FumBle's TZAC (00000119) finally got rolled !

Hi everyone !

I hope you are all in a good mood !

I think that most of you took care about my last journal about the annihilation of xPERiA.
And by the way, he is still scared as fock and is avoiding me like a wimp.
Some guy on the old topic told me to go roll "FumBle" and then it would be impressive.

QuoteIceQ : who cares if you beat xperia, go beat fumble, now that would be impressive


They were searching MED+ skill on mIRC.
It was a pretty easy to beat them. Although they won Adlernest with some luck, we managed to roll them hard on Frostbite & Delivery.
At least FumBle didn't ego-quit like xPERiA low+ max did. Therefore I salute FumBle for his honor who even played a quick 1on1 against me at the end (and he got rolled but it's alright).

So here we go :


Kind regards.
fumble saving ET
you used to suck, you suck and you are always going to suck... where's the point in this you low attentionwhore?
I can beat you more than easily, anytime anywhere.
massive skillboost ?
bad go beat the godlike woDka from cCc maybe then someone will approve of ya D:
oh.....wait.... thats me D: X:D
hehe so funny... oh..... wait.....
stfu low- pokemon jew
Der war im 2on2 nur so gut wegen Aurora ;)
who is this guy
haha you got trolled by iceQ
You are just trying to reassure yourself and the others. I am not like you man, I am not a sheep.
when iceQ said to roll fumble, that would be impressive, he was fucking with you and now u played fumble and you actually made a journal about it, we all laughing at you on comms :D
Stop embarassing yourself please.
On s'en branle d'une force, tu peux pas imaginer.
Is it supposed to be some sort of achievement?
And they call me attention whore..

gg wp v55
met fin a tes jours
Oh so you're still alive ! Yeah because last time that we rolled you I remember that you were close from killing yourself IRL.
You got trolled :DDDDDDDDDDDD
I think somebody just learned about bolding text
what ag0n said
ur still med-
Quote to roll them hard on Frostbite & Delivery.


Try to beat crabje on RtCW, that would be impressive.
Also, you act like a dick and it seems like you feel the need to make a post whenever you win a war vs someone. Just fuck off you little attentionwhore.
why is everyone on xperia's dick?

who the fuck are you
awesome man nice job <3u gl next time
French retardness
none care
Now you've earned my respect
:DDDDDDDDDDDD happy because he beat people in-game
yes im a nerd coz posting this on saturday night
i saw something about rolling someone hard etc. braging braging and braging tl;dr
Hahahaha nice Francais mate. You 'beat zem up'!
Stop embarassing yourself please.

and i hope u die of cancer
Nice lives
damn i missed journals like this
Sry but u make a journal to say u won something (normaly u won nothing coz its a dead game) in ET.... you nerding 24/7 this game.... respect..

image: Steeze_King_Of_The_Nerds-front-large
Are the idiot who used ti play under the nickname FRANCAIS?
fanboying my insane style, wnb me
I really don't give a fock about you. As I already said, I am what I am and I don't need you to move forward.
Honestly, I never tried to fake you. There is no interest at all in faking you anyway because you are like the bitch of ET.

You are low as fock and have no credibility at all. I don't care about you. You are not a true one. You don't have honor.
I am not your fan-boy and you are nothing for me. You are just unskilled.

I have been playing as "FRANCAIS" for years. I was probably on ET before you and always had this nickname which is by the way different from " LeFrancis".

I also never claimed to be you like some people are trying to say.
Therefore, you can go back in your cave.

Sorry but it lets me no other choice...
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Yeah right, you don't have anything relevant to say because you can't defend yourself. Instead you have to spam your bullshits. I am not a fag like you. I can face anyone, I can face you.
Didn't want to harm you... You get trolled easily by IceQ who was being sarcastic so there's no challenge for me. I've achieved more in this game than you'll ever do but it's not like I really care because I now fuck girls in pussies while you struggle trying to win some games against people who aren't as active as they were back in the days. Stop posting you're making fun of yourself and you appear like someone with mental deficiency.
Yours sincerely,
MarseilleLeFrancis also known as "Francis" back in the days
Hey dude,

You are a big nerd IRL and you are ugly I bet. So please, don't try to make me believe that you are some kind of Alpha Male like me. You are low-skilled, therefore you didn't achieve much things.
Still, I respect the fact that you have been a commentator or something like that and that you are well known in the area.

IceQ is down to earth. And he is right about fumBle being a way more skilled and nicer than xPERiA. I really didn't like the fact that you are being very snooty like xPERiA. You talked like if you were important enough to have fan-boys. This is very haughty from you.

And "Francis" =/= "FRANCAIS"

As I said, I am NOT the one who fakes being the others, this is totally against my doctrine, I don't move forward that way, you can be sure of that. I have never ever tried to fake you.

QuoteYou are not a true one. You don't have honor.

This made me laugh so hard xD
Lol who cares, you got trolled :>
Sinon, arrête (ou alors change de pseudo :/) de te mettre dans des situations comme ça tout seul !
Linus <3. See what happens when you're not here I get rolled!
u never get rolled jackm8
Well done iceq :DDDDDD
Now when you are the big joke,you can fuck off and eat the sperm apricot of yours all alone in the dark.
Overall,nice try.
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Well, you represent well the mongol of 1st class of this community who follows like a dumb the mainstream.
You are arrogant, if I ever face you, I will beat you.
You are a sheep, like the others. I beat you and beat you up.
c'est qui ?
this thread is so full of raging nerds.
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