NC & France !!!

Hey CrossFire users,
in this journal let me ask a few questions and talk about my future project regarding NC elections. I saw many people downloaded my electronic curriculum vitae and it shows the interest of french people for this NC. Moreover, if you look at the applications, Francefrogs seem to be the most active with Polandkurwa big macs pierdole.
First of all, I wish kreuzfeuer a happy new year. May this year be a year of computer gaming & sexual intercourse. For the french people, I wish them "une bonne année 2013 placée sous le signe de la baise".

@NC admins : As you probably know FranceFrance is not a country for people with loads of €€€. So, I will move to the mother RussiaRussia soon. Could I still become the next french colonel?

image: 9CC57746-ABF8-46AC-9BE2-6E4C6E85C55E_mw1024_n_s

Anyways, this goes to the french people :

MarseilleMe colonel of "FranceTeam France", I will sponsor my soldiers with t-shirts "gangster2tess" image: CORTEX_TS_GANG2_BLC_01_427x427
MarseilleMe colonel of "FranceTeam France", I will choose courageous & talented soldiers
MarseilleMe colonel of "FranceTeam France", I will make them practice 8h/day
MarseilleMe colonel of "FranceTeam France", I will cover this event as much as I can
MarseilleMe colonel of "FranceTeam France", I will sing with my soldiers "MarseilleLa Marseillaise" (french anthem for the retards) before every single computer battle.
MarseilleMe colonel of "FranceTeam France", I will invite every french citizen to celebrate after a victory. FranceDJ Djos the fucking DeeJay and also ItalyDJ`NoCs will be on our communication software "EquipeParle3"

Well, in a nutshell, (that was for the rime) you can trust me. Electronic bullets will be shared during the battle in order to bring the precious medal at home.

Oh, I forgot. Here in France, we know how to deal with elections. I simply have to press over9000 times this button so I'll be next colonel ehehehehihihihuhuhuhuhahahaha. U mud CB? U myd NC candidates? Lol, I can feel e-madness.

image: umud

Alright, enough funnies for today. I hope my journal wont be deleted again eheheheh and I also announce the official support of United KingdomYMCA`Marcus (the man who makes CF a better place) for my election campaign.

On a serious note, my e-friends & old listeners know I like to say jokes and spam shit but I can be serious when it's needed. Take this into consideration.

image: 1356888557380

France/Marseille Retired Colonel LeFrancis - Candidate for NC2013 elections.
I might get in my tank and drive to france just to vote for you!
LeFrancis, you made my day!

Excellentissime. :)
image: 84919861599037634
this in your anus
image: bullet
this in your head
Most likely not.

image: afro-peruecke_big
you cant pracc 8h when you are not able to find opponents. gl forming a strong line-up!
Presque aussi bien que le CV!

Même si les 27/7 nerds vont probablement voter pour les autres 24/7 nerds et au final s'engueuler comme du poisson pourri parce que tchic ou tchac aura voulu jouer de son ego, faire le spécialiste et au final faire perdre l'équipe. Ca va être coul!
@NC admins : As you probably know FranceFrance is not a country for people with loads of €€€. So, I will move to the mother RussiaRussia soon. Could I still become the next french colonel?

@NC admins : As you probably know France is not a country for people with loads of €€€. So, I will move to the mother Russia soon. Could I still become the next french colonel?

I c what u did there =DDD
You heard of the story even in Germany??
Lol getting obviously out of hand :D
Quelle histoire?
Or just not following le journal. Je regarde que Crossfire moi
Google Gérard Depardieu, y'a vraiment de quoi rire !
Je connais Depardieu mais je ne comprends toujours pas
En quelques mots :

2par2 : J'aime la Belgique je vais habiter là-bas
Gouvernement : Tu fais ça pour fuir le fisc blah blah balh c'est minable
2par2 : Si jsuis minable jveux plus être français, je rends mon passeport
---Offre de Putin pour venir vivre en Russie---
2par2 : En fait, la Russie c'est bien aussi. J'ai toujours aimé la Russie
*Gouvernement mad*
Putin l'a personnellement invité? Qu'est-ce qu'il y gagne?
image: putin-depardieu

Il y gagne de l'argent indirectement. En france, il est taxé à 50-60% environ. En Russie, 13%. Le calcul est vite fait :D
nice tits
Tu fais ton Erasmus en Russie?
MEPHii likes this.
whats the e-lineup ?
good luck mate!
gl mon ami wesh tas vu ! draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aieaieaieaie! You got all Les racailles on your side mate! wesh tas vu!
nice to have support from racailles of Finland
lol @ gangster2tess
Heaven likes this.
Lol Francis il est motivé :)
J'ai bien ri Francis! GL même si je vote pour An7ho ma pute de luxe :D
t'as intérêt maDnager :{D
"France smirzz has applied to be a nations team captain.
For the nation: France Team France (fr)
In the Nations Cup: Europe NationsCup XVI - Enemy Territory
Why they should be the captain: penis
How to vote? You have already voted!"

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