German movies/series

Dear Crossfire,

I today I had my first lecture of German for this school year, it's been 5 years since the last time I had classes in German. To get into the flow again I found that watching series (passive learning) works great for me. I would appreciate it if you could name me the best German movies, series and documentaries.

image: zzfja
Dat girl...

Just watch the movies they show you in class like Der(or Die, I dunno) Tunnel and stuff like that :)

And this one

Pure gold <3
didn't expect any non german/austrian/suisse guys to know "Der Alte" lol
Also a great serie,


Mundl = best, from 3:46 on is one of the most hillarious scenes
Die welle

GUTE ZEITEN SCHLECHTE ZEITEN! over 15 yrs on German TV and most succesful soap :D

We have this crap in dutch aswell :') Goede tijden slechte tijden...
WATTA FAK!??!?!! :D
Germans stole it :)
lols Okay :D its shit anyway so who cares^^
Wouldnt know, never watched it. All the teenage girls here follow the show and it has been running for ages, so there must be something interesting about it x] Can't see what tho :D
gzsz since 23.5.1992 as far as i know
also my birthdate ;)
the best, the one and only

Familie Heinz Becker!!! or so called "Ein Herz und eine Seele"

if you can understand (=comprehend) this, school aint got nothin' on ya
+1 , best educational series
"Türkisch für Anfänger" ("Kebab for breakfast" is the international title) is a serie that is used in a lot of schools to teach german. You can find every episode on youtube. It's a funny serie about a german woman with 2 children that marries a guy from turkey with 2 children. There is every stereotype about germans and turks. They even made a film this year.

If you want more action you should watch "Alarm für Cobra 11". Cool serie about the Autobahn Polizei in Germany. They made an episode where I lived some years ago and you can see me in that episode walking down the street :D

Pm me for more
M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder, Fritz Lang (old movie, gold)

Could also find Klaus Kinski reading several parts of Goethe's Faust (it's quite hard I believe, but you can follow the flow with the text) or poetry.
Mein Rührer!


beschte :D
Just pick any series / movie you like and watch the german dubbed version.

Apart from that:

Der Schuh des Manitu
Hell - Die Sonne wird euch verbrennen
Hotel Lux
Die Welle
Lola Rennt
Der Untergang
Das Boot
Das Leben der Anderen

No clue there isnt rly any German Series i like
Stromberg maybe
Just watch anything u like on german. Usually everything is dubbed, like HIMYM, 2andahalf men, scrubs and stuff
As you apparently don't care about my opinion, pm butchji, his taste is quite decent.
I just want moar, shoutout to nicon!
Oh man you hurt nicon bro!
Cloud Atlas ololol
Inglorious Bastards
Gefreiter Ash reporting for duty!
The best German warmovies next to Das Boot.
nigga pls, everything synchronised so maybe just watch german friends or german seinfeld
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