this is an "open discussion" journal

makes me sad

-crossfire was an awesome internet site a year ago and before, we all know why, it was fun
-the content published is geting boring(not offensive but adequate word) everyday
-the people that are still around are too polite, full of themselves and think internet is serious business

whats is happening to crossfire ?

minimum interesting content geting deleted hard

image: 0AfH2
image: CarsBikesAndSexyGirls1
image: SuperSexyGirls1
Admins said summer was the cause for inactivity. I said it wasn't... My messages deleted about it. Winter hit. Still dead. On a decline since hardly any of the user base likes the new crossfire. I only use it to keep in touch with a handful of people but would happily move to another website if the select few moved on.
Never said that.
No, because you buggered off for the release hence my "come back frop" comments on most journals after the release of CF4 and a wave of seareal spam.
It's impossible for me to have buggered off "for the release" because I wasn't aware it was going to be released. :D
I have written something there that can mis lead you to think you was doing it intentially for the release. What I was implying was that you were not around when cf4 went live and the majority of the user base came forward and said they didn't like it /too many bugs.
But I _was_ around and I felt that most of the fallout was pretty much old feedback that was already given during testing. I would've strongly advised against releasing it in that state if they would've actually asked my opinion.
I think that by now game has just ran it's course for a lot of players. No shame in that, happens to all games. Doubt crossfire moving to a new format pushed ET over the edge :D
same here

old version was pretty nice this one sucks a lot
Quotethe people that are still around are too polite, full of themselves and think internet is serious business

how is this bad?
"a gaming community" should summit all
Imo it's good to have some people who take games pretty serious. The world has changed, now you can actually make A LOT of money in some gaming communities(both players and organizations). It is becoming(if it isn't already) a serious business.
cf is fine as it is now, get over it already.
More shit than ever is being allowed, but that is just because otherwise there wouldn't be any content at all + admins don't really care about the site anymore, just few ones keep moderating and trying to keep some level here.

For most of the people CF4 was the final reason not to hang around here so actively, especially because the switch didn't go as well as planned.
Joke's on you, pal - I've given you administrator rights again. Make me proud.
I have them? Contact me at irc.
Due us all proud old man!
true words
After a couple of weeks spent on LoL, I have to say ET community is x9000times better than those scumbag kiddos who believe they're good but they actually suck so hard and can't stop flaming. [/madness] YMCA`Marcus did a great job on and now more actively on CF. Well, I was somehow irritated when my comment got deleted 1 week ago because a guy asked to edit his logo and I drew something looking like a penis with paint software. It was pure art but you know nowadays people cannot understand true art...

Quotethe people that are still around are too polite, full of themselves and think internet is serious business

About that, my e-friends from and I think computer is a very serious tool and the Interwebs even more.
Concerning polite stuff, fuck off you massive cunt.
u should get an award for these kinds of comments
you're a fucking tool tbh
1. Ppl quit et and lose interest in cf as well
2. Cf 4.0 design shitter than the old one
3. Noob admins cannot distinguish troll content and fucking shit content so they remove both
gg, cf dead
ppl quit ET but i think the new website is also responsible for people quiting ET - bad community site = less fun in community = less players
damn, crossfire seems really important to some people. go outside and get a life, instead of revolving your lives around a gaming forum and crying that there are no retarded topics.
we have lives

we used to trust cf to be entertaining the part of the day we are bored

we cant trust cf anymore for that
well you are still here, so its fine
DUDE maybe now its the time to finally grow up? get some decent job, girlfriend, buy a new car, invite your parents for some nice dinner. You gonna spend few next years on crying after some nerds that you knew from some internet game?
Maybe if you weren't acting like such a tool back then, people would've felt more inclined to stay. Let's totally hate on polite people though.

The inconvenient truth however is that you're all a bunch of whiny, hypocrite who conveniently blame CF4 for a dying game/community which went well past its best-before date anyway.
seriously fuck you like seriously
Seriously, Francis?
no its ok, you gave thomm his rights back
ET is saved.
I agree with you that ET has stayed alive long enough, but thanks for the unnecessary namecalling.
Profanity removed for your viewing pleasure.
Rather dissapointing how you didn't get what my problem was with that comment.
I did, but I wasn't going to change that part anyway and opted for a compromise.
Well it was the reason I stopped coming here and I know I wasn't the only one.
It's somewhat true but you can't deny that the amount of people visiting this site and the activity on here was much higher before CF4 and people already said back then that ET is a dying game. I had the impression that the community was actually not doing too bad due to Crossfire.
My general assumption is that some people found out they didn't really miss CF3 all that much (or at least not as much as they thought they would) after the initial shock wore off. People move on.
i would like very much my opinion would influence that much, but unfornatly

polite people think rules apply to the internet, there are a set of rules for internet already, internet doesnt give a fuck about polite, its a place of equality and "freedom" - moderators should be wise enough to filter the good and bad, not to play "hey im the boss of this shit, i dont like that so fuck you"

i dont blame CF4 for nothing, although my opinion about it is known to a point, i blame the change in atitude of this site

the game dont die when people stop installing, the game dies when people stop having fun playing it
CF4 sux
content from complete retards not being removed
people losing all originality
ET death as a game
`we miss you blindim8
Quotecontent from complete retards

u mean ur self ? right !
I checked your profile but still have no idea who you are :S

Quotel0wnatoR Reply today, 04:38

judging by the post time you're some nerd Ive teased in the past
me admin = rise
u as admin = suicide bombing all over the world
what the rock is cooking!?
this has to be the best cereal i have ever
i try to delete as many inappropriate comments as i can, because it's the only power i've left on new cf! :P

I thought that cf chiefs will make some more specific admin groups in here so I might have some more additional rights, that I used to have on cf 3.2, than now (like deleting journals/forums/etc too) but it looks like nothing has changed since cf 4 was released.
ppl got older and grow some what of a brain? and during that time we didnt get any new people to CF, just people leaving... the new people make one journal asking for help and they get flamed... the new member goes back to jaymod...
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