they have really acomplished something big this time...
they made a even more crap iSuckdevice :o
first iPod... now this...
with the iPod it was like... OMG 50 cent is sooo cool whit his iPod in the video clip P.I.M.P. I wanna have one too than I will be cool 'n stuff
now everyone is gonna buy it as soon as the see some nigga walking with it...
people only but it because everyone is buying it... but 99% is just buying it so they can be 'cool' and show it to their friends :/ stupid lamers
edit: that phone is sooo full of crap OMG xD
edit2: why not buy a normal phone for €100? in stead of this crap... OH LOOK AT ME I PAID €500 for crap I am sooo cool now... I am going to show it to all my friends...
Siehst du, das passiert immer wenn man sich negativ über Apple äussert, irgendwo keimt ein fanatischer Appleanhänger aus seiner alternativen Designer Krypta und fühlt sich angegriffen.
Whats the pricerange like ?
they have really acomplished something big this time...
they made a even more crap iSuckdevice :o
first iPod... now this...
with the iPod it was like... OMG 50 cent is sooo cool whit his iPod in the video clip P.I.M.P. I wanna have one too than I will be cool 'n stuff
now everyone is gonna buy it as soon as the see some nigga walking with it...
people only but it because everyone is buying it... but 99% is just buying it so they can be 'cool' and show it to their friends :/ stupid lamers
edit: that phone is sooo full of crap OMG xD
edit2: why not buy a normal phone for €100? in stead of this crap... OH LOOK AT ME I PAID €500 for crap I am sooo cool now... I am going to show it to all my friends...
guess ur one of the wannabe's I was talking about earlier :D
let ppl spend their money themselves
bist eigentlich gut ins neue Jahr gerutscht?