Global warming?

Whats up with the weather? my part of sweden havent had snow this winter at all and its +0 all the time.... we use to have like -20 and atleast 1 meter of snow, today its +10 and extremly strong winds.. Global warming gonna kill us all? ='(

edit: 2 years ago on this date we had -25 :i
yup same here , only with that last part
Same here in Germany.

16° is compared to last year at the same time a plus of about 20°
same here :/

got snow for 2 days in oktober, not anymore, no snow on xmas :(((((
Well... when they speak about global warming, they talk approximately about 0,5 degrees over the past 50 years.

This is like 10-X degrees warmer over half a year, so no... IMO this is not global warming.
the illuminati changed the weather!
"This is like 10-X degrees warmer over half a year, so no... "

Half a year? At least it's not warmer than our summer (yet). :)
Here it is up to 15°C Usually. 0°C

Graf-Zahl was faster -_-
0700. Gojira - [From Mars To Sirius #12] Global Warming

yep. same here :P
14° in NL, normally around 0°-5°
around -5 - 0 5+ imo (tenminste hier in t 'zuiden')
Zwolle-aan-zee sounds nice :-D
ye, we have also noticed that here. normally from 0 to -35 celsius

in finland \o
it always rains in england, and right now its we're ok. Send your hot swedish women to us and we'll look after them whilst you die of global warming
i like the weather more now then few years ago. Bring it on!
its here 10+ too >_<
i should be digging snow like hell around my house right now, but nothing this year ;d in Lisbon, Portugal, it's about the same i'd say..cold, around 5~10º C.
But ye, we'll all probably die because of global warming.
There was measured 12º today in Denmark, which is an all time record, from when they first started registering the temperatures.
that why i said "we'll all probably die because of global warming".
Wasn't being ironic :p
First winter without snow since I was born... damn I miss the snowmans and snowball fights :(.
For Toss: if the global warming is true you will be hit very hard in a few years. Maybe tornados... cyclons... who knows...
we have here in Finland +5 celsius and normally here is smth like -20 -> -30
Paska! Jääkarhu omistaa ei hanki :(
Yes it's pretty fucked up. Here in my city we have 11+°C :|
Belgium it is 12-13 °C according to Frankske Deboossere.
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