

Poland sOme time ago i installed a skin called AMP, which is very nice and now almost every1 have it.
image: skinzv6

Everything was very nice and blablabla but one day i wanted to listen to a stream and when i pressed play winamp changed skin to classic and this showed up

image: beznazwy1md2

everytime i play a stream (no matter which, every stream doesnt work) i get this shit. any1 got a solution? :(

and btw how can i put coverart to notifier like here?

image: beznazwy2mp1

2. I got problem with qirc. Recieving messages works properly, but i can write them.
I type in consloe /irc [channel] [message] but it doesnt appear on mirc :( any idea?

3. I have a question about class script. I need a script that would put me into a team, as a medic or fops etc instead of soleder. U know on 3o3 or 1o1 cfg u cant be solder and i have to use limbo menu. I tried with "team r; class f" but it doesnt work. Perfo pls help!

United States of AmericaSwitzerlandFranceEarth
ah btw i wait the first journal ever where cant see Perfo's name :P
post @ winamp forums
bind Home "team r 1 8; vstr axis"
bind INS "team b 1 8; vstr allies"

set axis "echo ^7Axis"
set allies "echo ^7Allies"
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