tmoe rofl
6 Nov 2012, 00:25
polaks playing every day for years and still losing to mixes, even with anim and razz playing :D
seems like kicking that lowbob fanatic wasn't enough, need to replace lesty and that random luke guy and maybe they win something lol
ah well, there's always cgs lan that they can win with all shit teams playing for toilet brush prize
also losing to decerto xd
cant care less about suken drinking 2e bear :s:s:s:s
also nice pretending you can't spell our nicks cause we all know you were eating curry chocolate and crying while looking at gtv page with our lineup there :D btw not playing at all, just offis, was enough to let you see the flag on warmup only
i see you are offended because i don't give a shit enough to remember your name ;[
i'm not offended, i know you remember it but misspell it on purpose cos mad xD
learning how to wash car instead of teaching engrish
Kamz says rifle is stoned, suddenly yours is drunk, he then says they didn't prac, funnily enough you don't either, hsTE comes in and says you have a low IQ (true btw) and look at your response to that one, just leave it.
arguments? here? in this thread? i've seen none, just paki making stuff up and dumb comments like 'what you on about'. you're such an asslicker that you think they're good cause you worship those two? i see on your profile that you play quite a lot of games. so why don't you go out once in a while, get some life, meet people and maybe then you stop being such a loser and will not hop into the conversation saying useless stuff with your tongue still in someone's ass
see who's talking about time put into gaming. you're a true nerd playing games all day long and still i got no clue who you are. seems like you're mad because of it but all you can do is comment here. try harder, play one game all day long and maybe, just maybe, one day you'll finish 1st in the 4th oc league group
Although the more you post about other people getting mad because they can't do anything else, the more I'm starting to believe that's how you really are and can't accept it.
How empty must your life be to start commenting on here every day and keep commenting until 1am?
i just saw your profile pic and man... honestly what type of animal are you
then u can come ask to join colt45 and get rejected again
afaik them IAY's play active too so not journal-worthy really
i still hope that
he has also his 20032309$ camcorder
understand that there is _NOTHING_ you can do to get me even slightly mad !!
Go spray cum everywhere! 8D
How u can speaking about nerding ? u spend 24/h playing random matches and faping when your match on gtv got more then 1000 views
Die in romanian hell
thx for insulting my country with no reason at all
Way people is
my insecurities :((':'(
Romanian Hell :
You are welcome any time. Dum kiddo