ET is saved

image: dRAT6

QuoteAlright people, it's time to end this drama, TZAC will stay online and it'll be free.

Thanks to a member who's been supporting TZAC for a long time, peaches, TZAC will stay online and it'll be free to use.

However, during next few months I will be working on ways to monetize TZAC while keeping it generally free to use. The plan is to introduce low-cost premium accounts which would give some additional features (but TZAC would function normally even if you don't pay), perhaps own clan/match system on the site including tournaments, etc.

Not much to say, other than everyone owes a huge thanks to United States of America peaches for saving us from the "alternatives".

twoguns xd
the thing saves et cool bro joe
I don't quite get it. What kind of madness is this, in 24 hours going from a "it's going down.", to a "oh.. poll... check it"... to "tzac is saved"??

Anyway, thanks peaches and chaplja!
Maybe he payed the bills?
ty peaches
Wtf pch and you told me you aint rich?
Be on at 9:30 tonight?
I'll try :o)
Thats good news!
Haha title made laugh
who the heck is peaches? :(
You see maus, ET is saved so you can come back to active playing without worries :)
let's see about that ;)
like ur better at LoL than at ET :D
that is because lol is on a higher level, i've reached 2k so i'm happy :P
lol, that escalated quickly , i remember u having only 1600 and something :D
hehe ;P, yes it went pretty fast, but not playing anymore :o
:( aiming for season 3 comeback ?
will see how bored i am
want to make draft in few minutes ?
nah going to the gym in some mins :), but hf!
thanks ! and enjoy
phaggot, do you even lift!??!
The G force of my 86 are enough.
ik heb je toegevoegt maar je accept niet :ssss

we got a situation
niet on :P
Some league admin, dont know more
She's not a league admin, just a sponsor.
ah, just checked from TZ-ac userlist, said league admin
not associated with any league though
peaches are goooooooooooooood
Thinking the same. If TZAC will stay online, I´ll restart with some new features
please don't
you're kidding, right?
i pity you for trying to correct my english :D only positive thing gave this community was a good laugh whilst trying to unravel your mysterious newsposts
What I´m trying? To correct your english? Well, I´m asking myself why more than 80 people was watching our stream if we were here for laugh.
get your head out of your arse :) if ~80 people was an achievement you're actually proud of, for a project that's supposed to be bigger than ettv, then good for you :D
Project was supposed to be bigger than ettv? If BFB tournament with full support and awesome coverage can´t pass ~200 viewer peek, why shouldn´t this be a achievement for unknown amateur project?

It was still in start, why the hell are you complaining if someone wants to help community? Stream + shoutcast isn´t enough? What have you done for this community? What will you do for this community?
how do you run a project with no ambitions?
what is this "oh well, this is an amateur project so we're supposed to have no viewers whatsoever" bullshit?? What was wrong with ettv then that made you run this project? you've advertised this with higher quality streams + a shoutcast. i _never_ saw anything remotely high quality on those streams and 80% of the people you got to shoutcast were unable to even put together a mediocre english sentence.

everything you've listed there is just a retarded excuse. you ran a half-arsed project and that is the reason why it flunked, hence why i don't see a reason for this to continue.

my days of contributing to the community are long gone, and if i'd do anything now, i'd atleast put effort into it.

now stop being butthurt cause someone's criticising your project and actually show me that you can do something properly.
80% of the people? Only 2 people were shoutcasting, rito and Jorge, rito did 99% of the shoutcast.

Stream was in HD quality, it´s not my problem that you were no able to "click" on HD button @

There were ambitions, like live cameras in LAN event and interviews etc. And ~ viewer peak was above 50. Isn´t that enough for dead community?

So, what have you done? And what have you trying to done?

Stop flaming instead of helping this community. Or simply ignore comments. Thanks
i've helped designing in the past and ran a few cups. when YCN wasn't even YCN yet, when it was still in its baby steps, i was there helping eyjohn as much as i could.

why are you still so stuck in the statistics, they prove absolutely fuck all cause they're shit. you weren't able to attract even half of the people to watch your streams, yet your trumps were a shoutcast and a higher quality stream. how blind or dumb are you not to realize that what you did, was piss in the wind. and fairly speaking, the community has never been dead and i'm quite certain during your prompt run with your _amateur_ project the community was more alive than it has been during the last 6...9 months.

i'm actually quite dumbfounded that you can't tell criticism and flaming apart. i gave you a 100% honest feedback what you should do with the project, and all you've done to act accordingly was to try and outmatch me with some of the shittiest excuses. now be a fucking man and grow a pair.
please don't
A blowjob can go a long way/
That's what I said to your mother
true.. Piegies mum sent me this pic of u kamzee

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzBW7Pb5uuEp8VzA6bzPj5EG49MoA6GcfIS58B453k9QJ5ptDeVaPD_8JR
weet jij alles van

Je mama kan hierover nog wat verdere informatie verlenen ;)
ptin mé kel lang 2 merd
Set ekstra ordienère ain?
Any idea what the deal is there?
I hope this whole mess with tzac is over, and things will be clarified on the next couple of days. Anyways, thanks alot peaches!
ty peaches
Chaplja just wanted to hit most comments.
Tbh, i noticed he didnt really decided yet, but he had to act like it incase there was no option.

OH and getting premium account right awaY!
btw is it allowed to have multiple accounts if you pay on all of them?
why dont u just donate instead?
Guess if im going to pay i might aswell get something back if the option is there.

and the btw i said, didnt mean i would do that just wondering if that would change rules.
So Peaches saved tzac.

Now create a group to recruite new jaymod players.
EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING, im down. jaymod is fun as hell lol
I am up for that, lets make a journal to promote and introduce ETpro/crossfire/TZAC to spam on jaymod clan forum and servers !
Hopefully this isn't beating a dead horse and the game will get more players playing ET pro. Even with this news the game is in a dire state of affairs competitively so it needs another shot in the arm. But what? Without green backers its fucked. Still fantastic news all the same and well done to peaches
the admin of is actually planning to open a league. he told me he wanted to start with a jaymod league, because there are so many idiots out there who wouldnt be able to install 2.6b and stuff.

well, this would be a start to get jaymod players into the competitive scene
Would be awesome. Still, it would only target a small percentage of the market. Suppose there is no real way unless these guys WANT to play competitively. Its really hard for ET players who have no idea about CF or ETPro to actually start playing competitively.
After feeling the more accurate hitboxes and movement there is no way back to jaymod etc. :D
frankly said the NQ hitboxes are topping the etpro hitboxes by far.
They are too accurate imo, sometimes you have a moment you are right on someones head but dont get a headshot untill you shoot one or two FULL seconds on his head.
Well the thing with that 2.60b is quite weird with them. The guy eRRoRR is talking about also made a server binary; 3.00, it works as 2.55+ (it supports both 2.55 and 2.60 clients and it even lists the server on both versions of the ingame browser(this is what all these pub owners want so bad)), but he made that 3.00 version show people on 2.55 something like "Update your client binary to 2.60b", which they dont want to, they just started using 2.55+ again to get rid of the warning.. :s

No idea why, maybe because of the hitsounds for nades and shit, but either way I don't think most of these people are interested in comp.
Indeed, its all about the $ at the end of the day
Sorry to blow your dream away but jaymod players wont come to etpro. Most jaymod clans already have a scrim team, they are well aware of what etpro is, gamestv is and crossfire is, but they Dont give a fuck about them. Last thing an "idiot" from jaymod wants is to have to install stuff to get to play (make account in tzac+download tzac+download 2.6b+download etpro+download etpro maps) and even if they do download all of that, most are shy (wont go to teamspeak) as there are more underages in jaymod, they will just want to play on a pub and get bored within minutes either because they get owned easily or because there is not enough ppl to call it a pub (24 ppl in a etpro pub at top ) compared to 50 ppl in jaymod pub, so the "fun" is rlly different. I tell you., the "jump" from jaymod to etpro was some years ago, and those who moved were "the top jaymod players", those who werent even near the top and still went to etpro got bored in less than a week and some still liked it but arent rlly skilled and get called low every time they play, so is not rlly fun for most if not all jaymod players to come to etpro, this community compared to the jaymod community sucks ass and if you go around there posting in forums and stuff you will see what response you will get.
ok. but i know some guys who only play jaymod and arent even bad. i talked to one of that guys once. he was like "nah, i dont really like scrimming" i guess he just likes it to bash some noobs on a 50+ server and he loses the fun, when hes playing vs better players.

but actually the first 50-100 on that trackbase rating would be able to compete at least on a normal level om competitive gaming. many just have no idea what its all about.

anyway those 100 players wouldnt save et either, probably
you got ur point, but this wont happen

cos they are only aimersm they just randomly wonder through the map

got a friend who joined etpro with me 1 year and half ago , he left us, he went to play on "foreign" servers. few weeks ago he came back full of experience
i was so fuckin skeptic and i knew he didnt learn shit but fragging, so i asked him:

-have you played wars ?

-against what skills?
-med-, won 1 deuced 2 ( in 1 year and half or more)

me ,inside my brain

image: Gasp

image: not+bad.+OC+just+a+thought_51ac9c_3500455

so i asked him to join me for 1 game
everything went as i was expecting :completely shy on teamspeak (he even said he doesnt use to play wars with ts and stuff like that , and only aggresive ,unbrained pushs)

some people just want to play cod style, you have to let them be
its more much fun. been refused my nitmod players also when trying to make them ESL RO CUP:S

tl;dr won't happen
exactly those on top 100 dont care about etpro (there are a few exceptions) but trust me they are well aware of what etpro , gamestv and crossfire are. I tried to do this "get jaymod players to etpro" a long time ago, i brought in many players i am their DAD lol, but the majority of their clans refused to, as they like playing pub, playing rating or playing for simple fun. Other clans just banned me from their forums for even asking them to scrim and then removed the post. I wont tell you there are no people in jaymod interested in going to etpro , but those are just some rlly few exceptions and it will take them years to rlly get anywhere near a "competitive" skill. I would never say there are 100 players that would come, even if you insist much you could probably get only up to 25 players if much. And as you said , even if u manage to get 100 it wont save et, and they will just drop after a few scrims. It sounds like a great idea, but trust me i tried it, and many other ppl from jaymod have, and it wont work. Just for info i was one of those 100 in the top and i know what i am saying here :P
Yeah i Know u. I also belong to those Top 100. I think we even were at the Same Time in God :P
ah oke <:D
does that make me a top jaymod player? :S
yes, i defo count you as one of those guys who made the "jump" with the rest of us
It took him seven years tho
No you still are a jaymod player :D
nice & thx
chaplja no longer a virgin, hooray!
Premium accounts includes Tzac Bypass?
sadly not but it includes free entry in every of your holes!

isn't that great? you will get laid, fuck yeah.
Thanks peaches , what happend? If she payed that much i would donate 10,00€ to support this. PM me if you want :)
mmm that's a bad drama ended good.

image: approved
peaches are cool
yo peach, u rock
fuck sake -.-
Thx pches :D
peaches :XD you are crazy!
Great news :)
Featured in the rotator!
Would be great if the rotator link didn't link to :P
Holy shhht... :D
peaches save me, i need money

fast, i have baby dying
prostitue toi
elle en a pas besoin on dîne chez Bocuse tous les weekends
reported for french language

+ want me to prostitute
peaches, son of a American billionaire?
Sorry for being rude, but I don't know who Peaches is, can she or anyone else give me some information I've missed during the past year? :P

I'd just like to thank peaches whoever you are for such a sick gesture of kindness you pulled out, you literally just saved ET and probably helped other games like CoD2/4 as well!
I guess we will know soon, expect her to give some introduction or w/e
Some boy from USA pretending to be a girl
Still not getting how a game can "die" and now it is "saved"
well done peaches!
Rezhni: " Whos peaches and why is there a picture of apples?" LOLLLLL
The picture is peaches not apples...that guy needs an eye exam
Lol dat nagga
So etlive will be dropped or continue with tzac as the anticheat on it?
Lovely work peaches
ETL is not connected to tzac's state or tzac in general.
I see, so they will continue etlive?
Yes, of course.

ETLive is not connected to any other tool/program around ET.
NEB players, saving ET. thats so unexpected
A new Global ET mod would be awesome.
indeed, instead of this outdated ETPro mod :<
Like what?

Ideas what should be there?
what did she do
peaches :)
pch bestest <3
sit on my face peaches
Peaches <3 my favorite fruit!
Eh,is that for real? thanks peachesrichfag :D
that's just fkn great.
thank you man!
All i learnt from this saga: Chaplja is a dick, Peaches is a legend
How much did he/she pay/donate to chaplja?
1 penis, 2 balls.
We really need more infos and transparency, what we miss since 2 years. Gl
Really good news but somehow i find this hillarious. A whole community wasn't able to "save ET" and then one person comes and everything is solved.
big moneyz
thanks peaches
ure a dick chaplja, and peaches thanks :)
Fuck you peaches. ET could've been saved but now it will stay on this path of doom.
peaches can save ET but not enough money to buy a mic WTF !!
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