Buzzer's birthdaaaay

The bestest medic in the entire world turns 21 today <3 Happy birthday to Belgium Buzzer!! Great player, great guy, great medic, great girlfriend... (no I wont put a pic of Amandine here, too many horny nerds 8D) He's great everywhere, at everything! Congratz on your 5th place at LAN!
image: UKn4zh
(from left to right: Artifexx - vjto - happy buzzer - joof)

hope I'll see you soon! xoxo
Also big thanks to seanza and the lan crew, was a great event!!
here's for your own eyes' pleasure, Buzzer rollin faces at lan
image: X76MCh
hb mate!! have a nice celebration!
Happy birthday
I just talked to him for half an hour and I didnt even say congrats... I feel so dumb x]

HB to the best ETPlayer this game ever had!
Happy birthday!
Bon annif' poto :) xo
happy birthday!
who cares about buzzer :SsS its GermanyErcan's birthday !!!!!!!!!

hb m8 :)
Happy birthday Buzzer !! <3
Tu vas lui offrir quoi? :D
je lui ai offert un headset ! :D
happy birthday ;)
hb mate ;) xoxo
Happy birthday, kid!
gut anif bra!
hb buzzer!

damn, you are even more handsome than I am! :O
<3 buzzer
Thank to all my fanboys above my comment, muchos love guys! <3
muchos love you ! <3
happy birthday le buzzer :D
HB buzzerito !
happy birthday m8

well I think he's okay, but he should seriously stop using his father's shirts.

hb anyway
Appreciate your tip, will try it later on :)
Azur trying to act cool on crossfire while he's cheating online and playing shit at lan.
Nice tactic.

Anyway, hb Jeremy
congrats to your gilfriend for having you turning 21 UHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH
Bon annif sale wallon
Quote(no I wont put a pic of Amandine here, too many horny nerds 8D)

2/ Type Amandine
3/ Profit & hb
stalker :SsS

Et elle a un profil CF en fait :)
HB mate , was nice to meet you :)
happy birthday,
<333 HB!
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