Rest In Peace :'(

Today at 19:08 on telenet 1 my copperhead died. She disconnected for a few seconds, connected again I was allowed to play some more with her for a few more minutes. Then she disconnected again, connected then to die with a last flash of teh pro blue led.


Razer Copperhead reported killed in action January 13, was a member of the ET and Quake community. She entered service September 18 2006 and left behind a family of three: MX500, MX510 and Wheel Mouse Optical.

Xfire guru and shoutcaster Tosspot had this to say: "Copperhead has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere. ... This is a terrible blow to millions and milions in this community ..."

After six months of kinky action with Diamondback I thought she was going to stay with me forever. Then I met Copperhead. At first I didnt like her but i had gotten used to her, even loved her in a special way. But now her light has gone out, but the light that shone was no ordinary light. For a thousand years that light will be seen in this community and the world will see it ... Oh, that this has happened to us! There was so much more to do.

We will missed you.

Razer Copperhead
Rest In Peace

I feel sorry for you :<
sad, rip
I too have lost my copperhead recently, its light was put out but now the red has risen and M$ have taken over my desk with the new inteli mouse.
is ime any good?
It's not the point if u love it or not :D
Its nice! Its good! Its all opinion :( Did you read sujoys mouse mat review?
no, never heard of sujoy :o
one minute of silence.
you're an emo kid
i have the red one !
im buying it
rip pff
QuoteWe will missed you.

Rofl :D

rip :(
Buy a MX518.
Never, Mr-I-use-1600dpi-and-have-no-neg-accel! I'm thinking of buying deathadder if they fix the dpi issue. Maybe go for mx310 as its cheap, good shape and reliable technology compared to razers 2 week mice. Ofc new ime will get a good chance to as its cheap and I know I love the feeling as I already have wmo, wich is basicly the same mice without side buttons.

Btw i still got receit from my copperhead and I bought it in a shop nearby so will go change it tomorrow. Learned my lesson with diamondback that died way to early.
What was the case with that DPI again if you set it 1600 or 2000(G5 i have) You just needed to lower the windows sense to get rid of the neg accel fizzle right.I used accelfix.exe 2 and setpoint is on OS implementation
Depends on rmode/fps/mouserate/dpi etc. As a general rule 1600 would be to much, 800 would work on most high fps configs and if you just want to be sure you put it to 400. And yes you can change your dpi/cpi by lowering windows sens but I see no real need as all mice allow you to change dpi these days.

Anyway, just do the neg accel trick to see if you even have any. Higher sens players or high fps players usualy dont have much problems with it or gotten used to it, atleast when using 800dpi or 400dpi.
Why do i always forget what nvm means yes or no would do fine ;) OHnoez fast edit <3 thx

r_mode is 8 fps 125. hrtz 500. normal i use 400dpi or 800 win sens is then default. 6/11 and ingame sense 3.1.
But why is it then that some players do use those high DPI values i don't get it. There is not really and advantage is there ?
cool tx, it seems my dpi is wai 2 low :D
I have neg. accel and I'm proud of it!
You have been profiled!
Try playing without to see if you notice any difference. Maybe it will make you legendary high++ pro :o
I just bought it today
Why spend 70€ on a mouse if you use hacks?
Hmm doe je wel kort mee dan ;x
rip, my chaos green feels very sorry for you =´< .
Btw, she got killed January 12.
RIP ! next time don't buy a razer mouse.. buy a Logitech / microsoft mouse :) i had a mx518 for one year.. and now a g5... and no problems :D
I had the same problem with diamond back, it had died before new year. Know i have Logitech G5. (:
Rest in Peace.
1x Copperhead (+ 14.06.2006, RIP)
1x MX310
4x Diamondback

so ?
i hope that u learn smthing from this

Logithec MX513 > all

no doubt about that
that sucks, my diamondback is over a year old already, still alive and kicking
Happened to my DiamondBack, I shed a few tears :[
shit happens:<
i feel sorry 4 u! :(
rest in peace! best mouse ever!
i couldnt care less
News imo.
same problem here after +/- 1 year. (disconnected for a few seconds, connected again, ...)
a friend in clan has same problem :s
now back to MX518 <3
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