How-to gain mass?

Good morning my beloved Crossfire.

As there are so many musclemen here, I thought I could give it a shot and ask you for tips and tricks to gain mass.
By tips and tricks I mean what kind of "diet" I should follow, what kind of workout I should do, etc.. I have NO EXPERIENCE with this at all (well I did sports, but never really focused on what's good and what's bad for my body)
My height is around 1m86 and I weigh around 65kg's.

I want to look even more handsome Crossfire, and YOU can help me with that!

Whoever helps me out can touch my afro next LAN.

image: 552224_4830923734855_73746751_n
with that height and that weight i would definately bulk if i was you.

this is the best thing to follow if you are really serious:
Will read that for sure, dank je lange meneer :-)
judging by 4chan in the name I was sceptical but this seems to be really good. Structred and no non-senses and also sources! awesome link.
tl;dr version?
eat mcdonalds, kfc, kebabs and bureks and dont forget some fake ass powder shit
i know that feel bro..

since summer ive got over 10 kg weigh and like only 3 kg of fat. (i guess)

just try to eat every 3 hours and the amount of protein for is recommended 2x ur weight so in this case 130g

and remem that it dosnt matter what u do at the gym if u dont eat right -
- some wise man whos name i dont remem
You know you can only get like 1kg muscle in a year without drugs, rest is fat

Edit: + its 2x your fatlessweight
that is so bullshit lol :DD

so for example classic bodybuilder hulk is drugtested natural aroun 30 yr and got weights over 100 kg when ripped.

so basicly u say he had to go to gym for around 70 years?

Its been proven in specific research which i cba to find now that those huge amounts of additives dont really help that much unless you really really put effort to bodybuilding. For an average Joe who just wants to start hitting the gym additives wont do nearly as much as you think. So its ridiculous to tell this guy to eat huge amounts of protein, sure he will gain mass though :)
That's the fucking question you bellend, eat what?
Ja neen daarop wil ik niet lijken :P
das al dezelfde informatie dat er daar opstaat als wat iedereen hier heeft, gij appel :D
Och, heb het verkeerd begrepen :D
'k keek google images en zag dees, en vond ik overdreven image: 086c3e2b89e36ffdc1344059f399c860
jah :D, maar die info hier staat da ook bij nutrition
Oki, 'k zal zien :)

hoe ver zitte gij?
Why are you so mad? It doesn't matter what you eat just be sure you get enough of protein, fat and carbs.

Contact phyzic, he's always been on bulk, bet you can rely on his tips.
copypasta van een random voedingsschema:

maaltijd 1
4 hele eieren
Sneden volkoren brood
1 banaan
250ml magere melk

Maaltijd 2
1 blikje tonijn(op water) op volkorenbrood
1 sinasappel
250ml magere melk

Maaltijd 3
Proteine shake 2 scheppen
2 hele eieren
1 eetlepel pindakaas

Maaltijd 4
Biefstuk,kipfilet,vis(250 gr)
1 aardappel
200 gr groenten

Maaltijd 5
Kipfilet(250 gr)
1 kopje groenten
1eetlepel olijfolie

Maaltijd 6
kwark met whey
Thanks man, is dat van een bepaalde website?
nee gewoon vroeger voor mezelf samen gesteld, gebruik nu wat anders.

probeer altijd weg te blijven van dierlijke vetten omdat je beter onverzadigde vetten uit noten of vis kan halen (de juiste vetten zal je ook nodig hebben)
onverzadigde vetten zijn meestal plantaardig) en verzadigde vetten zijn meestal dierlijk.

remember that to gain muscle requires three things:
Lift weights with intensity
Get proper nutrition
Get enough rest
Zal ik onthouden, bedankt! :)
probeer ook te onthouden dat je per maaltijd niet meer dan 30g eiwit hoeft te eten, heb je al een trainingsschema? ik train zelf 3 keer per week met een splitschema (dus elke dag een andere spiergroep)
Ik heb nog niets gedaan, 'k er ook niets van :P
want bij meer dan 30g eiwit gebruikt je lichaam het overschot niet?
Volgens mij is deze aanname ook al achterhaald. Ik hou er in ieder geval geen rekening mee.
het zet lichaam in de juiste staat om spier op te bouwen maar je kunt het zien als een lichtknop, als hij eenmaal aan is gezet staat hij aan en harder op de knop duwen laat je licht niet feller branden :P
Welke kwark at je? en gebruikte je een grill voor die kipfilet?
magere naturel kwark met lijnzaad. ik eet het meestal met wat fruit of breng het op smaak met whey

en ja kip voornamelijk uit de gril maar soms kook ik wat uitgebreider
hoelang train je al dan?
ga je lekker en wat zijn je stats ong?
ik heb al een jaar een abbonement op de sportschool maar het is pas de afgelopen 4 maanden dat ik ook echt 3 keer per week ga (was hiervoor geblesseerd en kon niet echt zo veel meer)
hiervoor voornamelijk gevoetbald
13% bf
nice, train bijna anderhalf jaar nu. Wel met 2/3 maanden pauze ertussen, wat best zonde was want het duurt wel even voordat je weer terug op dat niveau van kracht ben.
ja man, heb heel mn leven al gesport en heel mn jeugd gevoetbald, heb nooit een hoge bodyfat gehad omdat ik zoveel sport, zit nu op 13 tijdens een bulk periode xd
was eerst dus nog lager maar vind dat in de winter niet fijn
ik heb 12.5 % bf en vind het veel :p
lager dan 13 vind ik in de winter niet zo fijn, plus ik voel me minder schuldig als ik me tijdens de feestdagen volledig volprop met bacon en booze :)
als de zomer er weer aan komt wil ik wel gaan cutten en aan IF beginnen
Eat anything that gets in your hands :D
Go there ( tomorrow from 12.00 to 18.30 and if you still have some energy left, this TD ( is free and everybody's welcome! Even for the I-prefer-not-to-study monkeys like you :)

Lampadaires disséminés tout le long du parcours pour t'aider à arriver jusque la Bourse.
Passe le pont et mon respect tu auras!
Autorisation par les autorités de la ville de gerber de de pisser partout.
Évite de passer sous un camion comme certains étudiants flamands qui savent pas boire.

:D t'es con
10 euro le forfait bibi
Holy fuck I wish I was that tall.
Yeh indeed!
Don't start bulking right away like that noob testi told you. First thing you do is get a subscription at a gym ;D Just start working out, best is to start training with a mate who has been working out for a couple of years, that way you have a spotter right away! I worked out for about 6 months before i started bulking, just to build up some strength and to know what I was actually doing. In those 6 months you can learn alot about your own body (how fast do you get stronger, how fast do you gain musclemass etc. Thats usefull to know what kind of diet you're going to make for yourself). You can also read up on diets, learn from others@fitness/bb forums in that time.
haha, he should bulk with going to the gym ofc. man, he is like super skinny, he needs to bulk. sssh
I'm not super skinny :<
Think he should gain strength and get the basics first. No use to start bulking right away.
QuoteAs there are so many musclemen here, I thought I could give it a shot and ask you for tips and tricks to gain mass.

he wants to gain mass, so bulking and fitnissing would be what he should do first
I basically want to have a healthy body and to look good
Meh, the bulking part might be just me I guess. My parents don't really support going to the gym, because they think I want to get bodybuilder big. So it's kinda impossible for me to use a voedingsschema (:D) which sucks balls :{
kijk motivatie filmpjes? How bad do you want it? Als je het echt wilt dan zorg je wel dat je voedings plan in order is.
Ik zeg dus net, dat mijn ouders er niet achter staan en ik dus niet zelf mijn eten mag maken..
Jij kunt niet naar de supermarkt fietsen en een mootje zalm halen en die even bakken? In dat geval ga bronnen zoeken en een verslagje schrijven om je ouders te overtuigen en je doelen in kaart te brengen, zeg gewoon dat je op james bond wil lijken man!
Oh dat kan ik wel, maar mogen is een ander verhaal! Ik heb 't ook geprobeerd maar ze vinden het onzin -.- Ik zal er binnenkort nog eens over beginnen, zodra ik weer volop kan sporten...
blessure? Ik kan je vertellen dat ik sinds ik 4 dagen trainen stukken beter in me vel zit en zou alleen daarom al niet stoppen. Progess is jammer genoeg nog wel sloom, ik en een voedingsplan is nog steeds niet alles :( moet daar echt is een keer achter aan...
Pfeiffer man.
bulking = eating more than maintenance.
If you wanna gain muscle you need to eat more than maintenace.
So its either bulking or cutting.

I think bulking is bullshit, just do a slow bulk ( dont go overboard in eating fucking everything!).
Eating way too much doesnt really give more gains, only more fat! i experienced it myself :D
I should go to some gym and get some guidance. They know what they are doing and you can get help with workouts and stuff so you do them the right way.
tbh, most gyms know shit :D
Do you even lift?
lifting wow style
Do you even lift?
Do you even lift?
Do you even lift?
My gym knows stuff pretty well, you can get a food pattern and trainingschedule and shit. Not using it but it's possible :P
lmao, workin out its not all ! the most important thing is food and convalescence, then that workin up.
Goku, I don t wanna dissapoint you, but before all the advices I have to ask you a simple question : How motivated you really are and how far are you prepared to go? ok that s 2 questions in 1
Kind of motivated, I guess. And as far as I need to go to look like I want
"kind of"

don't do it then, waste of money :-P

ben je echt 186cm, dacht op LAN dat je niet zo lang was lol
Kind of zoals in "'k wil het wel doen" en money heb ik genoeg :P

En ja, ben een lange :P
Je moet het willen, niet "ik zou het wel willen doen"

Als je full time werkt en bij je ouders woont, kan ik snappen dat je genoeg money hebt :P
You need few important things:

1.a lot of money time
3.will to eat until you start vomit

Money you need to buy equipment for home or to pay your gym ticket and to buy a lot of proteins, carbohydrates and creatine.
Free time you need, because you have to go for 4 times on week , each session must be 45 minuts or maximum 60 , with the shower and clothing that makes around 1 hour and half multiply with 4 times that makes 6 hour per week.
Will to eat 3 main meals on day and 2 between those + drinking the proteins/carbohydrates.

You will drink the proteins/carbohydrates one hour before training, maximum 30 minuts after, and 1 hour before sleep. In the days you don t train you will drink one at noon , and one 1 hour before sleep.

You need to make a 3 or even 6 months cure of pure creatine , taking before each training with 10 15 minuts.

Any questions?
I refuse to take those weird products, I want it all natural
Than, perhaps, in few years of continuous training you will let say a "silhouette" , but gaining mass? Not as you think. So those 65 kg will happily become 70 kg but in more than a year of work and that if you are lucky. You have to understand that right now you are natural. What you want is to become unnatural , to force your body to be something else than it is now. For that you have to "help" him. It normally takes out the food you give him only few procents, the shit you eliminate via poo, pee pee and sweat. And you are out of luck also because you belong to the worst type of ppl : skinny. There are 3 scientifical type of ppl , in normal words: skinny,medium and fat. For the skinny , like you or me is the hardest. Natural as you want it, trust me from my own experience, it won t work. You need to give your body food suplements wich will help your muscle become bigger than it are right now. Hope that helps and good luck
What if I change my eating habits? I usually eat trash and just normal dinner in the evening (no breakfast, trash at midday, trash during the day, ..)

So you actually say it's impossible to gain mass without taking pills 'n shit?
Omg ofc it is possible just start to eat a lot regularly
And what exactly am I supposed to eat? I guess fries and hamburgers ain't the stuff..

Isn't there like a table or something?
Just eat a lot of everything? fries and hamburgers will do good as well just make sure you eat something more healthy as other meals xD
count calories, make sure to eat a few thousand of them a day
So just calories? Doesn't matter if it's healthy or not?
Eating at least 5 meals on day, with a lot of meat, eggs,cheese,pasta fruits and vegetables too, and sleeping at least 8 hour per night =you will gain mass. But not as much and as fast as if you would also use suplement foods. Btw creatine and proteins and carbohydrates are ussually powders that you mix with water,milk or juice. Only pills I took are aminoacids, but ussually you already found those in the proteins/carbohydrates. At your height the body is bassically against you to get what you want. Trust me, I m much shorter than you are and I had tremendous difficulties , talking with professionals and shit, feeling sometimes I just don t wanna see any food in my face etc etc. So if you want to be like Photo for example you need what I said. If you wanna be like I don t know, some Justin Timberlake than just eating a lot of meet and sleeping well will do enough, but in time, if you keep on going u ll see better
I don't want to be all muscle and shit within 2 months or whatever. I have time, and as long as I know I'm gaining, it's cool I guess
Yes but do this so you can learn better:keep a diary.When you start, than each 30 days write down your wheight. See any differences, loose(that could happen too) or getting wheight. Talk also to a specialist at the gym, to a trainer. Don t ignore his advices. Ideal is to have 10 more kg than your height. 1 86 cm, ideal would be 96 kg or at least 86. Good luck
weight diary xD Wtf you are one hell of a body fanatic
Will check on that, thanks bud ;)
dan zou je een flinke dosis steroids moeten nemen als je in 2 maand all muscle shit zou willen zijn:p
en er is niks mis met een emmer proteine het helpt alleen maar, kijk anders bij de nutrition articles die ik stuurde die zijn wel handig kan je ook schema's maken/afhalen.
Hmm ben er echt wel tegen hoor
Maar ik zal je links wel 'ns bekijken, thanks man ;)
take gainer or make own gainer like mixing eggs,milk,oats,raisins etc..
just because u have/had hard time gaining mass dosnt mean that every skinny ppl got the same.
ik ben ook bezig met gewictheffen enzo en asjeblieft luister niet naar die gast dat je direct pillen moet nemen. Als beginnende bodybuilder heb je nog de "newbie gain", dus kan je nog vlug resultaat boeken. Hetgeen heel belangrijk is is dat je start met full body workout 3 x week omdat je lichaam nog snel kan herstellen na het gewictheffen en maken dat je zkr je lichaamsgewicht in ponds aan proteine eet per dag, liefst gespreid over 6 verschillende tijden. Ik ben niet hetzelfde lichaamstype maar jij kan zeker eten wat je wilt dan te verdikken, je gaat wss wel minder snel spieren kweken dan mij omdat ik een mesomorph ben. na 1 maand zeiden men vrienden al "ge sta gelik zo gespierd :p", dus probeer daar je motivatie aan te houden.
dit is echt een goeie site om meer info te weten te komen over eten:

want zoals scooby zegt, eten is nog altijd het belangrijkste om gains te maken (en natuurlijk liften tot failure liefst 12 reps max)

ik gebruik thuis gewichten, vind ik gemakkelijker en goedkoper, moet je ook niet heel de tijd naar de gym gaan als dat ver van je huis is
je hoeft niet 6 maaltijden per dag te vreten ouwe. Totaal calorieen per dag is wat telt.
hij heeft zover ik weet gelijk, meende dit te lezen op
hmm intermittent fasting, al veel van gehoord. Ik ga het wel niet doen
let op hè, ik zeg niet dat 6 maaltijden niet goed is maar dat het ook anders kan en dat vooral om jou 'lol' cardo's comment als slecht bestempelt in mijn ogen.
intermittent fasting werkt meestal enkel goed bij beginners, en het is nogal zwaar om zolang niet te eten imo
So you would call Martin Berkhan (the guy on the page on the right) a beginner :-D?

Personally I'm also following IF and after a couple of days you get so used to not eating in the morning. For me it's the best way to control my appetite. Once I've taken a bite of anything, I can't stop until I'm full. With 3 meals (or even more) a day, I'd probably hit 4000 or more calories daily (currently restricting my intake to 2300-2500 daily).
haha :) drink lots of water my friend! btw i usually always was afraid of getting not enough kcal /day, cause i did soo much cardio last months aswell.

Still remember when i asked you stuff about cardio & food around march? We are now 9 months later, and:
I'm close to 5-6l daily already :-(

Pretty good times, especially on the longer runs. My personal best was 15,4km in 1:39h a month ago. However currently I'm just doing 6-10 km every second day to stay in shape. Serves me well enough :)
dafuq urtier :D

well my long runs (around 15k) are at a really slow pace when my heart beat is around 140-150, so i hardly break a sweat :D its so fucking awesome to see the progression i made.

and yeah 6-10k sounds fine :) but my goals are:
xmas run 10k - sub 40min - dec 12
dwars door brugge 15k - sub 1h - may 13
half marathon oostende - sub 1,5h - sep 13

and long term final goal: marathon sub 3h

so thats why i am already concentrating on longer runs, also because it will make me faster on 10k speeds
why the fuck would you recommend someone who hasn't ever lifted in his life to start using creatine.
that's just plain ridiculous.

he is a beginner who still has lots to learn. its too early for supplements, a healthy diet and regular exercise is all he will need for his goals and making him buy supplements while he's still in a stage where he hasnt even figured out which exercises he'll be doing and how to perform them is just a plain waste of money.
I started proteine after about 1,5 month! :D
theres nothing wrong with whey protein, it just adds quick and easy protein to your regular diet.

creatine however, is a supplement which wouldn't benefit beginners that much and i personally think will be a waste of money for beginners
I know and I agree totally :)
I recommend it because that s how profesionals recommend it to me too. If he wants a boost ,even as a begginer it is recommend it to take it before training around 15 30 min . That s what I was thaught many years ago, that s how I did . Of course he doesn t have to take it in the first month , but after that when he already getting in shape,getting familiar with the exericeses and stuff , making a special food diet and suplements is a must be, specially for his type. My oppinion is this and you can t change it
Bull shit, you don't need any protein power or creatine to get big, granted taking creatine might give you a rep or 2 more on your excersises and this will fasten your progess but you don't need it. With a proper diet you can get enough proteins w/o any powder. Whey or casein are just easy meals, nothing more nothing less.
I always hate it when people who dont have the slightest clue about lifting think that proteine is some sort of magic powder which makes you go insta huge :DD
"stoer dat jij gespierdere armen hebt dan ik, maar goed dat zou ik ook hebben als ik wonder poedertjes zou eten" die kreeg ik laatst te horen van een kameraad :')
Bull shit? How long since you train? How many profesionals who are doing a living out of this have you talked too?
It's called doing research and checking sources, that's what you learn in scientific education.
get face first
get muscles first
if you want to get some mass then lose it, take some protein pills or watever is the package
ahahah newfag
Hydrolized protein, work hard and eat enough.
Just eat normally and #care about your weight lol?
prac hard go pro
Best mass gain=go spend a month with your grandma
Cross that one out, she's racist
just eat all day, before vacation 68kg after 75. cant get it down :SS not that im trying tough :D Like food to much
3000 calories + full body compound exercises for base muscle.
pills dont really help you gain mass anyway, but you will need protein powder to get started. you need to eat alot of carbs!!

go on you'll find everything you need on there :)
I won't take any pills and/or chemical powders.
And I don't want to look like a freaking monster (no offence) so I'm not sure if I'd need the tips of
freaking monster? do you think by taking protein powder & creatine, you will gain 20 kg in 1 year? I'm 185cm & 75 kg i was 65kg 2 years ago, i work out 3 days, and i have been stuck at 75kg for 8 months now, and i take alot of protein powder and creatine. getting muscles is no easy task.

getting from 65 to 75 took me more than a year. :)
When I hear bodybuilding, my brain just automatically syncs it with that kind
image: 185px-Luk%C3%A1%C5%A1_Osladil
And it will take fucking ages to get into that shape even if you do steroids.
Bodybuilding. Building your body. :D Het is gewoon tot hoever jij wil gaan tbh. Tips op die sites zijn wel heel nuttig. Maar je hebt ook gewoon fitness forums waar je tips vandaan kan halen. En proteine is niet slecht voor je, het is een makkelijke manier van je eiwitten binnen krijgen! :)
i think you have natural and unnatural bodybuilding confused lol. using protein and things like animal packs don't ruin your body they help alot and you keep your natural physique with it too. just get on a good diet and if you really dont want to use protein, etc. then dont. get a good diet and workout routine going and youll start seeing results. you look like an ectomorph so your gonna have a hard time putting on muscle like i did but in the end bro youll have a sick lean body.
I just think they're all bad :(
lol they arnt bad at all, its still natural!!
whey protein is a product you get when they make cheese. Its nothing unnatural, same shit as proteins in the wholefoods you eat.
But at the end of the day whey protein is cheaper than eating beef , chicken , eggs etc.
+ the shakes taste real good !
why you so midget
How tall are you, bitch?
Whole two centimeters taller than you, bitch.

And weigh 15kg more :DD
unfair advantage, you are more athletic already
image: c93xgjeabqp8x81tv

At least some comments seem to go into the right direction others got their PhD in Broscience :-P
Have fun filtering out which ones :O)

(Tip! It's not as complicated as it seems. Take a day or two and read through the Nutrition forum. NOT the articles on the main page)
Did you take any proteins or chemical shit etc?
Well, some cheap multivitamin from the store (probably useless, but I like it). Magnesium for better recovery and against muscle cramps (probably personal though). I had some whey protein powder from time to time and I'll probably get some again when I start working full time. Just a really easy way to get in your desired protein. You don't need it though if you have access to food all day long or prepare meals in advance etc. There's more than enough in natural sources.

Never took creatine or other boosting stuff. Zerender hat great success with it though. Not a fan of it personally, but I'm also not taking it as serious as other guys. :)

Edit: Actually the link Testi gave in the first comment seems to cover it pretty nicely. Will read through it tonight!
Allright, I guess I'll go through it as well
Thanks anyway bud!
Urtier, he can t have the same diet and way of training like you did. Because he is different type of metabolism.He is an ectomorph and you was an endomorph. Your purpose was to loose wheight and replace body fat with muscular tissue. He has no body fat, his job is 10 times harder than yours. You don t really need more than a protein shake after training, and there are special proteins to loose wheight if I m not mistaken
I'm quite aware of the difference in diets and I haven't told him to be on the same diet I was/am on. Infact I haven't told him to be on any specific diet but to educate himself using the possibly best source on the internet for bodybuilding or cutting diets, maybe even nutrition in general. Of course you have to filter out tons of useless info, wrong info etc and take a path through quite some walls of texts, different pages, researches and oppinions.

But personally I really enjoy reading about different approaches and I guess I got a pretty good overview over different ways to do things in terms of nutrition :-P

Also, how do you know he actually is an ecto (if it even exists). He hasn't posted his usual calorie intake throughout the day. He might just totally undereat or be on a quite low calorie diet without even knowing. I have experienced both, ppl that aren't eating close to 1k cals a day and say they could stuff their face without gaining a gram. And ppl that are crying they can't lose weight even though they tell everyone they ain't eating anything throughout the day. In reality however they are way above their TDEE without even knowing it.

Now this post got much longer than I thought it would :-[
I m going to reply simply to your question and end it, for me is quite irrelevant what he does, I tried to share him my experiences. The terms I used are from romanian language and is possible that in english it are different . The terms are not reffering to the calories but to the type of body=muscular tissue and bones structure.

Bassically in normal terms: skinny, ummm medium wheight, fat(chubby , and I m not trying to insult any1)
bones: thin bones,normal bones,large bones(you noticed ppl who got bigger hands bigger bones on hands or feet also bigger back, much more bigger shoulders, massive bones,right)? And of course the medium between those.

My last talk was around 4 or 5 years ago with the personal trainer and owner of a gym in the town I live, at the age of around 50 he earn another golden metal on a competition and he participated at competitions including in USA, during his entire carrer, he had many pictures with superstars, including one with Ronnie Coleman. Just saying, have a good night
protein sources are kinda expensive imo, id go for protein powder or w/e
"proteins or chemical shit" as in whey powder? That's just dried up, separated milk powder and it's perfectly natural. Most protein shakes also have added vitamins and BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids).
And loads of artificial flavor, sweeteners and other ingredients to make it disolve/last etc. Other than that, it's a pretty natural product ;-)

I guess compared to most other products, it's the most natural and actually the most benefical though. I surely wouldn't put it into my definition of "checmical shit" :-)). In fact I've been using it myself from time to time and will use it more often in the near future to hit my protein goals for the day.
The one I currently use contains nothing but whey, vitamins, BCAA, cocoa and maltodextrin.
Pretty nice then. I guess the manufacturers also adjust a little to the so called "cleaner" kind of food/supps then.
What are you using and how do you know for sure :D?
Star Nutrition gainer pro and Whey 80, they're quite highly regulated here just like any food products.
Ironic to take a whey box to make fun of supplements and say that you took whey yourself and that it actually "works" :P
I made that for some other journal a while ago, when someone was posing with his tons of supps :-P
nice photoshop skills man.

Free pic of me posing with my supps:
image: 3i-s5-545387_10151866860580385_1727699388_n_180x240
ask Seanza
crossfire new
nice pec in korea pic
wow what a pencilneck u are skinny faggot
Say that to my face, motherfucker
Fuck man,you are skinny as hell,
Make it short,you got two options,eat as you about to blow up,take mass weight (mass) gainers.
I would recommend mass gainers,or proteine shake and add carbs to it as needed.
I would also guess you got an fast metabolism,so you gotta eat allot -.- , and most of the skinnyfucks found it pretty hard to do so.

Become an animal,
image: 257101-18 + image: rszoptimum + image: 1512554-53462- + image: rszjack3dt image: rszrice image: 0903-canned-tuna-300

Lift with madness,and always eat as much as you lift.
that jack3d is with 1,3DMAA right? Is it still legal in your country? Its disallowed in Norway, Sweden, Finland, USA atleast and is fucking hard to get.
Really? didnt know its illegal :D
and yea still legal in Israel :)
Yeah its been illegal since summer or so, they removed a lot of boosters and fatburners.

Jack3d, Launch, Napalm, Crack, OxyElite, 1MR, NanoVapor just to think of a few.

I never was a fan of jack3d, Crack Orange Blast and Muscle Marinade were the best and most effective boosters for me :P

How much for jack3d in israel btw, in Finland it was 39,90e and now that new microjack3d (which is shit) is 42e or smth.
Its about 68$ over here,never heard of those kinds you mentioned,there is just too much of them :X
I tried many of the creatine formulas types all have the same crazy boost in the start,but after couple of times you use them you feel all normal and shit.
Jack3d still kicks my ass every time,and I really loves N.O. Xplode as well,good taste ( most the creatine formulas taste bad imo ) and a hell of a boost,but yet I still loves my jack3d :P
Well, N.O.Xplode doesnt really have anything special to give you a good boost, jack3d has DMAA :P You lucky bastard you get it legally >_<
jack3d isnt banned in USA, i use to take it when i lived there.
You are a fucking idiot, jack3d with DMAA is banned. Google it yourself
Quote17:00] <@Kenzi> :-D
[17:00] <@Kenzi> too much work
[17:00] <@ironic`> :D
[17:00] <@Kenzi> gonna stay skinny afterall
[17:00] <@ironic`> really
[17:01] <@ironic`> are you fucking kdding me
[17:01] <@Kenzi> thought it was easier than that lol
[17:01] <@Kenzi> not gonna stop eating trash etc

Goku being a massive pussy, close thread.
17:06:51 ← ironic` was kicked by Kenzi ([email protected]): LEARN TO SPOT IRONY

Idiot :D
Het is echt belangerijk om goede begeleiding te krijgen in je sportschool, zorg dat je met iemand gaat die al langer fitness of voldoende begeleiding krijgt in de sportschool, heb nog wel een torrent met goede instructie filmpjes maar daarnaast zeker iemand in de sportschool waar je mee traint of een goed geschoolde begeleider die op je houding let en je tips geeft. Je zult merken dat er ontzettend veel mensen zijn die denken dat ze alles weten hier op cf maar ook in de sportschool en het is belangerijk dat je de bullshit van het goede leert te onderscheiden.
Met sportschool bedoel je de gym waarschijnlijk? Want tbh ken ik niemand die "workout" of hoe je het ook noemt
sportschool is het nederlandse woord voor gym en trainen is het nederlands voor working out ;P

Ja dan heb je begeleiders nodig, ik kan je wel een aantal tips geven en wat (e-)boeken waar goede informatie in staat maar je zult merken dat het veel lezen wordt en je hebt echt motivatie nodig hebt.

Ik heb me 1 jaar geleden ofzo ingeschreven bij een sportschool en toen half jaartje machines gedaan, dat is niet de bedoeling. dumbells en barebell trainingen is wat je wilt en dan hier en daar een machine er bij. voor de duidelijkheid
image: olympic-barbell-power-cleans aan de uit eindes hang je dus gewicht :P

image: dumbbells-13928
image: gym-fitness-equipment

Ik train samen met mijn neef en daarnaast kreeg ik in het begin tips van de sportschool houder en nu van de grote jongens die ook in het krachthok trainen en van een 50 jarige opa die een beast is haha.
Thanks man :P geef maar alle informatie dat je hebt door, tijd heb ik toch hoor :)
als ik vanavond na het trainen tijd heb zal ik even kijken of ik op irc kan komen maar moet nog aardig wat doen voor de studie dus mehh
Geef alles per PM hoor, is ook goed. Ben vanavond wss net op irc anyways :)
When u lift dont lift small weights push urself to go higher and higher and always when u are about to do ur last lift do few more... ofc if u are starting lifting weights first weeks are horrible and ur "muscles" will hurt :) after that u can start proper training and what comes to eating EAT EVEN IF UR NOT HUNGRY... i guess that is the hardest part for u but if u dont eat enough ur training is pretty much useless...
And boom, almost every crossfire user became hardcore lifters :D
GL tho, i would need to start aswell if i should be comming to lan lolz
koop will always be bigger than you anyways :S
all them gym faggots around here...
im going to the gym in a minute, lift some motherfucking weights!
Don't listen to this broscience bullshit about eating 6 meals a day, aslong as you get your daily calories/macro goals it doesn't matter when you eat your meals, infact there's been scientific proof that IF (intermittant fasting which is eating either 1 or 2 big meals a day only for all of your calories) is better than eating 3 or 6 meals a day. Don't worry about trying to hit your macros etc right now, take advantage of noob gains, just work out your calorie maintenance (check google) and hit that everyday along with 1g protein per lb of bodyweight, this will take advantage of your "noob gains", only worry about bulking or cutting after you've been lifting for around 6-12 months.

Main thing is to stay consistent and give 100% to your workouts, if you leave the gym thinking that you could have pushed yourself harder then you've failed, and don't skip workouts.

Also what's wrong with taking whey protein? It's usually the cheapest souce of protein and it's alot easier than cooking chicken breasts etc.
calling people broscience without giving proper sources to your 'scientific proof'

NOTE: I'm not saying you are wrong but atleast hypocriet.
Yea let him eat 2 meals on day and he will def be ok
He would be if each meal sums up to 1500-2000 cals :O)
I was sarcastic to the fellow above me Urtier, the Elly dude
Crossfire 4.0 - A community full of nerds who spent all their lifes playing computer games and now feel the need to overcompensate the lack of social-competences with muscles

poor poor creatures you all are...the only guy on here who can legitimately speak about bodybuilding is alexL and nonix and urtier about loosing weight...but yall nerds are just ridicolous wannabes
lol, u gotta start somewhere.. bet some people look like alexL right now..
and urtier about losing and also gaining mass;p
okay true, i agree
You give alexl as example that s ok cause you saw pictures with him. You did not see pictures with others too so pls don t speak pointless
eat and prac, or just eat if you want mass
first of all you need to eat alot, whey protein, chicken and meat for fast proteins and eat quark(magere kwark) right before you go to sleep because it contains slow proteins. rice, potatoes, bread(volkoren brood) peanut butter and cashew nuts for carbs. ofcourse you can eat other healthy(= food which will help you to make gainss) but these are the basics.

as for lifting you should always do the big 3. deadlift, squat and benchpress. as simonkinsler already mentioned above you should stick to the dumbells and barbells and stay away from the machines as much as possible.

you'll need alot of dedication and motivation to actually achieve something, so i'd better think twice about it before you actually start lifting
eat fastfoods and after 5 months your stomach will look like a sphere
208 replies

Goku > Kamz

Though this journal needs more drama
It's pretty easy, just takes time.

1. Join a gym and start a decent split routine.

2. Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodymass every day.

3. Do a small amount of cardio each week, preferably HIIT. No point being strong and muscular if you don't even have the stamina to walk upstairs.

4. Make sure you give yourself adequate recovery time and get enough sleep. You've got to give your body a chance to repair itself.
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