perfo caught

yes ladies and gentleman the guy whos headset enables him to exceed the normal 20 , 000 hz frequency that the normal human being could master has been caught... no not rly

Looking for a nice headset (price range is $40) pls consider i'm a MALTAN and the shipping etc

Hahaha, stays funny even after the 1000th time.
tbh my joke is very original loll :D
Ah, didnt see who wrote this pointless journal. Hi2u #international-night-mixes reky!
:( c'mon it's a great joke p.s i rly need the headset a sennheiser would be preferred or sumin #international-night-mixes reky! with reky as comms leader n stuff
I did loeled irl at the "price range is $25" part
fixed but rly i can go above that ; (
Well, imho i would pay way more for a good headset then i would for a mouse. I paid 100€ for my senheisser 3 years ago, its still working perfectly. I dont have much stuff that lasts 3 year :P
hmmm i think i'll just stick to some other random headset then ;/

(not really, die fuckers)
arrogant mofo!
ask perfo!
Ohnoes. I thought he was really caught and shizzle.

Im now dissapointed and will walk to my next college test very unhappy indeed.

You made me this way ReKY, not me, not TosspoT, not cheatbuster Fusen, but YOU!
i'm a sad panda now :(
And so you should be.
hey wtf
get sennheiser
you mustve done alot of thinking before making a title like this, its really smart and original
medusa 5.1? ultramalta (hal qormi)
steelseries 5H? ultramalta (hal qormi)
sennheiser hd201
lightweight and comfortable, pretty good sound too tbh, they look very nice and stylish.
i bought them for 333 estonian krones, so it's like what - 30 £ ?
kewl lemme ebay it :D
perfoheisers or icemat siberias
If perfo does hack and ever is caught, nobody will notice because they'll all think it's another random spam journal! :D
You need more bucks for a sennheiser
Steelsound 5H ftw
if u need a headset u should buy one...
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