Ati_ & Jo0f in Korea!

After we lost both qualifiers against cod4 pros aka venezuela aka blackmane,toxjee,caesium,ono,mark we managed to win in the European Grand Final against venezuela and win the free trip to korea and we will represent Europe against America in the Arctic Combat World Championship Grand Final, so don't miss it!

We will be leaving this tuesday together from schiphol to the capital of Korea, Seoul and the final will be played on the G-Star event (Asian Gamescom) in Busan.

The grand final will be played on Friday the 9th of november somewhere around noon Korean time. So very early in the morning for those who want to watch the stream, support your ET players! ;)

1st prize is an additional 3k $ on top of the 1k euro we already received + free trip (all inclusive) :)

Also received my Brink money, u mad, ye u mad, kamz aint got shit hähä

Stream will be on the frontpage of webzen:

Good luck & have fun!
nice tag, ati
gratz :)
Gl dutchies!!!
gl! I knew I should have made team for that shit xd
You wouldn't have won brah, sorry h3h3
You never know! Did you prac how much?
More than any team, every day the beta was up :P

We pracced so much fnatic.cod4 and other cod pros are calling us hackers, thats how much we pracced
I just think that ET players are overall better than those cod nabs! But grats and go watch some SC2 while in korea :D
I just think that ET players are overall better than those cod nabs!

agree with that!
Gratz, atlough AC is really bad and boring.
On high level it isn't, my heart was almost beating out of my chest during the grand final, I will make a video after Korea to show that the game is really exciting. Public is very boring, correct :P
Yea, I'm sure you had fun playing huge tournament.Maybe I just don't enjoy S&D mode and don't find AC "fresh" at all. Good luck anyway.
gl nerdssssssss
Haha have fun jo0f mate! :)
Sounds nice! GL there
hf joof :p
lol nice
enjoy the trip and gl there
the same joof who got accused of cheating in ET, and did cheat in QL?

i wonder how he will perform on a lan :-)
I've been accused of hacking since day 1 in Arctic Combat, that doesn't mean I actually hack, does it? He used a itemtimer in QL, strong hack, I couldn't even be arsed to memorize the times of items to spawn myself in quake ;p it's like enemyspawntimer
QuoteHe used a itemtimer in QL, strong hack, I couldn't even be arsed to memorize the times of items to spawn myself in quake ;p it's like enemyspawntimer

You are retarded, enjoy your Korea.
he played at the last ET LAN and he performed well
u hate on strenx too cause he has cheated back in the days?
ugly cheater nerd in death gayme ?
2nd place qcon 2k10
Where do u find these horrible looking games and why ESL has this game, is it mega big somewhere? Sponsored by the makers or whats the deal? Doesnt look like a game thats succesful since i've never even heard of it :D

The clip looked boring and the game looked easy, like easier version of cod, no wonder u made it all the way to Korea :3. Anyway good luck, represent gaming community and win that shit, or are Koreans too strong in this game too?
I just check ESL newsposts every now and then for a new game with prizes, doesn't matter if it's shit or not. Just playing for the competition and prizes. ESL is the biggest europian esports league, thats why they are hosting it, all the prizes get sponsored by the gamemaker webzen. The same cup was hosted by csn in America.

Ye, the game is pretty big in Asia, it has a different name there though, it's called 'Battery' and they have more weapons and maps there. Like I said, I don't care if the game is succesful or not, look at brink :D

QuoteThe clip looked boring and the game looked easy, like easier version of cod, no wonder u made it all the way to Korea :3.

That doesn't make any sense since cod pros were playing it aswell and got raped by us ET players .. >_> Doesn't even make sense in the first place, think about it ;d

We are not going to play versus asians, just americans. The asian version of this game is not the same, wouldn't make any sense playing against eachother and asians aren't really good at fps compared to rts
Some game developers like to throw money at their game to try and make it popular, especially in Korea.

That's why you have awful games like this or A.V.A. being played at Korean LANs.
Nice! gl
Btw 6:10 on 3rd video....xD
lol, just reading those cry posts from "cod pros" on ESL :D

Really funny how ET players are constantly accused for cheating
With who do you play? any other known people or u found them on public :)

Wish you GL, post a Journal when it starts to korea , wanna spec the game :)
well, other than joof I didn't know them before AC. They played for nation teams in mw3 and whatnot but ye, we turned out ok :)

Thanks, I will :]
rofl... case Winghaven & RELOAd vs bf3 community all over again :D
=D this remind me on a post in a bf3 forum where everyone were flaming that winghaven and relaod are hacking
Just record yourself playing (with an external camera) and do preshots again!
Why does pansy write like shes 12 or something? Fucking embarrassing
no pressure :S
that game looked so awful based on the gameplay videos I saw that didn't even want to try it, but still getting a free trip to south-korea is pretty awesome! good luck there :)
Very nice, enjoy your trip to korea =D
Holy shit those opponents and their asslickers are some crybaby's. God, they dont even know that preshoot is a part of the ET game so we just take it with us to other games.
game looks piss easy
It's only because you see me playing, it makes it look easy, boom g5
trooo :*

time to troll some noobs
nice gl&hf there

but the game looks borring sorry - i cant understand why such shit games have so many sponsors and ET zero
lol cod players mad

let a et player play against cod player at cod = ET player prolly wins or atleast gives him a hard match
let a cod player play against et player at et = cod player doesnt even get a kill
This game doesn't require skill. All you need is game sense and ok-ish reflex and aim.

Doesn't surprise me that you two made it in to the finals, no offence tho.
Because gamesense, reflexes and aim have nothing to do with skill? If you're going to be a troll at least try a bit harder.
Ok-ish reflex and aim, go watch the finals :p that comment is way off
watched the first 5min or so, any random person who commits in to improving his aim could shoot like you, the only thing 90% of the randoms lack is game sense.
is this game active? how much did you pay for that game?
free2play :)
There were quite a lot of players already during the closed beta. Heard a lot of players from other free to play games like AVA and Combat Arms might move to this one, don't expect the next COD4 though ;)

Arctic combat open beta should start somewhere in the first half of december, check it out.
hm looks pretty crap :D anyway gratz and roll those nerds
image: tumblr_mardqwHYEF1rej10mo1_500

Yeaaa buddy!
lol it was fun reading the comments about you cheating, they even posted a video and the guy at stream was like wtf hahah
seems like the whole "whatever game that is" community thinks you are cheaters. I would cheat if the prize was a trip to Korea anyways , fucking korea is awesome, cheat online win a trip to korea , get drunk in korea , underperform and blame alcohol = profit.
Well ofc you dont cheat and those are just cod nubs, just prove them wrong by winning in korea, gl}

here the video, nice prefire , it was blatant

1:01:38 > Atiunderscore obviosly chamming, LOL!!!!!
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