opencup lol?

At the beginning of opencup the rules stated that (for leagues lower than first) the first three clans of a group would proceed in the competition, with the first one skipping a match and the second one challenging the third of another group.
Now we look at the rules again and they state that only the first two clans will qualify for the playoffs.
And this is very nice
looks like u r out? :<
Looks like they changed the rules during the competition? We're not out anyways :)
thought some random whine :p

As always, they copy rules from the last season and change them asap. dont see a prob there
maybe some clan didn't focus on a match cause they thought they were already qualified, or even lost intentionaly to avoid a certain opponent in the playoffs... and now they are out

it should also be mentioned that the clanbase crew changed the rules during a competition where many of the clanbase admins themselves play; probably this sounds ridicoulous to you but for me it is something that should not be done
losing intentionally is for retards
We were "lucky" as we had 2 clans with cheaters in our group
mmF had 2 cheaters in the group?
yes , 2 clans with cheaters
didnt you beat tm anyways?
No but that was because I didn't play
zit jij in mmF?
Wordt je StormG zen whine dan niet beu fzo? ;o
:DDDDDD true
~2 dropouts in every group so its k
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