Dirty bomb pre-alpha footage

looks kinda nice, top comment is perfect defition imo: MonoVoyager hace 1 hora
You know what? That looks actualy cool and fun, Enemy Territory + New Setting + Nice Graphics = Dirty Bomb

now the haters will appear anyway but me and reloaD will play it for sure! :D
don't think quality of games matters to you and reload considering some of the shit you've played d:

will try it out but don't expect much from them at all
hahaha well, always tried to play some big game for competition, we don't know how we do it but they always fail :D
clearly the most promising 'recent' shooter was csgo, why didn't you try that?! bf3 was a waste of time. community filled with 13 yo kids talking about macros and shit.
Quoteclearly the most promising 'recent' shooter was csgo

ermm did you ever try csgo? just piece of shit cs and css lot better imo
is css a recent shooter? :D focus on _recent_.

winghaven and reload started playing bf3 even now that people say comp died, they seem to move to new games as they are released so I wondered why they didn't move to the NEW CS game. d:
starting to play CS:GO with no previous experience from CS titles is pretty stupid if you want to go straight to the top and make money out of playing the game, unlike BF3 was/has been for them for example :)

if you just want a challenge and want to prove that you're along the best in anything you play then CS:GO would be a great challenge
yeah but it's literally the ONLY big fps title for the last few years (esports/competition wise) and wing said they both hoped to play a game that kicks off, becoming a 'big game' and that's the only one that has. :$

not saying they'd "easily" reach the top I just don't know why players like reload who have clearly got great ability in games didn't try to go hardcore in a game @ quake/cs series. d: instead going for stupid titles like etqw, wolfenstein, brink, bf3 and shit (not that it's easy to be good at those).
I wanna panza like you. Teach me
certainly no ET but doesn't look too shabby
what a suprise u and reload will play it

Still dont have high expectations, but I did saw a couple of positive things:

- Objectives: dyna plant, tank escort etc
- No scoped shooting
- Teamplay/medic's
scoped shooting meaning ironsights? it is there, check 1:53. they just didn't use it throughout the majority of the vid.
I see, too bad :(
I feel your pain :<
Definitely gonna play..
ET + BF3 + TF2
Looking nice overall.
more so BF3 + Brink for me, hopefully the unreal engine plays better but the player models look a little skittish in the environment somehow :S
Was looking awsum until ironsight!
no running + shooting :(
Quote by YOUTUBECOMMENTno iron sight=fail. I'm so sick of free to play. How about dev's just make a game worthy of being a full release. It's just an excuse to make shit games. You know its shit if its free to play. Because if it was good a publisher would have came along and paid them a butt load of cash to make the game. But it isn't so they didn't. cuz its SHIT!

but it looked like u hit well even without using it.

ET+CS:GO+DirtBomb = divorce

looks nice
Looks promising! Will play that for sure.
Before i start to play this vid. i must say i sent them a letter if they make iron sight i kill them

and if i c iron sight now winghaven im gonna kill you too for fucking up my xmas spirit ... Motherfucker

Oke ironsight is there but its not a must use like in bf3 and cod yay<3

u planing on playing the game wing?
now the haters will appear anyway but me and reloaD will play it for sure! :D

dunno? will he?
dont think so
doesnt seem bad as its a free game :P
seems great!
will try
would smash
wanna try that for sure
ET is alive, no seriously this looks really good, can't wait for an open beta ;)
Knowing this is pre-alpha footage, alot can still change. So far this looks promising, seeing it's a free game! The map somehow reminded me of a modern day goldrush? Tank+barriers. Didn't see final objective though I think.

Definatly going to follow this project! CU there wing+reload!:D
Players who join the Founders Club will have a voice, help sculpt what the game becomes, and ensure our focus on areas important to them. With your feedback, you’ll help shape movement, weapons and abilities, and ensure the game’s smooth feel and high skill ceiling. You’ll help test features such as eSports, before launch.

Source: https://secure.warchest.com/dirtybomb/

btw the players look pretty slim,hard to hit :(
Looks horrible
release date?
Beta in early 2013..

Fullversion? How knows,if ever..
I will so roll face in this game!
The good thing about UT3 engine is that its very CFG friendly, you can basically make it look and feel like Quake2 with a proper CFG. So if they won't enforce some strict restrictions, it might turn out into a very playable game.
tbh graphic doesnt matter for me otherwise i wouldnt play et and LoL xDD
but this game looks interesting gona give it a try
Dirty Bomb is an online PC-only multiplayer-first person shooter. You choose a role that suits your combat style, such as Medic, Engineer, Soldier, Field Ops or Sniper, and then pursue military objectives fighting alongside your team, on the streets of near-future London.

Players who join the Founders Club will have a voice, help sculpt what the game becomes, and ensure our focus on areas important to them. With your feedback, you’ll help shape movement, weapons and abilities, and ensure the game’s smooth feel and high skill ceiling. You’ll help test features such as eSports, before launch.

The core game will be free at launch, including core character classes and maps, clan support and tournament play. Sign up for FREE below to reserve your in-game name.
<17:06:00> "R.Cabresin <adeto>": https://secure.warchest.com/dirtybomb/
<17:06:10> "R.Cabresin <adeto>": bought the Contributer pack 240$
<17:06:11> "R.Cabresin <adeto>": :D
I'm disappoint. Hope beta changes my miND.
definetly gonna play this!
it actually looks decent, the spread seems decent unlike brink, movement seems ok. I like to see the tank being escorted across the map cool shit
i'll escort you across the map

in. bro, in.
well, it is strange because always when they are releasing a 'big game' that have to attract hundred thousands of players it fails after month or 2. The same goes with dirty bomb

When they released in their opinion 'shit undone game' it became a huge hit.

they should just make half of some game, which in their opinion will be shit, release it with SDK and rest will be done by community with mods
ET is back :D
This seems like a major step back from Brink to me.
I know that Brink wasn't received very well, but Dirty Bomb seems to have taken out the things that made Brink interesting like SMART, the setting etc. I like the idea of Dirty Bomb, I like the setting and the general idea behind it, but the gameplay just doesn't seem as interesting as Brink's.

The guns look anaemic, they seem to have removed a lot of the verticality of Brink, and the removal of SMART is a really bad idea. You had good ideas with Brink, Splash Damage. You just needed more polish... don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
it's just an alpha. Many, MANY things will change and will be modified for sure
Rather play warface
Seems like a brink and bf3 hybrid :////
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