Let's get W.ET oldtimes, back (..)

This could be a stupid topic but ..
I play this for ages, had some breaks not cause I wanted just cus i had to do them and I dont know why but I still enjoy playing this and I know that people who played it seriously still enjoy also.
Everytime I go to the irc I see almost all the same people I saw when I began so why the fuck dont you play? stop pretending you have a real life and your real life dont allow you to play. (LOL) Dont tell me your bored of this game because you not, you all are bored because no'one is playing that's why when people play says "this game is shit" blabla.

Lets get that shit back to active again, if we all play Iam sure there will be more online and offline cups!!!!
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(*) haters
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this game is shit
Gonna need a lot. In tho
that "a lot" your saying are the players that are constatly online doing nothing. They just dont play because as snatix said people are always playing against the same oppos
the problem is these guys get sucked into other games mostly. LoL etc.
normal, if you play a game that almost noone of the players you played with/against are not playing anymore you just will play other games imo
you wrote it high u afghan kush
True shit right there
this game is the best game ever, but got kinda pissed cause facing every time the same opponents ( polaks, cheaters, retards..) Would love to see it active again, for a long period.
exacly that's what I said up there!!! :-)
Thomm also got a point, it's like ten times funnier to play with buddies or good e-mates. When they're not online, i ( and many others ) kinda CBA playing..
did you know your "buddies" when your start playing? No. so why dont you just know some other cool people? :)) its easyyy .. and when your buddies are online you just play with them if they want to.. theres always a way
Ofc not, but when you're used to play with the same people, shared some laughs and epic moments ingame, it's not the same feeling anymore when you're playing with "new" people. There's no negatives facts in what i wrote, i'm the first one who'd like to see this game active as hell
i understand your point, ofcourse i prefer to play with my portuguese buddies but if they arent playing i will play with some other people, iam very social! :-D
I did, started with guys whom I have know since 1994 or smth. We still play every now and then, rolling hard at lowest leagues, sometimes even get to the playoffs!

+ met lots of ingame-buddies IRL, they have visited me, I have visited them, even abroad (hi Germany bd! Can't see making that kinda buddies again via this game.
setupe at 1st i agreed but u didnt say anything about ,, polaks,cheaters,retards''
without ,,polaks'' this game would be dead for a long time
in this moment its just dying -> for me its big difference

so.. maybe can we try to active all ppl ? with ,, polaks'' ..-_-

p.s why the hell ure sayin polaks i dont know this kind of word..
A Polack goes to the eye doctor. The bottom line of the eye chart has the letters:
C Z Y N Q S T A S Z.
The Optometrist asks, "Can you read this?"
"Read it?" the Polack replies, "I know the guy."

A guy walks into a bar, sits down and orders a beer. He says to the bartender, "Hey, want to hear a good Polack joke?"

The bartender says, "Tell you what.... I'm Polish. See those two big guys playing pool? They're Polish. See those other two guys sitting at the end of the bar? They're Polish. You still want to tell your "Polack" joke?"

The man replies, "Not if I'm gonna have to explain it five fucking times."

Q: Why wasn't Christ born in Poland?
A: Because they couldn't find three wisemen and a virgin.

Q: Why did the Polak cross the road?
A. 'cause his dick was stuck in the chicken.

Did you hear about the Polack who went to the doctor and asked him for advice on how to improve his sex life?

The doctor told him to jog ten miles a day, for seven days. Then call him.

A week later, the Polack telephoned.

"Well," asked the doctor, "has jogging improved your sex life?"

"I don't know," said the Polack. "I'm seventy miles from home."

Q: Why aren't there any suicides in Poland?
A: You can't kill yourself jumping out of a basement window.
new word again : Polack ?
never heard.
I just copy paste miss, I don t analyze gramatical words on jokes
im actually a hardcore gamer but i really only have time in weekends these days. So im avi whenever i can, but i guess thats the whole "i have a life" thing is about. anyway gj on the topic +1
Buddies aren't that active anymore, cba to make friends with new dorks or learn how to play some different way.
you just need to make a post asking for team and try to play with a dif guys, what's the problem on that? its always cool to be "know" new people.
cant I play 2 games at the same time? ah forgot that who plays ET cant play other games.. shit!! :/
merc avi /q :))

how can u have a life, if ur life doesnt allow u to do something u want like play et for instance

thats no life

(Not talking to you talking in general)
my msg didnt pass to you, I was talking for people who have a free time to play ET if they have nothing to do!
Neither did mine,u misunderstood me
Quotehow can u have a life

Maybe you will be surprised, but If I would not have a life, I would be dead.
thers a medical term/word for being dead inside
No mercs avi :\ No spam in chans. Everybody is online and offline at the same time. I'm confused.
this man knows
thank you sir
Iam talking very very serious, hope you guys too. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
good times are over :/
makes no sense to prac/play anymore
everyfuckingday only tag tag tag tag tag :(
multi accounts?
how can you know this if you have been playing et for like 2 or 3 years?
i mean the times 2 3 years ago :D et was more active than now
but i have no clue how active et was 4 5 6 7 years ago
ET was dead allrdy 2-3 years ago m8
well then i started with et way too late :D
:P well... imo ET was alive and goin strong when maps like Oasis still was played and a couple of years forward... but 2-3 years ago it allrdy felt pretty dead tbh.. and a shame since its still the best teamplay game around imo.
"and a shame since its still the best teamplay game around imo." ye this is true, battlefield, cs and cod cant compete with et..
et is just the best game i ever played
I don't play games coz they are waste of time and time is money.

but still I play like once a month coz I love ET!
To be honest.. I quit because everybody quit & there were no decent tournaments anymore.
"stop pretending you have a real life and your real life dont allow you to play. "

i am not pretending i really have real life, and its better than swgoldrush
is it radar?
i like this comment.
1on1 swgoldrush?
ok sir, iam sorry if i offended you :s
really, iam sorry :Sss
The reason "older" players won't play like they used to is because they are 7-10 years older (on average). They grew up (or got older), finished school, attended university, military service, got married ("general life stuff").

New games that have large/highly active communities are similar in essence to the old ET community (mostly young adults/teenagers), only their community life cycles are a lot shorter (namely due to the yearly release cycle of "popular" titles).
average etplayer age 20 :D
If you also want people back this "community" has to be alot better. always the same retards flaming and spewing nonsense. wouldn't blame anyone who got tired of it and left
That has nothing to do with it.
sure, I've known at least 20 w:et players leaving this game cause of that reason. they aren't the first or last. it's not the main reason obviously but it plays a role. which is quite understandable. it's not appealing to new players or old to see the same shit flame posts from same people or new ones. it's a fact
i understand its not nice to see all that but,

if you just leave because some douche flames etc you better go sit in a cave and hope not to meet anyone. That shit happens in real life too and you got to learn live with it.
if that were a fact then why do people still play CS/CoD/BF games? :D more whiners/flamers/kids than ever before yet that never deters people from playing all day..?
20 w:et as in your gf cause i flamed her?
People dont quit cause of the flame
That makes no sense because NA:ET was most active when there was a community full of people flaming each other on et-center and grudge matches on ETTV with constant shit talk.
And now it's dead. because of hacking, shit talking and lack of motivation. Highbrid/vinnie from kreative don't even play this game anymore because of flaming. and I know this because I have been friends with him for years. and he is just one of the people I know who stopped. Can't say the whole NA:ET scene enjoyed flaming because half the kids doing it did. and some don't actually quit but they do stop ETPro for that reason as well.

Quoteif that were a fact then why do people still play CS/CoD/BF games? :D more whiners/flamers/kids than ever before yet that never deters people from playing all day..?

Why do people still play et? Obviously because they're addicted and nothing will stop them from playing this game, I'm sorry but did I say the main reason behind ET's inactivity was flaming? I said "also" given what everyone said in here. I'm adding to this because it still remains a fact to me. whether you wanna say it does or not is up to you. and what you have experienced in et and who you met. but I can't say the same. because it happened to some of my friends. and because they were etplayers makes my point a fact. Just because you haven't seen anyone quitting because of flame don't mean no one else did.

Quotei understand its not nice to see all that but,

if you just leave because some douche flames etc you better go sit in a cave and hope not to meet anyone. That shit happens in real life too and you got to learn live with it.

Yeah you got a point but the thing is et isn't real life. and not everyone who plays this game is kids who can take trash talk. some are people who work hard and just wanna get away from real life for some minutes and enjoy a few games with their gaming friends. to get constantly shit talked and see flame is retarded. it gets on people's nerves and they can't really be bothered with it so they just find a new game with their friends = one less et player. if it's online or not is their choice ofc.

Quote20 w:et as in your gf cause i flamed her?
People dont quit cause of the flame

she is one of them thanks for that, and yes people do quit because of flame
"And now it's dead. because of hacking and lack of motivation"
Exactly. Not because of flaming.
Ok god of NA:ET who knows everyone and why they quit
i played this game seriously and fuck this game now its over

7up ::))
lets do it
I think your best bet is if ETLive attracts a new generation of players m8
recruite new players, etpro jaymod.
People are still playing this game, make it more interesting and easier to play with tzac .
did "merc avi" @ #6on6.et for an hour or smth, nobody wanted me, QQ. -> Played some LoL.
Quotenobody wanted me

Quote for truth.
There is always like 10 people yelling "merc avi" on #6on6.et but nobody is arsed to gather these players...
I still play et, from time to time, not regularly. I've found it much better to play once, or twice a week/month instead of playing in team, which force you to be available everynight. It is not about having "real life", it is more about what you want to do at current time. Cheers.
txiii putoo sabes que eu gosto bué de ti, mas desculpa dizer-te pareces o quebra tolas (sem ofensa), so topics para meter ONLINE o jogo e coisas assim, isto ta morto e verdade e vai continuar assim porque outros jogos estão a sair e melhor que este, as pessoas fartam-se de jogar um jogo que deve ter 1 lan sekalhar por ano ou assim, e depois não existe muito interesse pelos sites responsaveis que fazem cups e coisas assim, nao e como o LOL, ou agora o novo jogo que anda na boca de toda gente o CS.GO ou que é. em cada site que va de jogos existe mil cups para esses 2 jogos. mas e como eu te digo, a intenção e boa.

meu puto, eu tava a ser ironico, obvio que gosto de jogar smp que possa, mas tabem ja tou um pouco cansado. Abri um topico porque nao tinha nada para fazer e vi logo que ia dar neste flame todo, era so para animar aqui os usuários da crossfire! loool
Cant see the point..
Agreed, more people need to create teams. Anyway ET IS SAVED since Killerboy is back!
would be nice :)
i think sooner or later there will be a massive kind of revive.

there are and will be new games to be played and former ET players who got bored of it will remind themselves that actually no game had so many facets than ET.

A quite good example is the boom of RTCW these days and i think that the ET boom will be much heavier and there will be a certain activity again.

and of course i liked your points!

would love to play this game again but all the m8s quitted so it doesnt make sense to play again
the admin/dev team rolled out CF4 without any new features. took them half a year to get some silly orange numbers indicating new posts and they deemed the job done.
the relaunch could have been a big thing had it included things that actually help out ET and not just error codes, downtimes, monumental loading times and double posts.

how fucking hard can it be to include a gather/mix/scrim fuction on this page itself using the cf accounts to drop in/out?
people still browse this site but only a fraction idles IRC. if you had a little panel on the left/right indicating what games are going on and who is quequing people would be a lot more likely and motivated to just hop in and play a round.
i bet you any money that would double or tripple the amount of daily matches played and it would be a great tool for the community to grow closer together rather than ever increasingly drift apart.
get a fucking move on
would be pretty awesome if they did that!
this game needs a new map pool. There are literally thousands of maps out there and we keep playing the same 5-6 maps over and over. I think we should start and rotate a bit.
And a IRC window should be also added somewhere on this site as HugTheSub also said.
Why would we need a new mappool? CS players have been playing the same maps for over years. Every single CS its the same maps that are played the most, don't see them crying for new maps right? ET might seem boring because of the old maps, but its not cuz of that in my opinion. People are using the same tactics for years now, you know where everyone is and there are hardly any surprising moments anymore ingame, besides from the occasional multikill.

With more active teams, you'd see more different tactics and gameplay I guess, which will make the maps looks more attractive =]
you have opened my eyes :) i shall be on BiO, contact me when needed for WARS
Send my love and best regards to Super
Meh, only on IRC for RtCW tbh. Can't be arsed playing for a team and having to be online at certain times.
You got the point kinda right I think.
If I wanted to play this game I would play it, but I don't want to play because all my friends have grown up and quited, so I did.
bored cuz i r0lled all
too much hate so people leave
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