RTCW better than ET ?

first of all, im an ET player
but recently , with all this coverage,games,casts and videos of official games from years ago,quakecon 2003, falx and all kind of teams i cant remember being casted by warwitch and some other guy
i started to see RTCW completely differen; actually there is the real teamwork,
now i think ET is something like a showoff, a stage where one can prove his individual skill, doing triples+super movement dodging enemies doc run etc. ~this kind of things might rarely happen in RTCW

don't you think the same ?

homiee's video really impressed me :S

i said allready in 2006 that rtcw makes more fun to play then et
english class plz
what kinda question is that

ofc its better..
why it died then ?
it is so skilled , and has way more higher difficulty then ET

now i understand why kris didnt like ET
depends what u mean, in et the spread isnt the same as in rtcw(duuh) so its kinda harder when u come behind a corner and u get 3headed

why did it die... i think its the same thing as we are facing in ET atm

cant rly talk about rtcw since i didnt play it that much, i was 12 or younger when i did :D
It died when CoD was released - didnt die because of ET. ET playerbase is here not because they didnt play RtCW because they probably wouldnt have, they played because it was free.
ET was so fantastic that ID Software gave it away for free.. instead of an RtCW addon ;D
ye, being kicked from pubs by random votes must be fun for you :D
dunno why RTCW died, maybe due to the new players on ET maybe not but i always regret it and i play it till last minute
the community went in half, some went to et and never came back, some came back.. but it slowly died.. well its still not dead it still has a fair amount of ppl playing it, thers bunch off pubs with players :) i just hope our et community can keep up with the rtcw one :)
barely any players went from RtCW to ET.
dont think so
That's definitely not how I remember it.
majority went to CoD as they were chasing the money. CXG 2003 December the RtCW prize money went from $30K to $5K and CoD went got that money.
I wasn't even remotely interested in CoD back then, so as far as I remember the majority of the CB Europe and Benelux ladders started playing ET.
not saying none went to ET - they obviously did ^^ but most of the larger community went to COD chasing notes. shame it was a dogshit game.
CoD2 was good game, maybe closest to RtCW but ALOT , ALOT went to ET!!!

Unlike then, than is not related to time. Than is used in comparative statements.


~Another pair of words that I see misused far more often than not is than and then.
~He is taller than I am.
~Other than the interest on a small inheritance, he had no income.
~Today's students certainly do seem to read less than students in previous generations did.
~We learned more on the playground than we did in the classroom.
~Despite their lack of flavor, the hothouse tomatoes cost far more than those from the farmers' market.


Then is used either as a time marker or with a sequence of events.


~I took all of the exams in the morning, and then I spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep.
~Back then we knew what was expected of us.
~I bought apples from this orchard last summer, but I seem to remember paying more for them then.
~Look over the study guide first, and then if you still have questions bring them up in class.

Source : http://grammartips.homestead.com/than.html
hers a question, how do you no he didnt write like that intentional

and eventho if he made a mistake, thers americans who cant write like he writes.

if you can communicate / spread ur message and ppl understand it, that is perfect English skilled

well atleast thats what they teach at skools, do you go to school? or are u too much of an asshole to go to one

stop messing around with normal crossfire users u son of a bitch

yes im upset since im sick of it how ppl act towards other users and i think you and everyone else who does it should go fuck urselfs and then go ahead and fuck urselfs again

i should just wrote "Grow Up" but why would i give a fuck about u so go ahead be a dicktwat till the rest of ur life

i wish u all the best
You deserve a spot in my "nerds mad because of me" folder :x:d::xD/:x:D
You can thank me I managed to entirely read your comment even if my eyes are bleeding at the moment.
Moreover, don't try to be a hero in here. My comment wasn't a response to a particular user (knowing that already two of them have made the mistake in here). By posting such comments, I improve their English skills and they'll maybe thank me later + I can't stand this basic mistake. I'm the hero of the Internet here. Oh and concerning school, I'm certainly more educated THAN you are and still study.
education is not equal to knowledge

dumb fuck as fuck
highly related
no not at all

ur either smart or dumb as fuck
You are by far the most retarded person in ET.
real recognize real
i can't believe you're correcting someone's grammar :D
I'm not perfect but misspell 'than' and 'then' is pretty annoying (At least for me).
yeah nor am i perfect, i do aim to make as little mistakes as possible though. and i do agree that people who consistantly mix up then with than need to get that shit sorted. i just found it ironic, that francis here is nitpicking.
its same with ppl for your and you're :)
ET is just about whining about whos better and trying to troll someone..

Just a shit community -> the reason why this game doesnt have any newcomers...
Yeah cuz LoL's community is so much better.
7 months and 9 days
What does that mean?

I was there for a long time,just didnt write anything :-))
if you have a 7 months and 9 days account on cf, you shouldnt talk about knowing the ins and outs of the community, not saying you may or may not have played for a long time
community's better
if it is better then it would be played actively today

so no
On the contrary your mom's being played quite actively today

so yea

homiee's video really impressed me :S

I guess the rtcw hype gonna last 2 weeks before everyone forgets about the game again.
And how exactly is it so much more skilled than et?
I wouldn't say it's more skilled, just different.
I prefer rtcw over et because the gameplay in general is faster.
Smaller maps, less secondary objectives, faster movement, faster firerate, no vehicles to drag along etc.

Have you ever given it a try I wonder?
yup, didnt really like it, felt like the worse version of et to me
e: like few ppl have already mentioned the only better/more skilled factor in rtcw is lack of rifle
Ok that's it, I'm calling an ambulance, you need a brain scan.
just because you nerded a lot in rtcw doesnt mean the game is actually better for everyone else
Ok that's it, I'm calling an ambulance, you need a brain scan.
fail chain you wannabe oldskul NERD
Ok that's it, I'm calling an ambulance, you need a brain scan.
Guys guys, he's an American, they don't have universal healthcare so he has to pay his own brain scans.
2 will suffice.
I am not american rofl.
Could you provide me with some arguments why is rtcw so much better ?
more teambased
faster gameplay is more exciting for spec
medics are not op
why is it more teambased?
faster gameplay is more exiting for spec I agree but on the other hand it means there is more "random/luck" involved which makes the game worse for the competitive scene
medics are not op - again I lack knowledge on this so you need to elaborate (though I dont consider medics to be op in et)
its more teambased because there are much bigger interactions between classes...

no, faster gameplay doesnt mean theres more luck involved, just look @ tdm... its just means you need to be more concentrated to understand whats going on...

medics in et are like one man army with their ability to pick up weapons... in rtcw they need lts aka field opses to get ammo.. this point connects a lot with my 1st point
You use fop in et as well but still the main way to get ammo is selfkilling, wasnt the the same in rtcw?

Ok, maybe its not luck but smaller, 1 obj, faster maps mean that every mistake is crucial. Maybe this makes the game less predictable and therefore better for spectators but worse for the competition ( a shit team can win against a much better team becouse of a random mistake which would almost never happen in a map with 3 stages).

And really the main difference for me is the faster firerate and bigger spread. This makes rtcw more of a "flickshot" aim based game than tracking which I really like in et :)
no, it wasnt... rtcw defence is more about holding a position with spam and crossfire, unlike et pushing out to slow down enemy...

this random factor you're talking about was nullified by match system... i didnt watch rtcw for some time, but i belive you did play every map twice... if sw round was split the result of map was 1:1

i belive bigger spread means you have to aim better... just look @ mystic, crumbs or kris...
its funny how we removed extra clip from medics in ET to attempt use fops more and everyone was like fuck that and dropped fops alltogether. I think it comes partially to the part that teamplay in ET is hard because of rifle beeing able to shut down 'teamplaybased' play so easily and you get better value with rambo medics etc spreaded more around and in the defense you're safer with sking for extra clip than relying on fop to get that. and indeed getting enemies weps makes it so much easier also
rifle is just wrong
That makes your state even more worrying, you're polish and are sporting an american flag, all the more reason for those brain scans I'm afraid.
Of course you won't understand the following I'm about to say but the heck with it: I never said rtcw was better than et, but different, and gave you the reasons why. You're the one saying et > rtcw, which is just false, therefore, brain scans.
Oh lol I just stated that after playing both games I liked et more, If you think someone needs a brain scan because out of 2 similar video games he likes not the one you would want to more then what can I say, you are pretty fucking dumb, bb
I will quote you:
felt like the worse version of et to me
e: like few ppl have already mentioned the only better/more skilled factor in rtcw is lack of rifle

So you just said you like et better than rtcw rather than stating it as fact? Well duh what was I thinking, silly me.
Goodbye dumbass, nice talking to you!
yeah thats exactly what I said and yeah you are being silly right now
You know, just for the sake of liking this argument way to much I am going to make a wild guess about what made you form your.. aghum "opinion" on rtcw.

As the et pro you are you thought hell yeah I'm gonna join this random pub server right here and show em who's boss.
After getting out gunned by shrub noobs and several full spawns later, feelings of doubt and insecurity start to arise, the whole ordeal is frightening and is leaving you confused, so confused in fact that you even forgot your nationality in the process.
As a last ditch effort to save you from madness you try to convince yourself that it's the game and not your own abilities.
At this point you are sucking your thumb while you proceed to quit rtcw and quickly uninstall it to forget this horrible experience.
Trying to get back into your comfort zone you launch up et again, but it's not working, rtcw has left a permanent scar on your psychological state. Countless sleepless nights later you can go no further and seek out psychological help.
Years of therapy have finally succeeded in putting your mind at ease, that is until one day you read your favourite website, crossfire, when a wild journal with the title RTCW better than ET ? appears.
All the feelings you had tried to suppress are suddenly all coming back, you're reliving the nightmare.
Confused again you start spouting nonsense all over the place trying to convince people why et is better, but to no avail, people aren't listening.

What the future may hold has yet to be revealed, but I am dying to know the outcome.
syriusz - in ur face!
I am afraid noone but rtcw nerds who felt butthurt after I insulted their game with et>rtcw statement gonna find this funny :(. I hope you can waste another 30 mins writing something of better quality

Just brilliant! - I loved it.

hahahaha, i almost started crying of laughter
omfg u r a poet bully. u may join our ts now since we only admit artists.
fail chain you wannabe oldskul NERD
+1 bully D:
well, first of all the shooting rate , it sounds faster and you only have 3 CLASSES moreover you dont have hitboxes !!!

i personally cant play ET without hitboxes :S
Quotefalx and all kind of teams

replace falx by badass, cuz they just got an asswhooping!

lol joking, <3 voice.

Don't know, ET and RtCW are both about teamplay tbh, the classes are just a bit different and RtCW is faster. In ET, you always have the rambo medic and the Fops that take care of the damage. In RtCW its the panzer that gets the most damage (normally) cuz of the sick dmg one panzershot can do. The game looks the same, but game-wise it feels really different. I like both games tho.
nah its not better, because im used to ET and all that, im used to less spread and riflenades and shit

still, to me its more CS than ET is, and we all know how big CS is -- so could be objectively speaking its actually better
just mad cuz bad :{
haha basically yeah.. but its not my aim thats the problem, its that im not hitting where i would hit in ET :s
Individual skill is still fairly prevalent in rtcw, it is actually easier to get multi kills with the faster fire rate and explosives damage radius is much larger (especially the panzerfaust), also homiee's video showed an epic individual doc return on frostbite btw).

Few things I really like about rtcw when compared with ET:

+ no rifle nade
+ no landmines (probably why chry doesn't play it)
+ movement is a more like quake
+ prefer the player models/textures
+ funnier vsays (seems lame but massively adds to enjoyment factor)
some e.g of vsays ?
Never played it so don't know, heard hitboxes are a bit weird though.
just smaller ^^ its fucking hilarious watching ET players try to revive someone :DDDD
its like you have to deliver a colonoscopy, rather than just jabbing anywhere on the body :<
just have to hit the chest, its so easy :p

also watching ET players try to single knife gib is good. all hitboxes are like a quarter of the size so takes a bit more accuracy ;)
ah ok its just not knowing! I take it the single knife gib is the same hitbox as revive?
no, top of the neck for the knife ;)
Giving away the secrets! ;)
so its the same
yea, just the hitbox to do it is much smaller and angle is more important.
Reviving in RtCW is so freaking hard XDDD
It's better for only one reason and that one reason is... that it does not have a rifle-nade engineer.
I like ET more.
image: 068e482cef6a3be0c3c34361fe61fffc_original

but ET is better imo.
bully said on irc: hey homie tell this:

rtcw > et, trolololol et sux
You cant define if rtcw was better than Et. It is all about personal opitions. You said rtcw was more about teamplay but actually rtcw would be more about individual skill. Rtcw is arousing hype whenever there's a cup or competition but it's few who actually keep playing it.
Most top rtcw players cant play ET on higher level and same goes otherway around which is mostly because of a bit different spread and hitboxes. Though there are few excellent exceptions such as crumbs.
It's all about preferences. For myself I'd say ET is better because there's a wider range of things and possibilities but rtcw is somehow nostaligic. Either way which ever game was more popular, I'd still be interested in playing it.
ur so wrong...
oho, here we go again?:D
image: kingofpopcorn1
nah, esr is much better to flame ppl
the amount of fail in your comment is so fucking huge
QuoteMost top rtcw players cant play ET on higher level

it's true man, mystic kris crumbs fette etc were always shit players
RTCW is by far the better game, maybe you had to be there at the time but the games were so much more exciting to watch because of the faster pace.

As for people saying RTCW players can't play on top level, that's just silly. Most of the top teams (gunslingers, dignitas, e* etc) back when ET was at its peak were composed of lots of RTCW players. Most of them haven't played ET for a long time, however.
those teams didnt play at ET's 'peak' and its kinda obvious that they were good as they had rtcw and clan background to help them and new ET players were just getting into that stuff.
Okay well look at the Quakecon lineups, perhaps you consider that to be the peak years. KiH, u96d, team Crossfire, idle.ee all had a load of RTCW players.
I agree with you btw, your example was just not very good :P obviously rtcw players could and played at top level same as everyone else. though longer ET was played the less advantage they had and needed to adapt properly into ET.
hilarious statement
i wouldnt agree...

are you familiar with the doctors clan? they pretty much owned every game they played, and guess what: they did play rtcw

also: just because some ppl were too old to play the game, it doesnt mean they were worse players than the ones after them
you are agreeing with me. see they could even transfer into different games from rtcw and do well, hows that different from what i said?
lol, idd, ur first post was very confusing
it's true, take a look at SoF
who the fuck did play in sof?
Obviously RtCW players were on the top in the beginning of ET as they already had experience from a very similar game so that isn't really even worth pointing out. Over the years RtCW players have been losing their edge and it has become a lot harder to reach the top level straight from RtCW against those who have been playing ET for several years already. I remember atleast a couple RtCW teams that moved to ET after 2005 or so and didn't reach the top, even though they were top teams in RtCW.

Basically there isn't even too much to discuss about this imo. I'm sure that everyone agrees that a player who starts playing ET with RtCW experience has an advantage over someone who doesen't have it. Also just with RtCW experience you can't beat those who have played ET on a top level for a longer time, atleast straight away.
rtcw > et at any point, just because classes interactions are much bigger than in ET, making it much more team based...

and most of maps didnt have this annoying time of not doing a shit, just because you wait for dynamite, or vehicle

same game.
Not really.
what the fuck you are retarded
hm. in my opinion rtcw died because the last version (osp) was made in 2004 or smth. this version has no anti-lag wich basically make the game impossible for ppl with 98 ping. it kills any chance for matches between continents and basically ppl with 48 ping will always kill u in duels. so put ur self has an 98 ping or mor rtcw player in 2005 when ET camed..."hell ye now i can hit ppl so why the fuck should i continiu playing rtcw?"

RtCW better then ET? they r so diferent that u cant even compare it... this 2 games becamed a little bit mor likely when u changed the format to 6o6 like in the begining but they r steel completly different. the only map u guys play at top level is frostbite and most of high+ players hate it saying its a fucking lotto map. i never understood why u guys ware saying this till i saw a match with everyone jumping the back with normal jump. lol y that can destroy the map. the rest of ur maps if they dont have at least 3 stages they sux. lol gg

i have no dought in february MAX the channel #rtcw.wars will have 40~50 guys where 20 are active and if thers any war it will be just the same mix teams has it was in the past 3 years or even more...

So what is the difference between this cup and the last ones? why does this one have 24 teams and the last ones had max of the max 8 and normally 4? just the coverage and thats exacly what brought every ET skilled players to rtcw. IMAGE! razz askd me 3 times today if we had wtv :) love u bra!

so the only think i rly think RtCW is better than ET is the community. i could say we r 20 and no one is gamming mor then 4 or 5 hours per week since ther r no avi enought players so normally we r comenting soocer games or real life shits etc.. any kid who tryes to j our communty basically dosent stan mor then 1 week.

true story but I still roll 48ping nerds with my 98 :o)
all the viewers make me so horny horny :oo
are you aware ETmain antilag is non existant?
Antilag isn't the same as a comparable ping. A server computation based upon an applied inference is bollocks.
Thats no question .. RtCW is still better ...
sorry i play jaymod ( 50 vs 50, double jump, bigger hitbox, mmmmmonsterkiiiillllllll ! )

the biggest difference between those games is spread and hitboxes, so both et and rtcw players will not like the other game:P since im an et player, et > rtcw (played both)
I like both, and I'm an ETplayer. I just play RtCW when there's a cup :D
im not saying everyone's got it that way, but i think most of them:P
ET is death.

Let's return to Castle Wolfenstein.
or return to return to castle wolfenstein??
No mate, we will once again return to Castle Wolfenstein.
If I told you that these thoughts are currently going through my head, would you believe me?
wtf :D no i wouldn't actually :p but deep down inside i'm hoping you would mean it :)!
It would be nice to have a LAN for RTCW.
OMG DO IT! I'm dreaming of one last rtcw lan to meet all playes & have some fun playing :D wouldn't even care if there was prizemoney or not
I would literally shat myself with glee if you were to do this. There might be a market for it too, given the right circumstances.
Given the topic title, an ET&RtCW LAN could just be the thing we need!
There's a lot of people who believe Adroits was the last ET Lan, combining the two communities might just be what is needed to get the numbers up for a next lan.

I visited Adroits together with a few other RtCW players and all of us said that, and i quote: "If there's ever going to be another ET Lan we should sign up with a team consisting out of RtCW players" (we'd be shit though).
But as some people pointed out, RtCW needs ET and maybe we've just reached the point where ET needs RtCW too!

On that note, timing is crucial! Unfortunate as it is, we must be realistic and accept that half of the people that now play RtCW will dissapear again once their role in the cup is over unless there is a new goal to aim for.
And that is why I would urge these RTCW cup organisers to keep it up. RTCW goes away when these guys go away. When these guys are here, RTCW is here. If these guys stay, RTCW stays.
time to book warwitch his flight to holland :D! (one can only dream)
If you're paying for it!
Should ask CB for a cup for RtCW then :p There's your new goal to aim for :D


WOULD BE SO AWESOME, it will attract loads of people
people who played return to castle wolfenstein are ALL OVER THIS WORLD
i mean ,the viewer rate should go insane like 800 ppl at least if it gets casted online from lan
+ other people spectating LAN from that city
all the people would be like : WTF , LAN ? AFTER 12 years ???and they will be caught by nostalgia etc....

take for example warwitch's showmatch cast with boomer , 350 viewers out of unknown brought mostly by pansy from twitter !

(i think i started we just starte a hype here :D)
I'm struggling to believe that your reply is not sarcastic.
edited something, and no im not sarcastic
are you reffering to just a part of it ? or the whole comment ?
Whole thing. Especially the "viewer rate should go insane like 800 ppl at least" :D
well, this could really happen

in romania for example almost everybody i knew played RTCW, most of them starting to play it by watching their dads playing it

same goes for me.
he was playing RTCW sp together with one family friend of ours :D if they didn't know how to pass some missions they would just ring each other :D
we had to use passwords to kill Heinrich :]

who told you about this game ? or you found it just by urself ?
Found it by myself a few years ago but never played it. Then I bought it on Steam a couple of years later in a sale or it came in some pack, I dunno. And I tried it out.
et + rtcw lan

do it
it's very possible if RtCW keeps up with warwitch in these tournaments. tosspot was the reason ET had most viewers in matches, nowadays there is no caster so the matches are a lot less interesting ;[
I think RtCW is more fun to spectate in general aswell too :) And that's not a biased opinion because i think rtcw > et :D
tbh I watched Krea vs Amnesia and had no idea why rtcw players hype wtv so much. I just hope someday people will grow up and stop feeling the need to compare 2 games all the time ;d
well i don't want to compare the 2 of gameplay as this is a personal preference, but i do however believe strongly rtcw is more exciting to watch :D!
I get it and you're entitled to this view but even you can admit that it's retarded how much rtcw players try all the time to shove this stuff down everyone's throat about rtcw being 5million times better than ET etcetc blabla. it just gets tiring, I honestly try to support every rtcwcup I've seen and now made a team and pracced a couple times to add to activity, I think it's a fun game but the amount of of times i heard rtcw players talking about how much better the game is.. :D so offputting for me, I like the tight community but surely you can all live without badmouthing a totally different game all the time.
yup true. I'm not one of those guys thought, or I try not to be one!
after like 2 weeks of showmatches rtcw will again be forgotten. shit graphics and stupid bullet speed make it really boring and easy.
Then why are you playing ET?
Hey... maybe stick with your "awesome" games and stop trolling on this site, eh? ;)
nice name dipshit
Well thank you kindly, sir. It's really rare nowadays to meet a polite and well behaved person like you. Especially on the internet h3h3 ^_^
ET is much easier, your point being?
i said rtcw is much easier :] learn to read brother
and I'm saying ET is much easier than rtcw, learn to understand brother
What dnl said. This is endless loop of discussion where RTCW players will always say RTCW>ET and vice versa. Honestly for me both are really awesome games and both of them have its own charm (:
the thing is ET players don't ever bring up discussion about "blabla ET>RTCW"

it's just the mentality of people playing an old game, they didn't like ET because they got used to RTCW. look at how ET players reacted to ETQW, Wolfenstein, Brink etc. most who played X game first will always look at it like it's better, like the dumb comment by DtSje where he said ET's peak was in 2004 (gunslingers, estar etc). the skill back then isn't even comparable to 06/07 onwards.
you hate because you will always stay RtCW legend brother :b
90% of CF don't even know he's my brother, and the ones who did, found out at the recent lans (or almighty members). in other words they knew who I was long before finding out who my relatives are.
y u zo sirius?
y u so noob replies :z

also if I hated rtcw (which I don't) I wouldn't be playing it and I wouldn't support the tournaments (which I do for years now).

rtcw players just have this thing for crying out how much better the game is than ET.
I don't think it's particularly dumb (no need to be rude!). Dignitas for example were top tier on RTCW, top tier on ET and were then one of the best CS Source teams for a period of time too.

Teams like estar and gunslingers had some fantastic players who would most likely still perform at a top level if they had continued to play.

It's a silly argument anyways as to which players are better/which game is better, as arguments like that only end in tears anyway.
nevertheless it wasn't ET at it's peak in the slightest. in terms of skill ET's peak (in terms of developed skilled teams/players), competition, tournament quality and viewers per top game) would be around Spring 2007 or one of the seasons in 2006/2008. nothing else comes close.
I'd consider 04/05/06/07 to be the peak years with a gradual decline beginning after that.
there is nothing about 2004/2005 that will ever be the 'peak' of ET. for nostalgic reasons, sure. but the skill back then was horrible for the major part of the community and I can only assume people THINK it was the peak because all sorts of new tactics were being tried. 'in terms of developed skilled teams/players), competition, tournament quality and viewers per top game' none of these aspects were at their best in 2003-2005 (ET).

I agree there was a gradual decline since 2007 but not in terms of skill (before this year maybe). new teams were smashing the old pro's all the time and this is why they left, if they stayed they would continue to get hammered by the newer stars.
Well I think the beginning years of Enemy Territory were some of the most exciting so we're going to have to disagree, I guess.

You do seem to place a lot of emphasis on skill too, personally I consider the atmosphere that surrounds the community and the games being played at the time to be far more important.

An example would be Eurocup X, which had a ridiculously exciting final that few have managed to better since.
the ET EC X? or RTCW one?

and the reason you view ET's early years as exciting is because it was NEW at the time. nothing else. there are 2 ways a community can be mature, when a game is only 1-2 years old (afterwards the majority remaining are kids, e.g. in ET) and when the community is really small (like RTCW). with such a small community everyone is closer.. less rivalries, drama, kids don't get the opportunity to be kids.
I'm talking about the Enemy Territory one.

Why are you telling me the reasons why I find something exciting? I'm pretty sure I can make my own mind up. For example, read my previous message again.
I'm telling you the reasons why so you don't confuse opinion with fact.

EC X had an exciting final, so did EC XI (u96d vs parodia) / EC XII (idle.ee vs uQ) / EC XIII (idle.ee vs ND) / EC XVII (mPG vs EDiT) / EC XXII (TLR vs Dignitas) and countless more. ridiculously interesting finals are hard to come by but when there's a shoutcaster like toss, trillian, keyring or something there will always be a fair amount of interest. the point is, there is nothing 2004 had that laters years lacked, except for less knowledge about the game (meaning new tactics were being tested).
I'm not entirely sure you understand the difference between opinion and fact yorself considering I've consistently stated my opinion and you've then argued yours as a fact.

Be that hypocrisy as it may I think perhaps it's time to end this discussion because this is utterly pointless and I'm off to watch James Bond.
right because:

Quote by DtSjeAs for people saying RTCW players can't play on top level, that's just silly. Most of the top teams (gunslingers, dignitas, e* etc) back when ET was at its peak were composed of lots of RTCW players. Most of them haven't played ET for a long time, however.

isn't you trying to pass opinion off as fact? I think you're right, neverending discussion.
nothing? beginning of the 2005 had the most epic lineup ever in ET history competition wise, its not even close to compare it. sadly it was also the season majority of good clans played their last one.
which lineup is this? there were a lot of clans, you could mean any one of them ;/ 2 weeks dignitas?
i meant all of them, it was so stacked that EC dropouts got replaced by clans like parodia, krea, bendit. clans like storks and rewind should've been invited and they didnt even get a proper chance. in oc there were like 10 other teams who could've won matches in EC. no depth like that since that.
Dem brinkers
Can't quite understand why one has to be better than another. They are close to each others, though with several differencies.

Enough niceness, basically old fags (or wnb-old fags) against new fags.

Just give it a rest already, play what you want and shut up.
horrible gamecompared to ET
your face is horrible :s

only thing i really dislike about rtcw is that the panzer is so ridiculously overpowered that on sum maps it makes me wanna kill myself
like the rifle nade in ET? :p
it isnt overpowered its just annoying and requires no skill what so ever
there is no doubt the dmg radius of the rtcw panza is ridiculous but the rifle nade in ET, in the right hands, is just as powerful.

You can't tell me you haven't experienced a match where the other teams rifle nade absolutely dominated and changed the outcome of the match.
wH|-_-v ? :D
hahaha yes he is a prime example! although our zerg rush tactics made it easy ;p
but panzer in rtcw in the wrong hands is still overpowered. :D I got a 5man panzer yesterday boom!
pff what about riflenade + lots mines + panzer
mines, panzer and rnade need much more charge in et so that makes it less annoying, shooting a wall 100meters away from you with a panzer and it takes down 3 is kinda retarded dont you think?
well uhave ur super OP medics then. almost impossible to kill if u r playing in another class..
lol? what are you talking about?
he doesn't know xd
Wasnt panzer supposed to take out tanks or just small 1x1 meter square?
Nah, in ET you use panzer at pubs to make people ragequit.

Or do a 360 and make multikills like SpainWinghaven, but he's special.
yesterday, 21:48
why it died then ?

My opinions are because once upon a time, you had to PAY with REAL money for RTCW (now you can D/L it along with a key-gen... it killed the game) and once ET became available and FREE to play... Well :)
true, plus if you have a pirate-copy with a same cdkey you aren't able to join to multiplayer scene, so you need to buy the game.
what you say is true about the teamwork being essential , but thats what i like about et. That you can have some influence on your own however teamwork plays a great role in ET too.

And i like the hit boxes and movement better of et, but that must be because i started with ET in the first place.
To be honest both games got its up's and downs
RTCW got the far better movement, hell I love strafejumping in this game its so much faster
Weaponsounds are much better in RTCW (still don't get why they changed it to those boring sounds)
Weapons actually have different shooting pace, which is more interesting, imo
RTCW has no annoying Rifle laming all over the place
ET has the better netcode / antilag
ET has better hitboxes, try shooting highacc's in RTCW (I'm an ETPlayer obviously, so I whine at that :D)
ET has the bigger community (as of now)
ET has better maps (again this is my opinion)

If I had to chose which1 to play atm, I'd gladly say RTCW though, not because it gets hyped every 2 years for a month or so, but I'm kinda tired of ET. Would be cool to have atleast 3 - 4 public servers to enjoy the game once more (sorry haven't really followed it the last 2 years)
+1 ... ET gets boring :( ... its still the best game imo but theres nothing new , same 40people playing again and again and no new maps nstuff... its truly boring as hell :(

I play RTCW too , i like the panzer ofc and the sounds , the gibs are less at all in rtcw as in ET , too bad theres no rifle nade , since i have no skill with SMG i suck hard @ RTCW haha , but i dont care i play PANZER! ;:D
4 x kill + 1 teammate gib + 2 TKS :D wow ^^
'same 40people playing again and again and no new maps nstuff... its truly boring as hell :('

rtcw or ET? because that's definitely not ET. :DD this is the biggest the rtcw community has been in like 4 years probably, and there's like less that 70 people playing. ET has hundreds of active players.
o ty kurwa łoszynko
who r u anyway? :PPPP
u in ET = rambo player
u in RTCW = random player
"early" ET has also been far more about teamplay than it is now (not that I can really say much about its current state though, since I have stopped following the scene quite a while ago). even 6 years ago when many teams were already switching over to the really aim and player-centered play, I remember us (uR that was) following an extremely strict tactical regime (which also included individually preparing for opponents). In the very beginning it was awesome to come up with innovative tactics that really could change a game. I kind of liked that style, but also the more aggressive "do whatever you want style" at cdc3 with TM was fun. I remember watching what is now (?) belgian fraternity in disguise (during cdc xy with the subsequent ban because having cheated in online competition), who also showed awesome teamplay.
ET had a short period in which teamplay met insane individual skill which made events enjoyable to watch - now it*s just boring in and out.
sadly people want to win more than they want to please spectators, otherwise there would be random tactics tested (that were previously tested and failed) all the time.
The RTCW community is definitely a lot better compared to ET. Players are more mature, friendly and respectful to one another. When it comes to the game, I guess it's personal. For me, they are both very enjoyable, but it's a lot harder to compare these two games than most people think.
Fuck all this, I'm going to play RTCW.....
honestly i do not care whiche one of these two games we play, as long as we keep one alive :o
Lol @ journal comments. Both games are good. But the reason I favour games such as RTCW and Brink, is because no name random braindead players can't make an impact on the game like in ET. You'll have some random shit player with a decent aim in a random spot for no reason and he kills half your team on full and that's good game. In games like RTCW and Brink, that doesn't happen. You have to play as a team to win.
this made no sense in so many ways.
nowdays ET is one of the most boring games after 15 minutes already, cuz there isnt a single good new map for years now... and all the good maps got out of being an official one like oasis and fuel dump tho those are the best maps u could play in ET...
furthermore almost every 9th of 10 games are shit cuz the opponents are calling you lows, if u dont get the flag in supply in 2 minutes and if ure 2 good theyre insulting with senseless crap...
fuq dis community mostly.. and tbh, the hitboxes in et are shit aswell since u can also hit 3 headshots if ure aiming on the opponents stomatch or even his feets... also a big minus goes to etpro since there wasnt any new update since 2007...

RTCW > ET in all ways...
Quotenowdays ET is one of the most boring games after 15 minutes already

that's subjective, it's boring for you for X reason. I enjoy playing both ET and RTCW but I don't find ET boring at all. maybe stop playing low-med games? might be more challenging. point #1 incorrect.

Quotecuz there isnt a single good new map for years now...

where are the new RTCW maps? they are new to you because you never played ice, base, village, assualt before competitively. so your 2nd point is wrong.

Quotefurthermore almost every 9th of 10 games are shit cuz the opponents are calling you lows, if u dont get the flag in supply in 2 minutes and if ure 2 good theyre insulting with senseless crap...

you mean.. shit-talk? happens everywhere, nothing to do with ET. RTCW players talk shit too and people talk shit in kfc so what's your fucking point? there isn't one. #3 = wrong.

Quoteand tbh, the hitboxes in et are shit aswell since u can also hit 3 headshots if ure aiming on the opponents stomatch or even his feets...

it's called SPREAD. if you spend your whole clip then some bullets go stray. go play CS where you need to shoot the feet after the first bullet if you want to get any headshots. + rtcw has fucked up spread too so point #4 is INCORRECT.

Quotealso a big minus goes to etpro since there wasnt any new update since 2007...

when was the last OSP update for RTCW? 2005? 2004? every single point you said is WRONG.

neither game is better, retards need to fucking learn this.
stop playin low-med games?
u didnt stand a chance in about 10 3on3s in the last month... #1 incorrect

i didnt compare the mapthing with rtcw, cuz i know there wasnt any updates or new maps in rtcw...
that game is/was a WAY more dead than ET already...

the shittalk thing? well in cod4 ive got mayb 2/10 games with abusive kids... in ET u got 9/10...

obiously rtcw's hitboxes are much different than ET's ones..

and at last... grow up and stop these abusive comments to people who just wrote their mind 2 people who asked for it (the one who created this journal) proofs my point: 9/10 games are people who call other people retards and stuff...
you compared everything with rtcw, that's why you ended the comment with 'RTCW > ET in all ways'
overall it does! atleast thats my opinion and i dont need 2 insult people cuz they got another opinion than me... got it?
where did I insult you?
neither game is better, retards need to fucking learn this.

seems like u wanna teach me ur opinion :P
is this you admitting you're a retard? because yeah I think people who constantly try to compare the two have some retarded issues. I didn't say ROOKIEF YOU ARE RETARDED.
Quote in cod4 ive got mayb 2/10 games with abusive kids

Ive played cod for quite a while and at a decent level, the cod4 community is filled with retards. This community is even better.
I'm better in both than all of you fagg0ts anyway.
ipodii chillout!
what i like about in rtcw is that there is no hitsounds.. so basically no whine about "omg omg unhit polak"
there are no polaks in rtcw for the major part :P no antilag = most polish ISPs suck in the game.
Noob asking here.
Is RTCW similar to 2.55 patch of ET? I mean shooting wise, no need to crouch so much and so on.
crouching in rtcw is quite important considering how much spread there is
Someone make RTCW lan
Will that guy be a fucking hero? ;D
in my eyes he would be a god!
I don't think you got the context ;)
if ET was obviasly better than RtCW i think we wouldnt have 238 msg on this journal. lol i think this is the biggest jorn i see in ages...
238msges, and probably only 50 ppl were active in this post, et is still way more alive then rtcw, rest just see rtcw in post and say: nigga pls stating rtcw is better then et, IM OUTTA HERE.
Only because some people want rtcw back is because they got bored of et and they want to play an allready existing game that they are all familiar with, if everybody would start playing rtcw right now, you would have the same shit in 2 years but then the other way around
it's just rtcwplayer mentality to always say how bad ET is in comparison to their game. :P
Any person with a bit of common sense wouldn't say either game is better, because it simply boils down to opinion.
Unless you have a scientific tool measuring the level of awesomeness of either game it's basically the same as 2 religious retards arguing with each other which faith is the true one, neither is backed up by science, yet they still do it.
So it's all just opinion, I can totally get why some people like the slower pace of et, they can play it on their laptop in a comfy hammock with a coconut drink, no stress there just chill, maybe some ambient music. Also if you have aspirations to become an engineer, et, the great engineering simulator, is the place to be, so many things to blow up and fix.

Greets mate :)
this seems like such a butthurt reply but I can't understand why. this isn't ET vs. RtCW at all. it's just rtcw players for years complaining about ET in the exact way you just did in your 2nd paragraph. :D really retarded, seriously, can't even believe my eyes at that 2nd paragraph xD
What, how is it complaining? Something would have to bother me in the first place to make me complain about something and I can tell you nothing's bothering me, just having a bit of fun.
so you put effort into downing ET all the time because it's fun. ;d rtcw has its faults as a game but do you see every etplayer calling the game shit for it? :D
Aghum how exactly am I downing et, you could see the things I said in a positive light, please point out where I said et was shit.
And are you seriously saying that every rtcw player is saying that et is shit because apparently according to you it has "faults"?
I don't know what your reasons are. :D you tell me, I see stuff all the time being written about ET being a broken game and shit. you can look at the term 'faults' in any way regarding negative stuff you have to say about the game. and are you serious about that comment not downing et? you are trying to say ET requires less effort and such than rtcw in order to be skilled.

'they can play it on their laptop in a comfy hammock with a coconut drink, no stress there just chill, maybe some ambient music.' ? I mean seriously? :D was there even a point to writing that or is this just your 'fun' you previously mentioned?
Of course I am trolling you silly, I make a post saying it all boils down to opinion and how stupid it is to argue about, but than turn around and do exactly the behaviour I'm talking about.
On a serious note, I do not see an uneven balance when it comes to whine between the 2 communities and I think you are generalizing way too much when it comes to the rtcw community.
well I've been following every rtcwcup and browsing crossfire daily for the last 5 years and other than 'rtcw is dead' I never see any spontanious flame towards the game from etplayers and I'm sure you could probably agree. but then there's this journal where a few seem to be arguing against all of the "rtcw>et" comments.

anyway stop trolling, it kills puppies!
got bored from ET? i never played it... want rtcw back? i cant say im not liking this all coverage for a rtcw cup but i liked rtcw just the way it was 2 month ago wich is dead with a 20 guys community. i aint a pro gamer or warever that means. i play few times per week to chill and have some good moments with some buddys. And RtCW is the best game to do that, when is dead.

anyway read what i said. didnt say rtcw is better than ET and if u see my first post here ull see i disagree with ppl who says it. Im just saying if it was an obvious question we wouldnt have 240 msges...
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