Seriously, UFEA?

It basically boils down to the fact that the Champions League is bringing in more money than the Europa League. Even though the EL might be about the best of the rest, I still feel it has always offered interesting games in the past decades. I seriously doubt the odds of having interesting games are increased by making 64 teams play the Champions League. Group D anyone?

good idea, the europa league just seems to drag on forever. i think one big cup is better.
No more liverpool on chan 5?
I'm afraid you might be right, unless they give the PL ten to twelve slots (in which case Liverpool still has a slight chance of competing in the CL after all).
LMAO, Thursday Night, Channel 5!
should rather make EL bit smaller
Retarded idea... there goes the almighty competitive european league...
I don't know for sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but the EL is skillful enough for me. After all, I'm used to watching the Dutch league.
Most top teams don't care about EL tho :{ Napoli been playing without their topplayers most of the times for example.
No i'm serious. It's more than fine with 32 clubs, and maybe it's even too much, for a league of "Champions".
ufea pls
fuck u frop
insulting admin lol u so hardkore computer user :x::d:x::d:d:x
insulting admin lol u so hardkore computer user :x::d:x::d:d:x
Seriously, Francis?
i like when nerds fail to highlight me on #cf so they annoy you eheheheheheh
It's like combining EC and OC. Teams like Rapid Vienna (lost 4-0 to bayern levenkusen) wouldn't stand a chance against Barca, for example.
Fact is that there are always teams in the EL who do not care about the cup that much. The same doesn't occur in Champions League (maybe in the group stages when a team has already qualified for playoffs but that happens in every cup).
i like the idea to make the ec in different cities all over europe
I don't even watch russian team in EL, unless its my favorite team. Its complete crap and top teams send their 5th lineup always.
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