Scariest Interviews?

I just had an interview to work at Emporio Armani in Manchester. Not sure if I will get it due to the contract period. It was fucking scary.

What interviews have nearly left you nearly leaving a shit-slug-trail?
It was fucking... scarzy?
youre gonna get it since #Vj

oh and scary interviews.. hm, what about that time I went to bed 10am and suddenly had a phone interview 11.30am?
image: 3rxa49
Never had a scary interview but that may be due to the fact that I'm usually prepared and a quite good "talker"
Your "oral" skills are quite good yes.

'Who knows you best?'
'In three words, how would she describe you?'

Awkward questions like this.
coming early (xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [if its an male interviewer])
Hahahha if only. It was a female, sadly
Then "Always coming on time"

e: btw, those three points were the first which came in my mind after reading the question :P
4 words mate.

Aye, well prepared.
Realized that after posting but I guess they would let that count!
change it to premature and you're all good

you can call me the problemsolver.
someone of my friends was asked today in an interview: if you would be an animal, what would you be and why

also questioned: tell 2 positive & 2 negative sides of your character etc :D
what is the first question supposed to find out? everything animals do all day is lounging about and going for a hunt once a time or basically any animal is lazy...i dont know what else could be interesting for the company
how am i supposed to know?
Never had a scary interview. I always walk in with the mentality of "You need me more than I need you" I've never failed an interview.
Easier said than done :(
Nonsense. Walk in, good posture, smartly dressed, answer confidently. No matter how intimidated you feel, believe the answer you're giving is the right one.
True points but sometimes it's really hard to "structure" or start the sentence. Once you're past the nerves it's easy I guess.
Never scary, aced them all thus far. Like a sir.
Never had a scary interview, some made me nervous at most.
500dmg in 2 rounds :O)
was a good game to watch tho :p
That's nice ^^
it was just funny that guy mentioned it :p
yes, very funny
don't be ironic :(
Don't think I have had any "scary interview", few tough ones though.

One was for a reserve officer -schools government & books chief-editors spot, me and other candidate in open debate / interview done by the military-staff. Nailed it though, I was obviously a better choice.

As Sean said, be confident that you are the best man for the spot, though don't act too egoistic or know-it-all. Better be excited and willing to learn new than say that you are the best and know everything. Do your research and show your interest with few good questions.
i actually refuse to believe the formal way of "optimally" behaving in an interview is all that
like u mentioned thinking about few good questions to ask before hand. i think it will be extremely obvious if you are just doing it just so you can give the best impression about yourself (its not all that bad, but i dont think its best either). it will be so much better if u actually have a question that u really wanted to know about the job and couldnt find out anywhere (very often u wont imo). if u dont i wouldnt ask anything, even if its so common to be asked if i have any questions at the end.. i would think about how to say i dont have any though :D

tl;dr version: if ur a good canditate for the job acting naturally & not stress about being formal and shit is best i think
it probably comes down alot on the specific interviewer though and should be adjusted with how hard the job is to get for u etc.. if u just need to probably do ok in the interview the "classic approach" can easily be optimal
not that i have alot of experience, its possible i dont know what the fuck im talking about!

i agree that being confident is huge
Ofc there isn't one and only way, but those are just general tips, at least they won't do any harm I think. Or at least those work for me, it may be different for other personalities. I have always got the job when being interviewed. Though references & other stuff are important too.
Interview at Thorpe Park...
I had one there too many years ago. Found it pretty easy but had to turn it down because the pay wasnt that good.
Iw as like 14 when i went for interview..was happy when i did get the job but ye as u said shit pay
How long ago did you work there? My missus was like a manager there for a while.
About 4-5 years ago... worked in 2007 and 2008
Would it be rude to ask your name? She worked there for a while and was wondering if she knew you.
A night with me will fix all your insecurities
Why was it scary?
Not exactly scary, but at an interview a few years ago the interviewer's second sentence was "We're off to a bad start already" after I joked about him, followed by some brutally honest answers where I stated that the job wasn't what I really wanted to do and if there was a better opportunity I'd probably take it. I still have the job over 2 years since then...
If you got scared by a job interview , you need to go work in the forrest
Working in a forest would be the best job ever :))) *insert Panda joke here*
Feeding panda s would be a great job
Blowing panda s would be a blow job
best of luck buddy!
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