Breezy and I...

...would highly recommend this video to you all.

Enjoy, we were in fucking stitches after watching this.

Clicky click!

...and something similar - Click!

Thanks to KAMZ for the above link.

image: 4kevru0
Leuk schaap leuk.
English lessons?
It's tradition. If you post some video links you need to give me some English lessons. It's like Christmas.
poor birds :[
that wasn't funny in the slightest
Lighten up, cunt flap!
hey i laughed about this for -5 minutes
wow u can laugh in negative time, that IS pro..
thanks for the info
I need the pictures where Sheep made faces. :p
omg no thx 4 hype @ 2nd link?! usuck
btw why hype? kamz sounds better imo.
you look like that evil guy from richie rich the movie, on the picture above
lol @ the second video. " cricketer hits bird " . When did baseball get renamed? -.-
who's kevin?
and who's that fag, behind the papper?
its sort of funny how i did something similar
except, the circumstances were different :>
my friend "dropped" some eggs on the ground, and then we "accidentally" killed a bird when we tried to scare him away with a pellet gun, while he was eating our eggs :<
killing eksters is good! those birds the evil
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