27 killed in elementary school shooting

America's worst school shooting: Gunman kills 20 children and six adults in Connecticut primary school shooting, say police


so fucking sad
Egoshooters fault... like everytime ..
heard that yea, wtfff oh wait i did read somewhere "elementary" this not this one i guess
i think u hard about the Newtown one :S
dunno atm hangover like shit
almost wicked sick :S
t'es horrible xd
ils ont qu'a pas avoir le port d'arme aussi facile, on va pas les plaindre même si c'est triste... Ça fait juste 3 fois que ça arrive et rien ne change, lolz !
sad story :s
Who's the real murderer? The guy who pulled the trigger or the manufacture who made the gun?
The mother of both
Don't think that is the discussion you're ment to have... If any discussion you should be discussing if the real murderer is the people who made the murderer who he was, not giving him the help he needs or even noticing his problems. These shootings don't "just occur". Most of there killers are people who have massive mental health issues.
Following journalist's logic, all this "accidents" which happened more or less recently was due to the FPS games. I mean, wtf..
Ton niveau de dangerosité est plus de 9000 chez toi alors :x:d:x:D/:x:D/:x:D/D
Well, it's partially true... People with psychological issues, especially issues related to violence, do not get these issues from playing these games, often this is because they were abused or things like that.

But playing violent games can give these people, who are unstable and have a certain perspective of things, some sort of feeling of comfort with weapons and guns. Making it easier for them to use these weapons.

So I think the games aren't the cause of psychological issues, but they can make a mental patient comfortable around guns.
or cover their violent needs so that they wont be carried out IRL, i think that's more true than games encouraging them to act out IRL
Agree, however a game is only so far. If the game can't "satisfy" his violent needs anymore he will often move to IRL(that is if this is a extremely mentally ill patient).
in which case the game didn't make matters worse
Not necessarily make his violent needs worse, but they can make him more 'comfortable' around extreme violence and weapons.
What's the purpose of a gun? To defend yourself? Ok why not but if noone had a gun you wouldn't need to defend yourself. I guess there are 3 potential responsible guys : manufacture making guns, the "killer" himself and eventually the parents.
I don't think the manufacturer of the gun is someone who is responsible at all, mainly because if there were no guns, someone who has this idea in his head will find another deadly thing to kill people with. Gasoline, fire, byebye school. You know what I mean.

I think the people responsible are the people who were close to the killer. Being the parents, therapists, friends etcetera. Ofcourse in the end the killer is the person who pulled the trigger, no doubt about that. But the killer probably had psychological issues which come from somewhere, abuse or stuff like that. Most likeley he wasnt just a random guy who woke up one day and thought, well lets shoot down kids in a school.
Not everyone will show it in the way ppl around him can spot that and react in time for stuffs like this to prevent, mainly the responsible person is the killer itself, as most of them can hide quite good their mental problems or any other issues, been the same case to many times with several serial killers.
with the culture in the US you would need a gun to defend yourself even if they were illegal, because criminals would obtain them anyway
the guy who pulled the trigger OBVIIOUSLY
I blame Obama for taking away our freedoms. If children were allowed to carry concealed weapons this wouldn't of happened. #JEBBUSH2016
no denying though that now that weapons have been allowed for so long, making them illegal wont work for even a second -- and probably just make matters worse
not disallowing but limiting them would be more interesting
you should look up chris rocks standup about gun control, he was joking around but was a good idea.

keep your guns but make the bullets very expensive
how would that work?

If i contemplated on murdering your ass and couldn't afford these oh so expensive bullets, i'd just end up manufacturing my own.

theres tutorials online on prettymuch everything, so making bullets too. even if they were of poor quality, they'd still be able to kill you...
please get off my dick.
IF they would be allowed to carry weapons it would be 100 times worse than it is now.
Mother nature provided the material to make the gun so we'll just blame her
We blame "her" enough...
U need factories to produce weapons, so blame humans and leave nature out of this.
But you also build factories with materials found from nature so
Most of factories re made from concrete and steel, which u don't find in nature, but are produced by humans, u cant blame nature for human's stupidity when coming to such actions as this one.
Humans decide what is made from natural resources, not nature.
Well, if whole nature was made out of marshmallows, you think there'd still be guns?
How is that even relevant at all. Nature provides us with resources necessary to maintain human life on earth, it is the choice of us to construct weapons from it..
Well, stupid question, stupid answer. OFC IT'S THE GUNMANS FAULT HE KILLED THOSE PEOPLE. geez
The obsolete Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
What a stupid thing to say, even from you.
You're the american here, I don't think you can say this from an European like me :x::dx:/D:x:D/:d
My pov is subjective, yours isn't. I simply suggest a debate, you're being offensive.
WOW this is big news really !!!!! thanks for letting me know mate !!!

[this message was sent 10 hours ago]
first aurora in the summer on TDKR release and now this. America what s next?
and i used to live in CT =/

feel so bad for the families omg, i blame gun control man, why do these people have the right to bare arms its fucking stupid. ofc all the white ppl with guns are more worried about losing their weapons than they are sorry for the children and families..its all over my twitter

edit: BTW i heard this fucking guy even killed his parents not sure but i think his mother or some other relative went to that school
Quoteedit: BTW i heard this fucking guy even killed his parents not sure but i think his mother or some other relative went to that school

that was obviously his target then
also heard that he killed his mother bofore the other shit :/
Must have something to do with the agressive games kids these days play.
Expected from you.
What do you mean? It's what like 60% of parents or something are going to say, that's why I said it. Not really my own opinion.
not only parents also politicians, doctors and more..
When is your fucking country going to understand that something has to be fucking done? When? WHEN JESUS CHRIST. /nerdrage
e: FUCK NRA OF COURSE. Burn them
Been saying that
not only guns how can u live in a place where u need a "health care" that fuck u so easly and it's not for all... Come on what a shit capitalistic thing.
Mate I don't run the country :(
We were watching a documentary of the health care in EU and how much better it is :(
was j3lly
dont watch so faraway, canada has the same advantages
but I love NYC :(
Not just that country.
And btw, give Europe few years and it will the same as America now is.
Holland is already getting fatter and fatter.
I blame the McDonald's!
you mean France Hollande is getting fatter and fatter ? :D
sad :(
3rd shooting in 2012
heard about something similar in Newtown with 12 children killed....

Fucking USA fat nerds with guns
americans got totally fucked up and braindead, with so limited horizons through last 50years

well, actually that was the target of ruling class and it succeeded x)
What else would you expect?
guns in your family? just curious how usual having a gun is
nah not allowed in NYC
People think and act differently. Put something dangerous in the hands of someone and chances are they will do something stupid with it depending on the situation in hand, what sort of personality they have and how much things affect them. Anyone could essentially snap at any single moment, depending on what has happened with them and how easily they get affected by it. It doesn't have to be a mental disorder that can be seen and dealt with. There's always gonna be people like this who are ready to hurt other people as a result of what they believe is right or as a result of something that has occured in their life. It could be their upbringing in their family, their surroundings (how they're being treated in school, at work, by friends or bystanders or just anyone in society in general)
There's always stuff to work on to stabilize people in society but the biggest problem in hand are the weapons. The saddest thing is that the sale of weapons are gonna go up as a result of this tragedy, fear triggers in and people want to buy themselves some sort of security. But fact is that people would be safer without guns, the people of USA need to wake up and realize how fucking stupid their mentality is when it comes to weapons. I like a lot of things about USA and have been there several times in my life but it's really these sort of things that make USA the laughing stock of the world.

Like I said people can snap at any moment, it happens everywhere, every day. It's just that not everyone is capable to stretch as far as this. Limit the damage these people can make by disallowing weapons is the first and most important step that should be made. But we all know it's not gonna happen anytime soon.


time to change gun policy, huh?
Great country. Nice place to live!
and the stabbed chinese kids not even mentioned
every DAY around 20.000 children DIE because they have nothing to eat that is the the true sadness
damn those lions
usa full of fuckin attentionwhores
but still its sad what happened especially because of the small children
america is going down by their own dumbness
if I got it right, again the guns were legally purchased.
These things fail to shock me. I live in Finland where this happens every year. Though kinda nice new plot twist for the victims to be so young.
go go god like
cu guys next lan huehuehue
Gun Deaths - 2011: Japan 48, Great Britain 8, Switzerland 34, Canada 52, Israel 58, Sweden 21, Germany 42, US 10,728
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