Pep joins Bayern Munich

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QuoteBAYERN MUNICH have won the race to sign super boss Pep Guardiola.
The former Barcelona manager won 14 trophies in four seasons at the Nou Camp.
He was courted by Premier League clubs including Manchester City and Chelsea.
The Spaniard was also linked with Arsenal and Manchester United — should Arsene Wenger and Alex Ferguson step down.
But after months of speculation, he has chosen to take over at German giants Bayern from next season.
Guardiola, who has spent this season on a sabbatical in New York, has penned a three-year deal at the Munich club.
Bayern chief executive Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said: "Pep Guardiola is one of the most successful coaches in the world and we are sure that he can make not just Bayern but all of German football shine."

haha awesome! Fuck off all the rich clubs in the premier league because BAYERN > YOUR MONEY
sry Stuart but this time we won ;)
dude your profile pic is so gay

jeh red it on facebook already
razzah on cf, cf is not death
Shitty coach if I may believe Zlatan
true (did you read the full book?) but Zlatan is some kind of exception though, a pretty decent one :P
zlatan didnt fit into the barca style of gameplan, only reason why he thinks guardiola is a bad coach....zlatan believed the team should be built around him when barca historically always succeeded in an interchanging 4-3-3 system
You clearly dont know the story

Let me explain

Guardiola wants Ibra to be like a schoolchild, just like the rest of the barca players
Ibra thinks wtf??
Ibra plays in the center, messi on the wings
Messi wants to play in the center
Only messi scoring goals now, ibra barely receiving the balls.
Ibra points out that he is one of the most expensive players and he should be used the right way, Guardiola doesnt listen
Ibra tells the same thing to the bigshots
Bigshots tell ibra to go sort it out with guardiola
Ibra tells guardiola
Guardiola says oke..
Guardiola benches ibra from time to time
Ignoring ibra every moment of the day
Ibra gets mad, tells Guardiola he has no balls etc.

Thats pretty much it
ye read it this week
Where did you read it?
In the bus and train while travelling to school
you basically just put more details into what I said
Zlatan is a faggot
good, Chelsea gonna get Mourinho now when Rafa goes to Madrid.

Special One returning to lead Chelsea to past glories
I would be so happy if this came true!
This would be the best thing ever. 2nd best would be Zola.
Zola, nicest guy in football!
yeah, cuz bayern has no money
The best club in the world deserves the best coach in the world.

Said by a non-munich fan.
Best club in the world? nope
Tell me which one is better, not only from the achievement side, also from the financial fairplay and economics perspective.
borussia dortmund with 3 polaks > bayern with guardiola
Not this season...
PSV Eindhoven.
few hundret millions in debt, arabs in their back.
Well, Chelsea for one beat Bayern in the Champions League and turned a profit last year :)
They actually made a year without new debts?
Finally, after years and years and billions from Abra.

My point is, that every football club which needs a billionair, shaik or oligarch behind it to turn a profit, get out of debt, reduce debt is just a "bad" club, there always has to be a balance between successfull sports and successfull business.

Give me 1 billion Euros and I'll form you a championsleague team, which will be unsure of getting out of the groupstage (hi City, hi Chelsea)
Ye, he will be fired in 1 year.
bayern are low- trash
ahah scheiss hurensöhne bayern
gestern hieß es noch "das ist alles unsinn" und "wir werden uns erst noch mit jupp heynckes zusammensetzen und bis märz eine lösung finden" :DDDDDDD
dreckiges, verlogenes pack
dortmund hat auch dementiert, dass sahin kommt und 2 tage später wars bestätigt. das macht nicht nur bayern so
Dortmund hat aber auch immer gesagt das sie ihn nehmen würden und ich wette das sahin 2014 für die 6mios wieder ganz nach Dortmund kommen wird.
aber ist nicht das erste mal das die Bauern in dieser Saison bullshit reden. als es um die Verpflichtung von martinez ging haben se auch gesagt das sie die 40mios zahlen wollen und werden, jedoch haben se es doch.
doch es lügen nicht nur die Bayern es macht jeder Verein nur bei den Bauern bekommt man es eher mit weil das Interesse was der fcb macht grösser is als bei einem Verein wie Mainz oder Frankfurt
He left Barce because of the pressure and expectation - he wasnt likely to go to the Premier League with that in mind tbh ;)
Very surprised that he made this choice, other than going to PSG this was the easiest job he could taken. Bayern have won 10 out of the last 20 Bundesliga's are Champions League Runners up twice in the past 4 years and have an excellent team already. Nothing he achieves here will be special.

He should have come to the premier league where nobody is assured of winning anything, there are no easy games and he could have taken on Mourinho's record. Even Italy, with AC Milan because they are in trouble would have been more of a challenge.

However he took the easy job, Bayern will do great things under Guardiola but his achievements won't be as great as if he took on a real challenge.
Bayern hasnt won an international title in the last 10 years.
I guess you are underestimating the Bundesliga mate. It became really hard to win games there, because the teams have improved a lot. Right now it is harder for Bayern to beat Dortmund than ANY other team in the premier league.
Also i have to agree with Rayzed. Bayern hasnt won any international cup in the last 10 years. I guess it is time to do so :)
Not only Dortmund, but several other clubs as well. The Bundesliga nowadays is one of the best leagues in the world nowadays. Who would have ever thought that ^^
Germany yes who would thought that
I am not big soccer fan or anything if you want to imply that I am biased
yes i can assume that if you call it soccer
Well, there are no misunderstandings when you use the term soccer instead of football
If one of your bundesliga teams wins CL this year, you can call your league the best, but not yet ;)
Most stupid comment that I have read in my whole life. So the premier league is the league with the best teams atm? xD
premier league is better than bundesliga in any way
"It became really hard to win games there"
1) Bayern Munich W13 D3 L1 Goals 44 Conceded 7

Doesn't look hard :)
They belong to the top 10 teams in the world, thus it is hard to beat such a team?
That was in fact my point, that Bayern are a top top team and thus there is no challenge for Pep at Bayern.
Something completly different...

do you remeber this website/video with the "best moments in gaming history" ?

I think it was you who posted it, not sure tho
no - whats that?
im pretty sure it was you...

there were 10 videos of games and best moments. like first kil jaden (this wow end boss) kill and stuff like that
I never played wow :P
i know but it was just a video where 10 different games with their best moments were shown (hope my english isnt too bad)

and im quite sure you posted it or smth ^^
he doesnt fit to this club, its not gonna work
Logical choice for a coach as Pep, Bayern has a really good company structure and has much potential. And the Bundesliga is currently one of the most skilled competitions, the only one which is stronger is the Premier L but the only beautiful club in England is ManU.
np for Juventus this year :)
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