A tear was shed
1 Dec 2012, 00:51
Was going through my old backups and found my old ET movies. I watched them and made me realize how good and fun the game actually was :( I miss those times! I decided to upload them because own3d doesnt work anymore for old movies and this way I won't lose them, if you are interested in watching one of them: :)
Ati_ - The Movie (2004)
Ati_ - The Point Of No Return (2005)
Mortal Gaming - The Movie (2006)
Ati_ - Proning Denied (2006)
Ati_ - The Movie (2008)
HAYAATI - The Movie (2009)
Ati_ - Rain (2009)
Ati_ - Random Rifle (2010)
Ati_ - No no no, This.. is.. ET! (2011)
Ati_ - What Are You Doing There (2011)
Mortal LAN - Epic Meal Time Parody (2011)
Anyone here remembers the famous Mortal Gaming LAN pic? Would love to see it since we also found an old picture of Winters playing ET!
http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/535697_10151262529627110_1419152758_n.jpg :D
The Mortal LAN is still taken place every summer with lona, Bryce, ReptileATIx800, Winters, sometimes Mafiosi and many others :) Good stuff came from ET! Now gief mortal lan pic of 200...3? ^^ Do you miss the old ET days aswell? :(
edit: seems like hayaati is already on youtube, added :P
Ati_ - The Movie (2004)
Ati_ - The Point Of No Return (2005)
Mortal Gaming - The Movie (2006)
Ati_ - Proning Denied (2006)
Ati_ - The Movie (2008)
HAYAATI - The Movie (2009)
Ati_ - Rain (2009)
Ati_ - Random Rifle (2010)
Ati_ - No no no, This.. is.. ET! (2011)
Ati_ - What Are You Doing There (2011)
Mortal LAN - Epic Meal Time Parody (2011)
Anyone here remembers the famous Mortal Gaming LAN pic? Would love to see it since we also found an old picture of Winters playing ET!
http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/535697_10151262529627110_1419152758_n.jpg :D
The Mortal LAN is still taken place every summer with lona, Bryce, ReptileATIx800, Winters, sometimes Mafiosi and many others :) Good stuff came from ET! Now gief mortal lan pic of 200...3? ^^ Do you miss the old ET days aswell? :(
edit: seems like hayaati is already on youtube, added :P
No matter if you played on the etpro scene or on jaymod, public or w/e, think the answer will of course be YES for everyone
so many comments on gtv
so many viewers
at least 60 plus people on crossfire all the time
I mean during the day 200-300 was just average yep.
Nerd lan pic
man.. none of them looked normal
@journal, i don't miss old times .. i was an outcast of the uk community and the most hated player in the game, now im the most respected and talented individual in the community with more real life achievements than everybody else, isn't that about a bitch
Kamz - Most Loved , coming out when? Can't wait
I just remembered bobz :D
HAYAATI :)(fragmovie)