Simple Question?

Just a simple one:

Can a player playing in EC play in an OC 3v3 match with different clan taking into consideration that he did not play with any other team in the OC yet.

Thanks. xD

couldnt care for a random pic!
yes as far as i know EC = 6v6 and has nothing to do with 3v3. But he aint allowed to play in OC 6v6.

If he did play in 3v3 first div and wants to play in div 4 now it aint allowed.
he didnt play nor 6v6 neither 3v3...just EC!
you want tox playing for you :P ?
we didnt actually but some clans made us "obey the rules" and we had to find a replacemnet and toxic is in our allowed list to play! :)
Toxic is an admin :F he knows the rules!
i dont trust him! xD
He rocks!
i dont know about the whole lecture but... the only thing i heared was air packed in funny examples. He simply avoids the true question and makes the girl/women that asked a perfectly valid and elemental question, look like a fool.

Bit lame and not funny in my eyes. Just my opinion

(as a researcher he should be able to do better)
Actually, he did answer her question, perhaps in a rather unorthodox way though. She asked, "What if you're wrong?", to which he basically turned the question around on her, and discredited religion was being contradictory to logic.
Exactly, he could be wrong, she could be wrong. Why is he so certain that he is not wrong? This question is actually a very fundemental question and one he probably alrdy asked and answered for himself.

So, considered that, i find it very weird how he answers her. Either he failed to distinct this aspect of the question or he is trying to be a smartass.

But then again, i dont know what he said previously and i cant be sure if the girld didnt ment the question the way coffinfeeder said. The girl might be from a liberty University, but that says little. :) I myself am from a catholic school and ive pretty much been agnostic/atheist all my life.
Its not a liberty university, its THE liberty university. A pretty fundamental christian Uni. And why he answers the question like that is pretty obvious if you have read the book or seen the whole reading and the q/a session. He knows that both could be wrong and you cant disprove a god, but the propability of a personal god being there is very low concidering what we know today.
The christian god isnt anymore propable than Thor or Zeus or the fairies at the bottom of the garden [(c) Douglas Adams] and you cant disprove those either, thats why he is making a good point by answering the question like that.
And ofc he makes abit fun of her and rightfully so, since there had been lots and lots of question before from students of liberty university, trying to make him look bad (and failing at that) or asking ridiculous questions, like the one about dinosaurs being only 3000 years old.

Edit: To better understand where he comes from, here is the full Q and A Session.
Notice the huge amount of questions from Liberty University students and professors.
haha ok, your right, the girl is what u said she is mate :D
In that light it IS pretty funny and wtfpwned by dawkins ^^
He did answer the question in a very logical manner. Especially since a different phrasing of the question would be: "Arent you afraid of rotting in hell for all eternity?" (The girl is from Liberty University after all)
Yep, seen most of his clips by now. =)
Also Sam Harris speech at Idea City is very good.
Or Dan Dennetts lecture on religion

Too bad Bertrand Russell and Sartre arent around anymore, there just arent enough videoclips of them. :P
Didn't see those, will have a look, cheers.
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