What do you think of win8?

The official release its (tomorrow) Friday the 26th, they were at least smart enough to do it on a friday (NYSE) closes friday , re-opens Monday....Thats to avoid a possible massive down trend on their stock.
Well now, what do you think of windows 8? Only if you tried it plz. (Release Preview)

I personally think it utter shit, gave me a hedache most of the time and i think most of the people will skip this version of windows and wait until the next one (smth like when vista came out, ppl skiped it until win7 came out)
I wont be upgrading (even when it is rlly cheap compared to old windows releases), since i hate this O.S., i wouldnt upgrade even if they gave me a license for free.

Some of the stuff that bothers me the most:
-Metro UI looks good for a tablet, works great there but in a PC is total crap:
Giant squares everywhere? Everything is an "App" now.? I have to slide horizontally thru the whole screen to find a program? My mouse scroll wheel is useless now?
-You open an App, lets say Sports: You get spammed news about every sport out there, trying to configure that was a pain in the ass to get just one sport , i picked NFL. Even then, i continue to get news about roger federer and barcelona shit so it doesnt work. Try to close an app., hahah fucking serious, they removed the big red X to close stuff, even the minimize button, ok np, now you have to drag from top to the bottom of the screen...rlly useful for a tablet, rlly stupid for a pc. (Whats easier: One click on a red X or dragging and dropping the whole screen to the bottom of it?)
-Settings overall: Hard to find Control panel, turn off button, programs. Basic stuff like mouse speed is not there anywhere..., even the login screen is just stupid. These invisible panels piss me off, they dissapear if you dont go exactly over them., the new search function is total crap, in win 7 you open start and you get that little space to write what u wanna search, in windows 8 you just write and a huge black screen comes then. But why? What if i am working on some excel file and wanna search another one meanwhile, why fuck do i have to get all my screen black to do a simple search? = this is crap.
-Minimize is gone: Now you dont minimize programs, you have an invisible panel on the left where you can drag and drop whatever app u using.

I could continue writing pages of how crap it is but this is already a wall o text , i wanna see what you think of win8 ??
The stock will definitely go down and i am glad it will, fuckers.
image: Big_bang__NO_ONE_CARES

Give me 3 reasons to use it. WITHOUT hipster-shit.
Works well for a tablet, fucking horrible idea for a PC OS
I understand there philosophy with a 'evolution' in the idea of a PC/laptop but I would still like a poweruser opition; something like win7 interface with minor tweaks in UI like better taskmanager and all the optimalisations that found place in the back ground.
They tried to satisfy both desktops / laptops and tablets at the same time 'without any compromise', which led to lots of compromises...
One word: shit.
why do people argue that win8 is targeted at desktop users as well?
it clearly isnt and i cant really see any marketing efforts that would suggest otherwise.
Time is up, for rest of the you guys...

I got free upgrades for both, my PC and my notebook but I guess I'll only update my notebook.
it's always the same with windows:

win 3.1 was cool
win 95 was bad
win 98 was good
win ME was crap
win xp was good
win vista was crap
win7 is good

just wait until the next release

+ what hugthesub said
dude 95 was tha bomb

image: 5681010_700b_v1
I still cant get why people didnt like vista. I mean i never had any problems with it, ever.
It's like they were trying to bake an apple pie for the first time which didn't really come out great. Sure, you can eat bits and pieces of it and it still tastes good, but it's just not a proper pie. Their second attempt (Windows 7) was a lot better.
Unfortunately there were also Windows NT and Windows 2000 which were both pretty good as well. Additionally, Windows 3.x was fucking horrible.
Norton Commander all the way.
tested it for a couple of days but didn't like it at all. the desktop mode looks okay but wasn't practical either. forever win7
Thats what I said about xp before :(
XP rocks :)) had to upgrade just because it didn't support ma hardware and games
And same will happen, not too soon though :p
from what i know, you can switch from metro ui to the normal, known from w7
basicaly it's like when they released vista, but this time it's a windows phone "look" remake with a win 7 behind

my opinion : complete shit
Does this pic mean that windows 8 is actually good, trolling the usual outcome of every 2nd product theyve made so far?
dontthink so, you are thinkingtoo mcuh
I tried it, but it sucks on pc. Also it didn't work properly on my new pc. Win 7 runs smoothly.
I'll wait for their next OS+ what others said about good/bad
Trying something really new, that wasn't even patched is a bad idea in the first place anyway.
Hi I am 12 and I don't know whats going on
Windows 8 is pretty much lighter than win7 (or atleast it run smoother on my AMD computer)

There are few good addons that missed a lot to win7.

The look could be like windows 7 (or atleast it used to in the beta)

I still don't get why those crossfire nerdys who didnt used it speak about it...

There are also ppl like mamouth aka rachid that heard "oh win8 is shit" then because they have no personality at all claim the same eventho they don't know anything themselve..
metro is a bad choice for pc, but i guess there is about 6 ways to remove it =)
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