The year of 2012 , as seen by some :

In my country, things in 2012 was not better than 2011 but worst. And is about to be even uglier. We had public elections, not for the president, but for the Parliament, the party I have personally vote for (FDGR=The Democratic Forum of Germans from Romania) , had a good result, compared with the number of germans in Ro but not as much as some of us would have been expecting. What the city mayor of Hermanstadt have done over the last 10 years is incredible, and my native city had become one of the most wanted by foreign tourists , and one of the prettiest cities in country. I m ashamed to say that a german origins mayor can do work better than a romanian but is a fact. Unfortunattely now we are in the akward situation of choosing a prime minister who had been accused of plagiarism, and I m talking about Victor Ponta and apparently the fucker has no problems in addmiting it with a smile on his face. Also we are in debts for the next 500 years (imo) to the FMI, thank you WEST, and thank you US , we are aware you need us because of our geographical position and the opening to the Black Sea , but I haven t seen you do a single thing for us.

Anyway my plans for 2013 would be quite simple: stay alive.

So, how was your year, for you and your country?

edit: for the trollers and flamers:

You do realize why your country is in debt, its not the west or US fault, its because Romania borrowed money. :D
Borrowed money why?

Borrowed money from whom?
Almost every single country borrows money from international banks (other countries) in order to inject growth into the economy. However it requires a careful balance in order to ensure the country borrows enough to grow but doesn't borrow too much that they can't pay it back. The problem is that many countries borrowed more than they can afford to pay back that's what's caused all the economic problems. ps. I'm pretty sure there's someone who can explain it better since I'm not an economist.
Did UK borrowed :P? No
When? From whom? How much ? And why? Did all the colonies of UK stopped paying tribute?(sorry the last question is mean I know)
They borrowed money from international banks, I guess they did it for the same reason as other countries like Germany,France,US etc... to help stimulate the economy. + The old UK colonies have been independent for ages :D
man but Uk doing fine huh? Or germany, I mean wtf they give money to greece but on the other hand they borrow from banks? make no sense
I have found this site to be one of the clearest to tell it: http://www.positivemoney.org/how-banks-create-money/

Also nice compilation from same authors(~22min): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx9w2beoGcw
interesting, will check it out
cba to read but he could missunderstand china or poland.
cba to read, but im sure there are plenty of website talking about it.

"import export, belgium china" write something like that in google, you'll probably get it.

but hey, he is probably right but that aint much compared to others country.
I want to see a picture of you unforgiven.
I want to remain faceless.
I understand why.
I m ugly and I got no face and no muscles.
You forgot the lack of a brain.
image: XcixJ
hehe. luv ya mate. btw check that pm i send u
HAH, gayyyyy!
it's not gay if the balls don't touch!!
believe me u dont want to
believe him cause he once tried to touch my fire balls , and now he only use his left hand to jurk off
Shut the fuck up
You are like 30+ and sit on this community telling storys about bullshit and spamming every journal with 10k+ words of nonsense that people dont give a shit about or get annoyed by, just fuck off
The madness is strong in you. Remember when I told you on another journal you talk shit about me? This is one of those cases. Luv yu, take care
No i dont remember and i dont care, go out and take some air.
People dont like you here, just fucking disappear.
You probably look like shit and have big tits.
This was my rhyme about you, good bye and thank you.
image: iceburn
Your memory is same like your brain
An empty box , full of toxic air
But you forget one thing
I m fearless like Bane.
random nice game video insert:

Haven't you read? The subject is quite interesting and serious. How can you say it is nonsense lol? And if anyone else had posted it people would have replied and debated. Just because it is him who posts it, you start with the idea it is worthless, which makes you dumb, but since everyone acts and reacts the same as you, it goes unnoticed. Good day to you
this is my contribution to this journal
image: cat-bread-5
hope 2013 wont be wrose than 11',12' :/
dont hope, cus it most likely gonna be even worse than it is now.
what a fucked up world we live in eh?
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