Best of metal 2012

Behold this year's megalist, bigger and better than ever.

  1. AustraliaNe Obliviscaris - Portal of I (progressive/extreme)
  2. RomaniaDordeduh - Dar De Duh (atmospheric/pagan black)
  3. GermanyFinsterforst - Rastlos (viking/folk)
  4. United States of AmericaConverge - All We Love We Leave Behind (metalcore)
  5. GermanyBeyond the Bridge - The Old Man And The Spirit (progressive)
  6. AustraliaBe'lakor - Of Breath and Bone (melodic death)
  7. GermanyLunar Aurora - Hoagascht (black/atmospheric)
  8. CanadaKälter - Ubuntu (progressive/melodic death)
  9. NorwayEnslaved - RIITIIR (progressive extreme)
  10. PolandMgla - With Hearts Toward None (black)
  11. SwedenAtomA - Skylight (ambient/progressive/post)
  12. IcelandSvartidaudi - Flesh Cathedral (black)
  13. United States of AmericaBetween the Buried and Me - Parallax 2: Future Sequence (progressive metalcore)
  14. United States of AmericaWilderun - Olden Tales & Deathly Trails (folk)
  15. SwedenIn Mourning - The Weight of Oceans (melodic death)
  16. United States of AmericaTestament - Dark Roots of the Earth (thrash)
  17. NorwayBorknagar - Urd (progressive)
  18. United KingdomA Forest of Stars - A Shadowplay for Yesterdays (atmospheric black/avantgarde)
  19. BelgiumAmenra - Mass V (atmospheric sludge/post)
  20. United KingdomHour of 13 - 333 (Traditional/Doom)
  21. United States of AmericaNeurosis - Honor Found in Decay (sludge/post)
  22. NorwayCircus Maximus - Nine (progressive)
  23. United KingdomWodensthrone - Curse (atmospheric black/pagan/folk)
  24. United KingdomSylosis - Monolith (progressive/thrash)
  25. FinlandWintersun - Time I (symphonic)
  26. GreeceHail Spirit Noir - Pneuma (black/psychedelic)
  27. GermanyDownfall of Gaia - Suffocating in the Swarm of Cranes (atmospheric sludge/black)
  28. FranceBlut aus Nord - 777 Cosmosophy (avant-garde)
  29. United KingdomThreshold - March of Progress (progressive)
  30. United States of AmericaOverkill - The Electric Age (thrash)
  31. FinlandMors Principium Est - ...And Death Said Live (melodic death)
  32. United States of AmericaIncantation - Vanquish in Vengeance (death)
  33. DenmarkSaturnus - Saturn in Ascencion (doom/death)
  34. GermanyOrden Ogan - To The End (power)
  35. United States of AmericaHigh on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis (sludge)
  36. United KingdomAnaal Nathrakh - Vanitas (black/industrial)
  37. United States of AmericaDeftones - Koi No Yokan (alternative/shoegaze)
  38. United States of AmericaThe Faceless - Autotheism (tech/melodic death)
  39. United States of AmericaRoyal Thunder - CVI (stoner)
  40. United States of AmericaVaura - Selenelion (blackgaze/avant-garde)

Additionally, top 5 of rock 2012:
  1. United States of AmericaSwans - The Seer (experimental/ambient)
  2. CanadaGodspeed You! Black Emperor - Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! (post/ambient)
  3. United States of AmericaOm - Advaitic Songs (psychedelic/drone)
  4. SwedenEclipse - Bleed & Scream (hard rock/AOR)
  5. United KingdomAnathema - Weather Systems (post/alternative)

Letdown of the year:

United KingdomDragged Into Sunlight - Widowmaker. From probably one of the the most (if not the most) vicious and crushing metal releases of all time, to an album overrun by ambiance and build-ups. I took this as an insult.
Got introduced to Wintersun this year and ended up seeing them on one of their first shows playing the new album, really great stuff and the amount of work they put in the album is outstanding.
it's the same album as the last one really
One could argue they put in too much work. Personally, the lack of wha-wha-wha guitars their debut had was disappointing. I sincerely hope "Time II" will be a more simple (=better) album, and that the overflowing symphonic elements of "I" will be dumbed down a bit.
People complained of lack of solos and other elements they thought lacked in Time as opposed to their debut which as a response were told would be in Time II so I'm unsure it would be more 'simple' than part I. I wasn't too fond of all the symphonic material in the new album and how it was arranged, how some excused were used with regards to waiting on 64bit plugins etc but I'm not that technical or knowledgeable in such field to question why, but I'm sure such stuff were worth it eventually. Regardless, I look forward to part 2 x)
It has "too much" all over it in my opinion. It's like I'm listening a few songs at once.
Exactly, it's like Jari Mäenpää used all the material he wrote in the last 8 years and crammed it in a 90 minute double CD. Still "Sons Of Winter And Stars" simply made the whole album, even as overcrowded as it is.
Their first album is still one of my favourite metal albums (together with primordial albums). Sure it's fast and busy, but that's what makes it so awesome, it's like a mental storm. Starchild is one of my favourite songs of all time, never gets old.
So that's like a really old version? :o
Yap! :)

Quote by Jari “IMMEMORIAL was just a couple of teenagers playing guitar (me and Oliver Fokin) and trying to make songs. We did some demos using a drummachine - nothing special really. Oliver (and METALLICA) actually inspired me to start playing the guitar. Then we were always jamming together. Lots of times we went to play in this local youthclub and there were drums. Both of us wanted to beat the shit out of the them, so we took turns on guitar and drums. It turned out that Oliver was much better on that drums than me (and later in 1998 he joined ENSIFERUM as a drummer). But I guess during those times was the start in my musical career. I also started to make my own songs and demos very early and around that time I also started singing. Then in 1996 I joined ENSIFERUM as a vocalist/guitarist… and I think you know the rest.”
Sick stuff for just a couple of teenagers lol
The demo is pretty good, there's a torrent around if you want it or can upload it some time :>
Deftones' album was good
Just wrote a big piece of text and lost it by clicking on a song... hmm!
Was waiting for you to post this journal :D I'm sure Thomm will like it too. Will be sure to check a few of the stuff out too. I was thinking for a moment if Euphoreon had released their S/T this year, but it was last, hmm!

Shame to see Ensiferum not being mentioned even if it's for production wise and still going, you even included Between the buried and me... bleugh!

Finsterforst deserves being up there though, love the new record. Mors principium est new album has been worth the 5 years though. Sadly, EToS hadn't released their new album this year but it's something to look forward to next year! Hopefully new Kalmah and Amon Amarth's new record is out next year, as will Time II.

Speaking of which, as above, Wintersun surpassed my expectations with the release of Time I, seeing them at the start of their tour this year and playing the new album along with their classics from their debut was something unforgettable and based on that alone I would put Time I in my top 3, if not #1 spot for 2012. Jari really put so much effort in to making the album and seeing the DVD on how he composed, written and produced the whole album himself was inspirational. That and I got the nuclearblast limited edition record set out of 500 :3

Wasn't that much doom released this year that was worth mentioning? :( still wunderbar!
About Between the Buried and Me, I didn't expect to put them up here either, but they basically made a really good album. It is filled with ideas and riffs that at first may seem mental (Mr Bungle mental), but they gradually transform into a more grand and higher level of progressive metal as you delve into them.

Fuck, forgot Evoken now that you mention doom... Other great doom this year that didn't make the top 40 was Pallbearer's Sorrow and Extinction, Altar of Oblivion's Grand Gesture of Defiance, new Candlemass, Faal's The Clouds Are Burning, and lastly Ahab's The Giant. I don't think I can come up with any more :(
Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh, forgot about Pallbearer. As much as I love the demo, and still think the reproduction on some of the stuff on Sorrow and Extinction wasn't as good I still enjoyed the record :)
Not sure I'd give the BTBAM record a listen (based on previous stuff) but definitely the rest!
out of curiosity - what makes btbam progressive metalcore? don't really get that part.
Don't focus on labels that much, they aren't really helpful to be honest. Principally, metalcore is a fusion of metal and hardcore, if someone is labeling them as progressive metalcore, it means those 2 are the genres that the listener thinks they derive from most.
i know what metalcore is, i was just wondering since i wouldn't put their newer work under it.
my question should have been (and that would only be applicable if you are the one applying those labels) - why did you put btbam under metalcore, not metal? and where exactly would be the line between metalcore and metal (for you)?
and additionally - since your opinion is rated pretty high amongst the metal-hearing-users here as far as i see - what do you think of bands like Periphery, Monuments, The Contortionist or Veil of Maya (all having released records in 2012)? And how would you label them?
I'm not an avid fan of metalcore to be honest so I can't really answer that since I'm not entirely familiar with it. But I can safely say that the sound of BtBaM shares alot of common ground with Converge, which is what I think what true metalcore (should) sounds like. BtBaM however differs, since they blend their metalcore with progressive metal, making it hard to make the distinction.

I think in the long run it is fairer to label them as "progressive metalcore" than "progressive metal", but that's just me, hence why I labeled them as such. But like I said, don't focus on labels that much.

edit: About those bands you mentioned, those are all djent bands, or otherwise technical metal bands that put a lot of their focus on sound engineering. But I'm not familiar with those either, I think the only djent band I'm actively following right now is Animals as Leaders, mainly because of the guy's guitar playing.
I was just curious how someone like you, that seems to understand pretty much about metal in general, is labeling these kinds of bands (blending in between something like death, technical, progressive metal and/or hardcore). Since i had a lot of discussion with people who would say, that anything somewhat connected to hardcore (and therefor coined as metalcore) has nothing to do with "true" metal and shouldn't be listened to (that's why i asked where the distinction between "normal" metal and metalcore is for you).
just wanted to know your oppinion without openly asking you ;)
I think it's totally stupid to not listen to something that you may like because someone else thinks it's not "true", may that be metal or hiphop or electronic or whatever. The only thing you should be able to distinguish is the good cds from the bad according to your tastes...

If you ask me, I'm open to other genres if they fall where my standards lie. For example, I'm not a big fan or familiar with djent because I dislike how everything passionate that metal stands for is sacrificed for some cool guitar sounds or synths, but I like Animals as Leaders (to follow the example I used above) because I find them good.

Labeling is something that can get completely misunderstood, its role should be to classify some bands with others so it makes the whole "exploration of new bands" thing easier, not to snob certain genres because they don't sound exactly the same as everything else.
I dont get it either since i moved from hardcore punk to thrash and death metal and ended up with listening to everything from hardcore to metal so e.g. metalcore wasn't something i found unnatural or "untrue" but rather a logical step (knowing both genres).

about djent, i kinda agree with you but if you see it as a highly technical genre (not talking about EXTREME technical genres though) i think it definitely is something fresh (opening metal in even another way). if you like "rough" recording or lets say no-glamour-productions, try "the safety fire", their sound is somehow different (in comparison to periphery e.g.).
AAL is beyond awesome, there is nothing more to say about them.
What hardcore bands did you listen to?
oh gosh, let me try; madball, black flag, shai hulud, hatebreed, ignite, converge, rancid, the exploited, heresy. more actual bands would be; have heart, terror, comeback kid & stick to your guns (eventhough their new stuff is shit), gallows, your demise, dead swans. i never dived that much into the "underground" hardcore scene i have to say, that changed with listening to metal.
Oh yeah Rancid yeah... but hardcore? Hmmmmmnaja :3
well, hardcore emerged from punk, so borders are fluent
Used to listen a lot of hardcore/punk from 12-17 but metal took over that half way, though a friend turned hardcore promoter put on so many great gigs here, a few of what you listed so got to see many bands over the time.
Notable bands being Champion, Cro-mags, Terror (think seen them 5 times by now and got a decent record collection by them still), Shai hulud, Justice, Supertouch, Floorpunch, CBK saw twice (once in Australia) but I think most of the bands I saw were UK hardcore, a lot of what you'd call underground bands.

Better still, any bands you like from the flyers?
i think i've heard of ark of covenant, rise and fall and 50 lions, but the others - too underground :D
went twice to the pressure festival in 2006 and 2007 (already turned to metal) - &
unban unforgiven?
unban unforgiven?
You didn't mention Lunar Aurora either. What the fuck is going on here?
Looking at what others are posting makes me remember the other great records out this year. Good shout on L.A though.
Will get you EToS-thing (not sure what yet) with autographs, just waiting them to start touring!
what about dso - drought? i mean, sure it was an ep, but it was still awesome

new gy!be? :o great
Yeah Drought was good. Not on the same level as their albums but still.
also realized that i didn't even listen to new drudkh, what's it like?
Complete turn-around from Handful of Stars, but totally forgettable.
alright, i guess i didn't miss much, and yeah, i know about dordeduh, it's a great album :)
AustriaSummoning is out next year, I hope your body will be ready!
we'll see about that
Also forgot to mention to you, Dordeduh is Negura Bunget in disguise (if you didn't know already).
headache musik
Seriously, Hellhammer?

image: 327976
Ah just fuck me... Still I hope mentioning Mgla and Svartidaudi will make up for it!
Not even close. Nothing can make amends for what is simply the best album of the year by far.
Fixed. By the way something weird, I thought till about now Alexander von Meilenwald (guy behind The Ruins of Beverast, Nagelfar and Kermania) was involved with Lunar Aurora since Andacht, which is also how I discovered them in the first place, but it turned out he didn't...

Anyway, NetherlandsUrfaust made the best black metal album this year in my opinion, even if it was just a compilation album.
I got Ruins tipped by a friend quite some years ago, but not because we thought he was involved with Lunar. :p Still one of my favourite bands though (even got the Gravemould vinyl despite the fact I have most of those songs on the limited editions LPs) and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a new album somewhere in 2013 or 2014.

I wouldn't particularly count compilations as full releases and certainly not Urfaust (I still think every song sounds exactly the same). Additionally, since Lunar actually disbanded for good their last release is even more important.
Most probably Frob
Pretty sure it would not happend if I made a list like this for hiphop.
inb4 not real music
as if there are still any good hip hop albums coming out
Yes, there are.
alright tell me your top 5 and i'll tell you if that's true
Nas - Life Is Good
Game - Jesus Piece
Kendrick Lamar - Good kid, m.A.A.d city
Big Boi - Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors
Schoolboy Q - Habits & Contradictions
Big K.R.I.T - Live from the Underground

I don't have to tell me if it's true or not actually, you might not like these artists/albums, but I do. It's a matter of taste. I could also tell you that their arent good metal albums because I dislike the genre.
i actually listen to hip hop a lot more than metal nowadays, but those albums were far from good to be honest
did he really just wrote that list down as a top 5??!!?/1/1/1/ WAT
looks like it yeah
dutch people :'(
Not sure if you know, but he has been doing this same kinda list for years. So a week for sticky is sweet. If it were up to me it would be news since it is so quiet there :)
It s so quiet here because to many ass
Go for it.
I should be doing a top 100 next year, so many good fucking albums from each genre...
You a fan of Heimdalls Wacht? They brought out a decent record this year too. Hurry up with a top 100 for this year too x)
No, unfortunately there are so many great releases that go unnoticed every year, it's pretty hard to listen to everything :). I think a top 100 will be overkill!
jaja understandable ofc! Good job as always though x)
Katatonia <3
ITT depressive faggots wearing black clothes painting their faces
lyl, why so close minded son
Easier to ignore those, let him be :)
Easier to ignore those, let him be :)
You're not the boss of me. I'm painting my face and there's nothing you can do about it.
You're a crazy person!
Mischa! I miss your funniness, invite me to TS some time!
Finland Swallow the Sun - Emerald Forest and the Blackbird
well well, I see a romanian band on number 2. Nice

Best present this year <3 Thanks.
No time to check them now, hopefully will find some new stuff again, maybe I even stop being a genre-scared-faggot and give them all a try. Shall do it at sunday.
Some additions.

Napalm Death - Utilitarian
- blaargh! another one, don't really like it, but damn, it kicks!

Gojira - L’Enfant Sauvage
only frenchies I like. not really as good as some previous ones, but still, great stuff. too proge every now and then, have to love the quitars...

Also, one of the best lives this year, "Khuda". Couldn't find other stuff from them at fast glimpse, great duo though.
another reason not to check this site, bb
indeed, we need more sticky Kamz journals.
we already got more sticky kamz magazines :s

image: 300_2270082
why the fuck is this shit journal sticky ???????????????????????????
Why is your opinion valid? :DDDDDD

It isn't
Best journal EVER! I love you man.
A metal journal a day keeps the doctor away
Why to keep the doctor away, they keep you healthy? Or at least they keep you alive.
But if you are already healthy you dont need to go! Also he stuck his finger in my butt for a hearing test :'(
you have been molested
I bet that doctor Molestayou wasn't even a real doctor.
seemed legit in the mcdonalds bathroom
ik ken geen enkele van die cutschijven. ik word oud :'(
ik ook niet maak je geen zorgen, of zijn we alletwee oud?!
You posted some nice dubstep songs here, good sticky
Finally a good journal
no pitbull farm no thumbs up
I fuck you not, this is the best xmas present for me!
this is the downfall of crossfire
We've had this journal for several years already. Crossfire 4 is the downfall :)
Journals were never stickied in previous cf. These kind of posts were made in the forum section, which didn't bother people. It's pretty annoying to have a journal stickied right now, cause you're forced to look twice if something new is created.

But obviously cf is moderated on how each individual admin feel like.
They weren't stickied at cf3 because there was no option to sticky a journal.
Journals are not meant to be stickied.
Best of metal journals are meant to :))
thx brah
you gotta be kiddin
horrible journal
Now this is real music... :'DDD
more the less decent list - did not buy a lot of albums this year.
membaris, dodsengel and panopticon should be in there for sure. i also pretty much liked wallachia - shunya.
i suppose manii - kollaps is good as well, have not heard it yet though - same goes for many other 2012 releases - did not have that much time to follow the scene this year.
I unfortunately didn't listen to much black metal this year, I only know Panopticon by name of the ones you mentioned, but I will definitely listen to them all.
did not know panopticon until their/his 2011 release social disservices (quite awesome also - and so is "collapse"). kentucky is a really unique album, highly recommended!
wallachia has a fine "old-school" vibe to it - it's good 90s melo-bm (a little bit cheesy at times, but still great).
dodsengel's release is a 2:30 hours epos, not quite as good as their debut but still nice and membaris are being awesome as always. i guess one should be able to find tracks on youtube anyway :)
manii came quite unexpected: it's the norwegian manes who went experimental and renamed to kkoagulaa now back playing their "early" bm style (the pre-vilosophe stuff). i have not yet had the chance to listen to it, but i really hope it's good!

edit: oh, and what's quite cool also is the algorithm's "polymorphic code". not sure whether you like that kind of stuff, but i enjoyed it
This is the shit you kids call metal these days???
And what do you call metal these days grandpa? :))
See the list just below this?? Most of THAT is Metal. Not some overplayed, Goth influenced, unorganised noise that is the majority of the crap in the OP. I listened to all those songs and almost all of them are horrible.
Overplayed in terms of what? Talking of goth influenced noise and you post cradle of filth? At least their later music is that, though not a fan of them in general.
Gormathon and Vader are decent bands, gave fleshgod apocalypse a listen as I don't know them but based on that song alone I'd rather not check any more music out.

Give me some more :))
I like Fleshgod because they still have that old school Death Metal sound with a really cool symphonic sound.

I was gonna post Cannibal, just for the Hell of it, because Alex, Jack and Chris Barnes and I have known each other for about 25 years, but they've never progressed. What they started, they got stuck with. Other than all the line-up changes, (The original line-up was the best), their lastest CD's are no different than their first CD's.

Last I knew, their original band, Beyond Death was getting more attention than Cannibal is any more.
And of course, the legends:

wow, you actually managed to post one good band, and even that was a shitty recording
Wait, you are writing about goth influenced noise of my recommendations (which are extremely far from that), yet you post some cradle of filth. I'm pretty sure you meant black metal, which is a completely different spectrum :).
COF really has gotten more Goth influenced, and further away form their earlier work, I'll admit
Anyone know a good place with similar lists of thrash metal?
Omg man, that list is almost exactly the same i had on my notepad when thinking of the best metal albums this year.

Was kinda "disappointed" on Overkills newest since Ironbound (2010) was one of the best trash albums ever made in my opinion, but The Electric Age is still really good. Was also positively suprised by Tankard this year. Kreator keeping their own style as always. Need to check out Angelus Apatrida, havent listened to them yet. Testaments newest is also alot better than TFOD imo.

Looking forward to 2013, going to FranceHellfest open air again and seems like the lineup there is going to be awesome this year too. Also my all time favourite FinlandStone will be throwing a gig or 2 again this summer in Finland <3
No Kreator ?
No psycroptic ?
WTF with all these bands wearing makeup??? UGH!
Mad depressed nerds in black
xcus, but i am not mad
image: tumblr_mflfzilnvb1r4xqkwo1_1280

PaRzi knows how to please me for Christmas :))
haha that tshirt :D
Down ftw.
Also new Revocation EP is just great.
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