image: A37SogzCEAAjCYm

these euros be like "care????" lmfao
Nah some of them seemed pretty interested.
dat engrrish!
are they??? huh, are they????
we have to be interested tbh
definitely interested yeah
ofc we care lol
Obama have to be a boss the coming 4 years now
usa is falling... with obama even more
are you implying they would have been better off with a mormon president?

don't get me wrong, im not an obama fan either, i'd much rather see an entirely different candidate run for president.
although i havent watched this entirely, i am aware of the point it is trying to make.
But even with this, i wouldn't want to see romney for president either.

I dont trust either one of them.

I'd rather see someone like jeremy rifkin tear this shit up
well, in USA there is a complicated situation

too much depends on bankers from wall street...
tbh I dont know if this is a good decision. In some opinions I agree more with Romney. But is actualy mormon, OBAMA rules!
the point is that he most likely wont do what he says. while that is always the case obama already has the trust and made his bonds
which are the things you agree on with romney?
no gay marriage
wollt dir grad nen antrag machen :(
its still legal in germany :)
oh god.. is obama considering allowing it??
yeah, I even heard rumours they're gonna force everyone into gay marriage!
LOl.. .when you gonna sign up for it
Why would you care if two gays want to marry each other? :|
what's wrong with me thinking it's weird?
What's wrong with me asking why you find it's weird?^^
Also, French government and parliament will probably allow gay marriage today or in the upcoming days, that's why I reacted - everyone talking about it here.
I starte to care less and less about shit that previously bothered me, maybe I'll not care about the way anybody lives their life in future I just can't understand what gays feel. =d
You're not attracted to men and that's fine but why would it bother you if someone else was?
why wouldn't it? I just think there's something wrong about it, won't tell faggots to stop sticking penis into butthole but something like marriage? :l I wish they weren't able to adopt kids, sets a bad fucking example.
What makes you think same sex couples can't raise children?
Are you seriously that delusional?
I didn't say they can't I just dislike the possibility that they might push a son to be like them (or that the son might think this is the right path because daddy and daddy are raising him).
please tell me you are joking :DDDDDD
why would I be :d
if that was the case, then I wonder: 99.9% of gay people were raised by straight parents. why didn't it push them to become straight?
99.9% of gay people raised by straight parents is still like 0.01% of the human species and so it's more like an abnormality (can't think of any other word). of the billions of kids born worldwide into families of straight parents a tiny as fuck proportion end up as fags, plus you're talking about current +18yo homos who could even struggle to find work because their generation were so against homosexuality (pre 1990s?). nowdays it looks like they're going to be treated more and more with dignity, respect and equality to normal people and so more likely for a) fags to come out of the closet and b) millions more fags coming from the new generation of teenagers because to some they may feel safe and proud, others will maybe even see it as an acceptable lifestyle.

times are a-changin' and it's gonna be a faggy future
white nerds be maaaaadd lmao
yea yea yea
Surely one broke machine will change the outcome!
Also this has happened in previous elections, too.
yeah I know, still funny though, can imagine the rage on the people that it affected lol
There were 2 more voting machines in the same place afaik :P
Here we come Iran :/
No, that's what Romney wanted to do
Don't really even care. Was quite obvious, media just tried to hype it, at least here.

image: 598384_360201317404301_1619652624_n
I think Romney would be the downfall of America.
He probably would throw away the health insurance and some more things what Obama had accomplished
in the last four years.
Don't get me wrong but... wasnt he the guy who established an health insurance in the state of Massachusetts ?
still scary how badly some educated people actually wanted Romney to win....Obama is bad too but not as bad as mittens 0.0
ye usa world police and the biggest liars...

and cant handle the war alone but in starting shit they are great :)

but ye have fun :)
+1000 they have to start a war everywhere
Who the fuck cares?

Nothing would change.. Ppl talking about Romney as another Bush,but Obama did approve many bomb attacks,killed former USA agent..

Still,it doesnt matter who will be president,just face...
Thank fuck. Did you see what that Romney fucker believes in? I dont trust him, I think he is a reptilian
its not like some president can terrorize the whole nation


hi putin

Hes awesome leader and extremely intelligent.. He cant do nothing with Russian nature.. These people retarded.. Hes excellent...
yeah okay
as I am not living in USA, I can't really distinguish between what obama did and what not. but what I experience from abroad is the huge blabla they always drop before the election. The whole campagne on both sides is imo way too huge and cost too much money which could be spent elsewhere.

I am just glad, he can have 4 more years to accomplish what he had in mind.

@ipod: couldn't you change your government system to something less based on just 2 parties? like a real democracy
Quote@ipod: couldn't you change your government system to something less based on just 2 parties? like a real democracy

for that you need to elect someone who doesnt directly benefit from the two party system, and that's impossible in the two party system. :)

i cant really see republicans or democrats saying that YES, we want to have more opponents.
What does real democracy mean? :p
democracy is only a better word for dictatorship :D
They called Kaddafi dictator and the people in Lybia where the most happy ppl in the world.. (that engrish..)
so never change a running system? :P
democracy is myth and total bullshit...

If votes could change anything,they would disallowed them as Communist did
Vote or not, Obama would have "won" anyways.
good move, most peoples views of America arent great and Romney was the epitome of that sort of view. (Dont get me wrong, there were worse candidates - Rick Perry's campaign video literally gave me chills.) Obama was the best option for so many reasons.
So what has Obama done since he's been in power?

- Economy + living standards worse than ever
- Try and present Iran as an iminent threat to the US to prepare the people for another invasion
- Support, train and supply rebels in Lybia, then move them to Syria to destabalise the government there
- Change protest laws so it is now a serious felony to protest in a "restricted area", or an area near a secret service, a undercover police operation, or a secret service vehicle, or heckle when a politician is making a speech, punishable by up to 10 years in prison
- Introduce a law which gives him absolute control over all internet and telecommunications with the right to censor and shut and monitor literally any US communications
- Drones armed with deadly missiles flying over US soil monitoring people for protection against terrorists
- Indefinite detention of US citizens without a trial or reason
- Legal assassinations of US citizens who the government perceive as terrorists (no trial necessary)

what a great hero, im sure he will turn the country around this time ;)

The only person who would have saved your shitty fascist state was Ron Paul
you are delusional if you think the President has that much power to make that much change. Either for good or bad - Paul's ideas could easily have been shot down because he cannot single handily make any decisions. Anyone who blames current economic problems on this or previous Presidents does not know how economics works, capitalism is built on highs and lows this is exactly how it works - a little look into economic history shows this.
Past Presidents???

Like Bank Deregulation, NAFTA, unfunded wars, unfunded tax cuts........
yea those were singular decisions by one man

dont be stupid.
Ronald Reagan deregulated the banks, which allowed for the housing crisis and mortgage fraud that occurred and crashed in 2008

Bill Clinton Signed NAFTA, which sent high paying manufacturing jobs overseas and is the reason that unemployment is so high in the US, and why so many more people depend on Government assistance

George Bush waged 2 useless, unneeded wars that he never added to the budget, along with tax cuts for the rich and never set up a way to add more revenue, which means less money coming into Washington
Do you honestly think that those decisions were made by that single person? they were advised by probably 10+ people on everything they do and even then they cannot just make decisions willy nilly :D Unless you are saying USA is a dictatorship.
They were due to the majority party in congress those years and in some cases, all out lies
Totally wrong. First, economy here is way better than it was 4 years ago.
Obama is not going to attack Iran, even though they're government basically sucks
Protest laws have never even been mentioned by him
The internet thing actually is pretty scary, but anyone who is in Office is going to try and do that, believe me as they will with police drones, etc....

And yeah, Ron Paul was my guy.
QuoteObama is not going to attack Iran, even though they're government basically sucks

Quoteeven though they're government basically sucks

Quotethey are government sucks

Iran is a threat - not saying Israël are saints, of course not BUT Iran keeps repeating they want the country off the map - you know they are enriching uranium (for civil purposes? My ass, who would believe that? Every report being made says it's bullshit). And he surely knows a war against Iran may be inevitable but must be postponed as long as possible.
They try to destabilise the Syrian government? Bad thing, Al-Assad is one great hero who loves its people very much and who accepts dialogue very easily.
America once again had the choice between bad and worse and I'm not sure, who won.

Both candidates had their points (in the little information they gave out about their plans, mostly they were just throwing shit at each other.)

Time will tell if Obama really is able to fight against the 16-Trillion-Problem and Americas bad economy.
On the other hand, we will never know if Romney could have done better, especially in social questions.

First thing I hope Obama does is raising the tax or at least introduce the same taxrate for everyone.

Other points I'll follow
-Social "gap"
It's a black day for America
He was the best option imo.
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