, to be honest - chaplja has done more for the ET community in two years than you ever will.

Please just stop getting so excited about the possibility of TZAC dying, as it is kinda pathetic and makes you look bad.
Without chaplja helping pretty much every cheat maker in ET, pb might have not given upon ET long time ago. 2 years of making idiots believe he's helping you, doesn't quite make it even.

Yeah, PB stopped supporting ET because of chaplja's coding cheats in the past, but they waited until over a year after TZAC was released to do it.

Makes sense!
Pb stopped supporting ET long time before that. That was just the official announce date. They haven't really even tried since 2006 or so. If you didn't play then yet, I don't blame you for not knowing, but you could maybe google how long rshook has worked with pb.

PB obviously stopped supporting ET because the license id software or whoever the fuck bought that license expired. PB doesn't work for free, neither does chaplja
Same reply to you. Do you really think PB were coding like the little nerds they are, fighting against cheaters until the very last day, hour, minute announced? Bitch please. They didn't even try for years before the announcement was made. The fact that some random cheat maker could "do a better job" alone than a team of professional coders, pretty much tells you how much they tried.
educate yourself
they were updating pb, but you have right lots of cheats were undetected.

About TZAC: We couldn't check screens of players anymore so we can't be sure It was also so secure since of that time.
hes just saying what wouldve made most profit, thats all.. not implying hes been coding cheats for tzac or anything
exactly what I was thinking..

I could go to sleep right now because I can, but I'm not going to.
i couldnt give a rats ass, even if he sold over 100 subscriptions
the last 2 years seemed cheatfree. I havent played vs cheaters in wars.
just a few pubheros, but thats it

also, afaik there was no private cheat seller who remained undetected longer than a month
I also am an honest person who will speak his mind and have done a lot of good things for the community in the past. Would you click on this link if I said it has all the proofs of chaplja selling slac/tzac undetected cheats?

Customers, dates and times, money transfers, it's all there. Just click on it, knowing that for years I made cheats...
Ai jannu on viel elossa? :D Eipä oo hetkeen näkyny mesessä.
Osotetta oon vaihtanu kun ei enää ET juttuja jaksanut.
Lopetit ne hommat sitten kerralla ja kunnolla?
ET =
- F2P
- Released in 2004
- Populated by eastern european players during a rough economy (no offence etc)
- quite small community, considered by many as "dead"

======= People wouldn't want to pay for it, I would but most wouldn't.
CB/ESL etc to pay for it? Maybe, but apparantly not.

Taking all these things into account I would never have coded an anticheat if I were chaplja and my sole objective was to make money. So not sure where he's getting at with that comment, it's a bit "no shit sherlock" material.
BUT, what I will say though is that as always on the intrawebz, people show an extreme lack of appreciation for shit like this. People just always seem to expect to get everything for free, do nothing in return and whine on top of that.

Anyways, if tz-ac actually shuts down now, it's not like it was for nothing. Surely having coded and supported an anti-cheat for little to nothing in return for 2 years must look better on a CV than coding cheats for 100 randoms.
+1 i always imagined it being a project for his portfolio rather than for profit
Well about the appreciation thingy. Its not just this community, there are far more worse communities out there. You know that exist, in his place one man who would come out and say he appreciates his work should mean more to him then what 500~1000 trollers/tarded people say.
i dislike this
I think you're a kokteilsosa
crossies proving once again that they r a bunch of mongols, obv u dont get business at all

get money get bichez and stay clean
S a referit strict la faptul CA PUTEA , nu ca ar face o, si evident vorbeste mai mult tristetea din el .tristete si dezgust ambele provenite presupun din starea de spirit in aceasta comunitate si nu l invinovatesc pentru nici un cuvintel. Stai linistit uneori un criminal e mai de incredere decat un popa.
He should get real job. Way easier to earn money :-)
Yea I played (random irc wars) against obvious people during TZAC period... erm actually not a single one.
Never even heard of you. Move on or be told to fuck off by the big dogs... woof woof u get me dawg?

g5 represent.
That program was worthless anyways. People could create multiple accounts and also use fucking old cheats
"it is sad because I had a chance to start a private cheat business, but I decided to code TZAC"

is he talking about a different game? cuz in et it wouldnt have made sense i guess
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