ET + CSS the frozen throne

Hi Folks!

I had kinda problems with my system tonight, i got some problems with booting WINXP but than it worked... So i went to TS, met some clanmates and played a 3on3... and than, 3 mins on b4 and my et was frozen... the picture was still standing and the sound was repeating itself. the ts worked... till i pressed a key to close et, but i was not able to close anything... pressed the reset button on the PCs front and rebootet...

Ok... went again to the serv, but after 10 secs it was frozen again... saime like last time... again pressed reset and again rebooted...

but this time i executed the pbweb.exe ... pb did an updatei guess, cause pbweb does not download a thing and installs it when its not new... so i was jumping on the floor and smiling, but than when i connected to the serv again.. and the screen went to stone again i was near crying...

what could that be? (i kinda prefer to blame pb for this...)

btw: a mate of me crashed his RAMs today and another mate burnt his GPU...

edit: i an action of great hatred and will to quit et i launched CSS... an what pased on? yeah the screen was frozen down 2secs after i joined a team... wtf?
what chmpp said ˘˘
use pbsetup
all avaible updates have bin aplied
its pb anyway, i had the same problem everytime i came on a server. For me, its not crashed and i can stay, even with a repeating sound and wait 5 mins. Afterwards, it works again without probs - have this like every 2nd week.

Try pbweb.exe :)

// edit: css sucks :p try gfx card driver (older and stuff) or format
original journal name!
CSS freezes also....

its gonna be.... UGLY!!
ur pc's fucked :<

My mainboard seems fucked, I came back from food and PC was frozen, had to do a BIOS reset, take my VGA and RAM out and stuff, and now my northbridge fan is broken .. :s

Anyway ever checked your case? Your PC would live longer if you clean it once a while ;)
Maybe one of your RAM modules is fucked up. Ever tried to do a erro r check on your RAM module? Anyhow try it.
Godverdomme mijn geheugen van 170 euro geeft al 4 errors @ memtest86 :P
having exactly the same problem, have u got a evga 680i mobo? I checked my ram with memtest for alot of hours, same for my cpu with prime95+ (multithreaded, 4 threads). Switched GFX-cards (both been tested in a long loop of 3dmark06). all drivers/bioses are up to date. I also tried a reinstall 1 week ago. Nothing helped.

I also tried to launch counterstrike source after this, which made me freeze as well.. but when i start css when no problem occured at ET it works perfect and smooth for hours and hours.

So my guess is that the mobo is dead.
got stock cooling on mobo + 2 fans in the case + thermaltake bigtyphoon 120vx @ cpu.
Check your idle and max load cpu temp. Had the same problem a while ago and it was caused by the cpu heatsink/fan being incorrectly installed. Download a monitor for your ftw.
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