A tear was shed

Was going through my old backups and found my old ET movies. I watched them and made me realize how good and fun the game actually was :( I miss those times! I decided to upload them because own3d doesnt work anymore for old movies and this way I won't lose them, if you are interested in watching one of them: :)

Ati_ - The Movie (2004)
Ati_ - The Point Of No Return (2005)
Mortal Gaming - The Movie (2006)
Ati_ - Proning Denied (2006)
Ati_ - The Movie (2008)
HAYAATI - The Movie (2009)
Ati_ - Rain (2009)
Ati_ - Random Rifle (2010)
Ati_ - No no no, This.. is.. ET! (2011)
Ati_ - What Are You Doing There (2011)

Mortal LAN - Epic Meal Time Parody (2011)

Anyone here remembers the famous Mortal Gaming LAN pic? Would love to see it since we also found an old picture of Belgium Winters playing ET!

http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/535697_10151262529627110_1419152758_n.jpg :D

The Mortal LAN is still taken place every summer with Belgium lona, Belgium Bryce, Belgium ReptileATIx800, Belgium Winters, sometimes Belgium Mafiosi and many others :) Good stuff came from ET! Now gief mortal lan pic of 200...3? ^^ Do you miss the old ET days aswell? :(

edit: seems like hayaati is already on youtube, added :P
QuoteDo you miss the old ET days aswell? :(

No matter if you played on the etpro scene or on jaymod, public or w/e, think the answer will of course be YES for everyone
haha that pic :)
No movies from 2007?
I think I played World of Warcraft at that time together with Mortal :P
good times
liked the meat pizzaaaaaaaa
neo, is that you
I've always liked your movies
I do :(
so many comments on gtv
so many viewers
at least 60 plus people on crossfire all the time
60+? used to be 200-300+
I mean at night time for me(12 AM for me 6 AM for you guys) I use to still see 60 people online!
I mean during the day 200-300 was just average yep.
The good old times *sigh*
Needs some brink frags up in this motherfucka

image: mortallan

man.. none of them looked normal

@journal, i don't miss old times .. i was an outcast of the uk community and the most hated player in the game, now im the most respected and talented individual in the community with more real life achievements than everybody else, isn't that about a bitch
haha famous pic! :D

Kamz - Most Loved , coming out when? Can't wait

I just remembered bobz :D
mate, you forgot about

HAYAATI :)(fragmovie)
true! I forgot :P added :)
I still hate him
Oh noez it's the tennisguy from crossfire :D

:D I'll roll you one day !
bahaha this worthless and stupid comment <3
leaving my ocmment in this epic thread \o/
Better times are coming, keep on quitting! (c) EC-Thomm 2017
Fenk ju sir !! keep it up
I think everybody misses old times. I miss the old gamesmajor shrubmod servers. i mean i was maybe 10 years old and i wasnt too good i enjoyed it hellalot. Then came the jaymod times and playing with [Oops!] <3, and after that i moved to etwars (some may faintly remember me as beep, not the polish one). So yea. i often get nostalgic about it. And also of somebody remembers Legend[FIN] from gamesmajor servers feel free to reply, i might still remember you
haha these mortal guys still exist :D. I remember playing them on oasis, I was in dutch fragging soldiers at that time. Good times
In 2004 playing oasis and fuel dump. In 2012 none of this. No wonder ET is going down. At least this is one of the reasons imo
Hmm.. Not really..
missing one movie i watched yesterday (HAYAATI)
Ah, indeed! Going to check if I can download it anywhere :P
ye... everyone switching to shitty games they will anyway quit in a couple of months :(
most of these nerds u talk to dunno about old et
baaw thread imo
that is some dirty socks
So why did you quit?
The community just died out and there is nothing left to play for, it just wasn't fun playing anymore. And other games seem way more attractive because of the prizes.
proning denied <3 :-)
only thing I remember that you destroyed own3d ET moviewatching cos you had all the tags in your movie "mystic, mAus, insertrandomlametags, .." so no matter what movie you were watching it would recommend yours.
haha ;D ye it still works xD
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