Why and how you lost me

Dear ET community,

It's been a while since there was a famous Kamz journal and today is your lucky day. I would like to discuss how you guys managed to lose one of the most influential and entertaining figures from your community.

It all started with the comeback of RTCW. I've long awaited something to replace ET with. Brink was a great replacement for a couple of months but unfortunately that died. But RTCW still seems to be going quite well and is very enjoyable to play. The community is less retarded than this one and more mature. I've seen a lot of you guys whine about people like Goku, unforgiven, seareal and Bozar but these guys seem a lot more normal to me than most of you guys on here. Some of them are actually quite intelligent and think outside of the box whereas most of you are pretty much narrow minded with no creative thinking skills.

In terms of the actual game, RTCW is a lot more fun to play. I prefer playing teams such as one soldier, KiH, oP, Raw etc than playing some random medskilled polak team who only win matches because they have stayed active playing every day for five years. The EC playoffs were a joke. Undoubtedly the worst playoffs ever and you can partly blame Goldarak for that. I think only like 2-3 teams were worthy of a spot and the rest were shit. The only way I would consider playing competitively again is if some cup came along with much interest and prizes, and I'd play with colt45 again but that won't happen so don't get your hopes up.

You guys idolise people like TosspoT, who can't even be arsed to give you a couple of days a year for the game. But has plenty of time for other shit games out there. So what, he made crossfire. Did he do it for the community or to get money from it? Hint - Heavenmedia.

Most of the "top" players in the game are disloyal and have no values at all. I can only put that down to their parents for not raising them in such a way that they would be proud of. There are a few people who I can say should be proud of themselves for the fact that even though they got to a high level and were wanted by all the teams, they still showed great respect to others. People such as sqzz, xperia, nuggan, phyzic, others etc. Can't name you all.

In terms of progressing, it's far too demotivating for people to know that even if you play good for a certain amount of time, nothing will come of it because the same bunch of merry men stick together because they feel comfortable being apart of a nerd pact. Some names: Night, Clown, etc etc. Everybody said these guys are morons at lan too, not surprising. Unfortunately these faggots play RTCW too.


I've considered many times making Most Hated 4 as I have great content and music/ideas to work with. In the past, it would not even be a question to me whether I will go for it or not. But now I really cant be arsed. There's absolutely nothing to gain from it. Same if I was to make any movie like This is ET II. There will be the 10% of retards flaming everything so you can enjoy a game with no good movies from me now and checking cf everyday hoping that something will come along for you to fill up your boring days.

Anyways, If you want me, you can catch me in RTCW.

Peace out,

P.S. my comments don't apply to everybody on here, there are some cool people on here too ;)
2l;dr faggot
This just about sums up my feelings
nananana, nich so frech!
See you on RtCW mate <3
inb4 tons of comments about mad nerds and dick suckers
judging by your recent comments LeFrancis has found his way to 4chan
no im from 9gag army lol
le 9gag army le legion le lol
browsing /b/ is pretty much the same actually, yeah
Whining about /b/ being better before? Oldfag spotted
/b/ was never good, that's why i never browsed it.
when u never browsed it, how u know its never been good?
kamz for president!
Ye, I thought Tosspot was giving out some steam thingy for the most active contributor on CF? Sup with that.

See you@one of our many enjoyable games in RtCW b2k.
You know he still didn't give out prizes for Battle of Berlin :D
omfg, that's a bitch ass move.
Britain's got talents trolls
he did give out the key
giving out a prize for something that benefits him anyway, what a lovely guy
it benefits the site.

i dont see why you have such a huge issue with everything he does.
Stop riding the bandwagon. And you can see my reply below.

I'm surprised he didn't make a news post. Look at me, I gave a key out to somebody.
Ah, did not see a post for it or something, thats why I did not know :) Who received it?
She did obviously lol what a question
like im reading your piece of shit self glorification of a nerd
b2k >D
true rtcw makes more fun, but it's only for the moment i think.
lots of idiots on cf - i can agree with that, but it's because the nice guys are inactive or left, the idiots stay forever :D
Well said m8 :)
Few good points. I agree with most stuff, except Tosspot thing and sereal/bozar thing.
didn't read but here's you browsing your files
image: a70be6b90aa0
I don t know about goku man, for you he might be real , for me is not.

Seareal =super ok dude.

Bozar=hmm, now this guy 2 years ago came and he was super ok, I joined his vegas chan on irc, and I played few 3on3 with him, then one day he called me for another 3on3 we was doing braundorf , it was impossible for me to aim like him, he is very very good aimer, and I lost flag, due to my shit aim. The guy started to rage at me, yelling and screaming on TS3, that shit was really to much. And then he went on irc raging nobody to play with me, so I don t know how cool and open mind is, but since he did not kept on bullshit and attack me continuously like the rest of the nerds here, but he just had that moment of rage, and after it I never heard about him anymore, I m obliged to think that he is much more cooler than many others here.

Tosspot=no comments here, but between you and me , we already know the truth, so yea...

You re right about RTCW , most of the guys warwitch is working are older, they passed 25 , so they got brain. Medium age on cf is around 20, that means 80 procent or even 90 procent of them did not pass puberty. I can t blame them for being retards but I blame them for being assholes.
the fuck you talking about glamoramaboy?
glamoramaboy? I know what glamour is and I know what boy is. I m neither of it, so now pls excuse me, no time to waste with loosers
you could start a gossip blog talking about other ppl on internet , no time to waste!
I m not talking about other people on Internet, it seems that you are busy though. Perhaps I should try it to see if I can hit some sensitive spot when you identify yourself of being part of the sheeps
couldnt care less about this community. But it you can entertain me be my guest.
I never enjoyed talking to your kind. You are dissmissed
then stop talking to me faggot.
Quotethe fuck you talking about glamoramaboy?

You started talking to me , wanna be though kiddo on i net

In real life, you would have blood on your face after calling me names. Here...you are just a lizard crawling in the dust
ill cu @ lan , you do nothing
QuoteI've seen a lot of you guys whine about people like Goku, unforgiven, seareal and Bozar but these guys seem a lot more normal to me than most of you guys on here. Some of them are actually quite intelligent and think outside of the box whereas most of you are pretty much narrow minded with no creative thinking skills.
You do realize you just said you are not a male, aye?
I was expecting for you to come with another retard non sense bullshit, than the one that you used me in the last 2 years because the same ol same ol gypsi insults became lil bit rusty. I have no ideea what Kamz is thinking about you, but I would not be friend with someone who is such a retard to a person and nice to another because that prooves that you are a retard. Me on the other hand I try to be balanced. I m realising somebody is idiot, I let him be idiot, with you, it took me a long time, I pretty much got fooled from our conversation on irc, but fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, not going to happen. I wish you good luck for your second most retard person on cf award and God helps Kamz to put you on the right way. Please stop talking to me, I hate the black emo kiddos making pictures kissing windows in shower
Quotesomeone who is such a retard to a person and nice to another because that prooves that you are a retard.

You just made no fucking sense at all you fucking dribbler lol
At least I got the balls to show myself either by pictures, or by showing up at LAN. The only thing we've seen of you is your penis, which doesn't even prove that you were born a boy.
There's plenty of pictures and information about unforgiven if you know where to look
I rather not browse pornhub.com and other porn websites since that will put me and my history in an awkward situation
Your faggot history is safe dont worry.
OO pls show me show me mister. Mister I net Sherlock Dolmes
So this is how internet warriors "proove themself"? showing a pic in the shower kissing a window? There is a pic of me recently posted in a journal, if you so fuckin desperate to see me. Or I could send you that pic Thomm was talking about and fuckin lick it till you die
Show me that picture and so can go further.

or have you asked the admins to delete it already, sad piece of gypsy fuck
I ve seen many idiots in my life but u re by far no 1 idiot. Remember the miracle journal mouron? Cioara libidinoasa fiu de curva
I don't remember stuff I don't give the slightest fuck about.
Now piss off, goatfucking gypsy
You remember because you said that is a google pic. You know in real life I would piss you in the head and you would ask for more piss. Pathetic fuck talking trash on i net. Hopefully I will see you one day for real and smash your fuckin head off
That's some weird stuff you need to get excited. You should get checked
You should get nuked by a tank
You should die of hunger xd (phun is u have no food so u will die actually :dd)
we gonna see bout it
does your ass ever get jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth?
lol TosspoT what a dickhead.

image: NClEY

So cringe you actually believe all that.
So let's see.

- Does partnership with Heaven Media to get more money with putting up sponsors
- Doesn't work out with Heaven Media after getting nothing out of it
- Pretends that he will part ways for the good of the community
- People fall for it - "OMG CF IS BACK"

- Tries to make CF like other eSports sites (tek9 or w/e they call that shit) with Crossfire 4.0
- Killed the site
- Offers prizes to people only if they make the site alive for him
- Site is still pretty much dead

In between all of that. Makes competitions for ET once a year at best. Doesn't give any prizes he promised people.

Can't be arsed casting ET games but has plenty of time for other games out there when this game made him what he was. It's all fairly simple and factual and not so much opinion based.

Anyways, this journal isn't about him. It's more about everybody else ;o)
I don't need to talk on behalf of Stuart in any form but the huge assumptions and leaps you make are infuriating to anyone who has a iq above 14. Heaven Media ordeal goes far beyond your rather limited view of it, it goes beyond just Stuart and Crossfire so i would try and either ask him or stop making assumptions.

Crossfire needed a update.
I would do it for free

There is nothing stopping anyone else casting or doing coverage, why should he have to... i stopped casting CoD4 , Deman stopped casting BF ... Joe stopped casting Quake. I really dont see why you are bitter about that.

Don't forget where you came from - Big assumption for someone he probably didn't know back then either.
Who the fuck is Stuart?
Stuart "TosspoT" Saw

come on bruv, pull it togeva
Thanks man, was confused.
Its ok bro, it messed me up a bit when I found out that his real name wasn't actually TosspoT too
Fact that you just mentioned him by first name shows that it's not worth debating anymore.
im not sure you can define it by debate when its just you moaning about things you have no idea about.
And I can use the same argument that you're just defending and asslicking him, could I not?

Nothing wrong with you being friends, just saying I can't really take any of your points in without taking that into account.

Don't really understand your last line. But if you mean tosspot didn't know me then that makes no sense at all. He has been obsessed with me for the last ten years or something. To the point that every time somebody would say something positive about me, he would be replying almost instantly with something that happened years ago.
What Kamz said plus there is an old saying: Don't forget where you came from
Kamz, maybe i ambeing stupid but I seem to be confused.. Firstly, you say you give respect to players Nuggan xperia etc for staying loyal to their teams... right? Yet you critcise night and clown for continually playing with the same pack. So which is it?
It's more about respect. Nuggan and xperia for example, have great respect for people and are not arrogant at all. Xperia didn't even want to join one pound fish for lan because he knew it would leave me in a fucked up situation but because I also have respect for him, I told him to just join since he deserves it for staying loyal throughout. Nuggan is a pretty awesome guy as well.

But I've never heard anybody say that Night and Clown are awesome guys. Everybody has said they are arrogant ego players, both online and at lan. These are the type of guys that kill the game for others. Not your nuggan's and xperia's.

Night is not loyal at all. He promised BADAZZ he will play for them 100% for the xmas rtcw cup tomorrow only to stab them to play for raw and now BADAzz doesn't have a lineup.
You forgot to mention Urtier on the respectable and not arrogant player.

Story: The last time when I tried to make ib a nice team, with shaaq and the others, I called few players , bassically I asked them if they can come on ts3 with us and make few presentations and tactics of basic maps.

Clown: I don t talk with psichopats

Night: No answer.

Urtier: Ok, but not right now, I m little busy.

Next day he came on ts3 with us for like 30 minuts, told us supply,goldrush adlernest and bremen. So yea...
Don't know much about him, but everybody in Chocomel said he was a nice guy. But yeah, I can't mention him there because I hardly spoke to the guy :P

Pretty cool of him though.
urtier is a really cool guy. helped me with ton of stuff & epic advice :)
WAT????? night with raw??? seriously jam... what the fuck is ur point?... first aphesia, already tried leonneke, now night... get a fucking life...
+ olbaa from cave :p
at least everybody is nice to eachother here
such a happy little community
yes most of the community are idiots
yes you are one of them
starting with you and ending...with you
Sure as hell better than Goldorak. Although LION was pretty awesome as well!
LION was my best trainee, I trained the little cub, he was so good that it meant that I could quit ET and let him take my role (I had told him how much he had reminded of myself when I was still a newbie in CB, he was sharp, intelligent and would make objective decisions if needed and try to always find an agreement on both parties in other cases when it possible), I thought I left ET in safe hands as long as he was around, why did he quit/go inactive so soon? I wasn't around when it happened.
No idea. Lack of motivation maybe?
I asked him earlier this year and he said he was gonna consider adminning after july, but only for a few months because "cb and studying is not a good combination" - so I guess you two are more similar than you thought! :D
Can you pls do some admin job here and check goku and syrius racist comments because I m starting to get tired of this bullshit. You admins fuckin do smt about this retards , revoke their posting rights for a while till this fuckin morons cool off, or I don t know how long I will manage to keep my cool on before starting with the bullshit again. And I don t want to, I just got my posting rights back, lost it cause exactly the same shit, now I see it all over again. Calling me gypsi non stop it becomes really irritating for me. Are you willing to do smt bout it or not?
<13:07:08> "Goku": are you a sandnigger?
<13:07:10> "Goku": you got a sandnigger flag

no just cf on ts too :)
You know , this might sound extreme, but somebody should punish him in real life. Nothing to harsh, but enough to scare him and make him drop it. Obvioussly he doesn t know that beating actually hurts. Hope nobody here will go mad over this, just saying, my parents used to beat me when I was offline,and boy that good it was for me, and I realise this now.
Looks like they hit too hard as you had a brain concussion
Oh that was you lol don't tell me you got really offended by that? :/
i like penis XDXDXDXDDXXD
Artstar is a prick!
famous ......kamz................ mkay :XD
sorry to see ur leave ET kamz take care and hope we see each other again :3:3

//TrickJay cya
Already left m8 :(

Have only played like three times in the last few months or something. And just been random 3on3 wars mainly. Didn't really enjoy any of them at all tbh :P
ooh i see :DD
lol , ur still active :D
yup ur in falx if im not mistaken right?
have been :D falx is dead now
but we are all still good friends and use same teamspeak for same games :D
Sluta slicka röv
äääh får man inte säga hej då till en kompis nu heller då asså ;) :P
best journal ever
Always deliver.
i mean true words and i am like it
I place my bets on 174 comments
Wasn't stickied in my calculations :ss
any reasen i still check the side is becaouse off journals like this, entertaining and allways funny to see people flaming each over :_D

thx to kamz for entertaining

You also check this site to spam your sc2 journals.

Which annoys me, because I keep getting a notification when you do so (cuz ur in my buddlist) and I don't know how to turn it off :{

stil love you tho
This journal makes me sad
You're exaggerating things but that's just to create more entertainment which is basically what you always do in here.
As for TosspoT, every sane person would have done the things he did. Then we have unforgiven who actually has some valid points from time to time but his way of presenting them is probably the worst in the history of Crossfire. And his reputation doesn't do him any good either.

Competetive ET is heading to the end of the road and imo it's delusional to consider moving on as killing the game. Merry Christmas everybody!
QuoteThen we have unforgiven who actually has some valid points from time to time but his way of presenting them is probably the worst in the history of Crossfire

Umm, since you must have been studied my presentations, otherwise I don t wanna believe you just playing with words here, could you please elaborate this or perhaps even giving me some advices ?

QuoteAnd his reputation doesn't do him any good either.

So ppl actually have reputation here on i net? Gee, I never thaught being possible. So what is my reputation:

-am I a cheater?
-am I a troller/flamer?
-am I a racist?

I just can t figure it out, enlight me please
Your "ideas" of making things better would seem a lot better if you didn't ALWAYS flame somebody/something in the very same post. They should also be formal and with a lot less grammatic flaws so that the viewer can get the most out of it.

Of course people have a reputation if they post on a daily basis. You're like a mean dog (I'm not saying that you are one) who barks at everybody for no or very little reason. Be nice and you'll be treated well. There will always be trolls but the best way to get rid off them is ignoring them.
Have you read let s say at least 2 of my last umm 5 journals? Have you noticed few things?

First I never flame troll unless I m under attack. Second, I m always under attack, by the same people all over again. Fourth, I got the posting rights revoked because of this same people, I insulted them the same they are insulting me. Bassically all this starts from the shit way of admining the website. No admins with balls here, and is not flaming is a fact. They allow others to call me gypsi, I m not allowed to call them niggers, and they even are . Now, trolling or talking serioussly, it is a thin red line between those 2, here, because the same fuckers that mess up the entire topics are returning all over again. I never got any replies from people I enjoy talking normally. And the best example you can find reading the last 2 journals. THere is no flame or troll coming from me. However there are replies from the same retards all over the time. Why they don t get posting rights revoked? How is it possible to let this shit happen?
Just don't reply when they flame or troll you?
Have to fight fire with fire!!!
He's just too dumb to understand that
sa mi bag pula in mata de cioara
I wanna see you getting called nigger every single day by some fucktard nigga , I wanna see that happening to you and then if you don t reply I will do same.
but unlike you I can actually flame back...
or i wont reply
and he'll just stop himself
This is a flaming contest for you? I rather not do it, I never enjoyed competing against retards.

Have you noticed he is replying to every single journal I make or on any single reply I make to other people as well? He won t stop , unless he is banned , posting rights revoked or a bus hits him. I would be fine with any of this to be honest. So please stop being subjective and start being objective and admit that he just enjoys what he is doing. And since admins here, including Frop doesn t seem to have a problem with the things he is saying, I guess all I can say is: SA MA FUT IN MORTII LUI DE CIOARA IMPUTITA SI IN MASA AIA AVORTATA.

unlike you, he's not a gypsy
no he is a fuckin nigga , a lil monkey talking trash just like you on i net. i m not a gypsi, i m a romanian and your mother is hoe who sucked a monkey dick and that s how you was conceived fuckin trash homofag
Such mature insults and comebacks xDd
he's just brilliant
I wouldn't obsess that much over a video game. You play it, competitively or not, have some fun, stop playing it, move on. I can understand if there is some emotion attached to it, but dude...

What struck me odd though was the comments about us being narrow minded and flaming retards, but so is your post towards us. You might be a swell guy in real life, I don't know you, but that is the impression you leave on people like me. Have fun in your future endeavors!
Who gives you the right to call other people retard? Did someone insulted you without a reason , made a direct attack towards you? What ever you don t like on others, you assume they are retards? Good way of thinking you have.
Seems you misunderstood my post.

QuoteThe community is less retarded than this one and more mature.
Well ... it is?
U cannot blame entire community for a group of individuals that are representing u the picture of it.
That's true. I don't mean everybody of course. Generally referring to crossfire wannabe trollers.
you're not supposed to talk with kamz or unforgiven btw
u tell em mate
Again 100+ comments!
Well there was .. until half of them just got removed ;(
I'm sorry boss :(
xD if u dont like it just stop coming here / playing ET.
Nah. I like to make a discussion. More fun.
What is this i don't even
New cool story bro
journals with such a shit content like this are sticky, no wonder crossfire is dead.
dont cry m8, some day you might be relevant

when my car needs cleaning for example
why on fucking earth is this whining trash stickied. ET died right here, right now
ET died months ago
Stop licking his asshole you belg cunt
How is stating a fact implied as asslicking?
Stickied it myself
agree my bestest uk computer friend (Marcus jelly coz only 2nd :x:d:x:/D:d)
cool story faggot
Don't really know why Frop stickied this since it's a load of bs, but hopefully this spurs a positive community response in some way.
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion. Shut up.
Don t know why you don t ban for life people like goku for example.
Don't really know why you hasn't banned him yet for his reply to you.
you still mad?
Thanks for entertaining the community !
Hmm and if I would have posted this I know what I would have read from you. I guess that prooves you are a joke
Nope, you are.

You make racist comments.
You insult.
You get mad for nothing.
You seem to have a poor life.
You act like a 15 years old who got his ice cream stolen.
You take the internet too seriously.
You think you're better than anyone here while we don't know a damn about you beside your porn addiction and your wet dreams.

Bisous, my dear friend.
You and Goku making more racist comments in the last 7 days than the entire KU KLUX KLAN and KRP.ET made in the last 70 years

I don t insult, I just return the favour.
I don t get mad, I get easy, so does your mother from what I heard.
My life would be much more poor, if I would not have you to guide me.
Never fuck with a 15 year old kid who got his icecream stolen. I hate ice cream thiefs.What kind of person would stole a 15 year old boy s icecream? Gays like you obvioussly
I don t think, I know it. I browse porn websites and so does millions other,including your parents, your grandparents and MarK Doutrox.

Sa ma pis pe tine, my dear friend
Insults + madness. Once again.. Oh dear..

Plus YOU call me young belgtard blablabla tutututu. Please quote my racists comments. I'm sure you cannot find anything.

Suce une chèvre, sac de bites.
Du te in mortii matii de pizda in cur si de iubitor de ciori ce esti.
Hihi il est tellement RAGEUX :DD à un tel point qu'il doit se cacher derrière des paroles que seul lui peut comprendre xD
"Allez chercher l'information la mort dans le cul et la chatte corbeaux amant qui vous êtes."

A mon humble avis il écrit aussi bien en Roumain qu'en Anglais. D'où les difficultés de google à nous éclairer.. C'te boudin..
Hahahahha pauvre petit autiste :D
Enjoy the RTCW hype while it lasts. :DD
its just the same with et if you would think twice about it. just that et has more activity in general makes the difference
dont use the name hype anymore m8
just gonna leave the lyrics of a good song

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm

There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road, yeah

Girl ya gotta love your man
Girl ya gotta love your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah


Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Wait, who lost you? You post a novel once every two weeks.
2 weeks
CF4 killed this site.... Admins who are "pro" cf4 said it was because of "summer" Well wake the fuck up... It's xmas next week and is as dead as fuck. Awful site and looks like shit.

I am also departing boys. Allthough, the g5 players will continue to represent those players out there in other games. Stay real boys!

Team g5 over and OUT!
QuoteCF4 killed this site.... Admins who are "pro" cf4 said it was because of "summer" Well wake the fuck up... It's xmas next week and is as dead as fuck. Awful site and looks like shit.

Finally someone said it!
without kamz this site is death man...

tosspot...you should really consider paying kamz a few quid per month to stay active on here mate
I would pay you 1 euro per month only to keep you away from the keyboard. One euro should be enough to feed your entire family
dude you tryin to hard man...i see you reply on every single comment on this site trying to act hardnosed, but you get constantly buttraped by everyone you try to troll/flame...so do yourself a favour and stop knocking about on here gypsy
this is why and how you lost me. do me a favor and get lost. you feel me , dick face?
Wow such a crazy comeback
"do me a favor and get lost"
can I get a woooooooow ladies and gents

fucking gypsy
fucking monkey you forgot to eat my banana
jeez there are many comments :D

good read btw ;)
Seems you need a dick up your ass, and fast.
En hoe ist nog in Ierand?
Geweldig, best time of my life!

Goed om te horen!
thanks buddy !

image: media_xl_1460012
Shit player, even worse wannabe troll, faggot + terrorist. Will be missed.
image: 1288220242183
5/5 Kamz is good guy. Would read again.
ET Movie; This is KAMZ! :)

nice read
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